My answers are in red...
Out side my's cold ,but the sun is shinning
I am thinking...about how I'm going to do Our Family Christmas Site (coming soon!)
At the moment,I am thankful...that the kids are all well.
I am have an easy day today:)
I am aeropostale sweat shirt and jeans
I wish...I had more days just like this one
I am working on...decorating My Family Site for Thanksgiving and on our Christmas 2008 site...It's fun!!!!
I am hoping...All goes well with my hubby next Monday
I am hearing...a kids movie playing and it is really quiet here(believe it or not).
Around the house...I'm finally caught up and can play online!!! yay!!!!
I bet you didn't know...I finally got my flu shot yesterday and boy is my arm sore today.
One of my favorite ...past times is building websites...I enjoy it! It's my way of sharing my life and family with you. I hope you will stop by and enjoy the Holidays with us this year!
Oct 29, 2008
Just Today...
Posted by ~Sandy at 6:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: Just today
Oct 28, 2008
Just for fun
What Your Halloween Habits Say About You |
You are an overachiever and quite popular. You'd save the world if you could. Your inner child is open minded, playful, and adventurous. You're logical, rational, and not easily effected. Not a lot scares you... especially when it comes to the paranormal. You are a traditionalist with most aspects of your life. You like your Halloween costume to be basic, well made, and conventional enough to wear another year. |
Posted by ~Sandy at 1:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: For Fun
10 on Tuesday
Posted by ~Sandy at 11:24 AM 1 comments
Labels: 10 on Tuesday
Oct 27, 2008
Pictures from the weekend
Hillbilly Harvest Festival 08
Ashley,Anna, and Bay...some of my loves:) Anna, Corey, and Bailey
Trunk-or-treat... Katie and Ashley handing out candy.
Posted by ~Sandy at 7:33 AM 1 comments
Labels: 365 of my life, Bailey, Family Yearbook, Pictures
My weekend in a nutshell
Well, it could have been better if Bailey and I were feeling better, but both of us felt pretty crummy this weekend.
But ,here is how I spent my weekend...
On Friday, Katie, Trinton, Amberly, Josie, Ciara, and me went out to eat and went shopping in Hiram. It was fun except for the rain. It rained and was really yucky on the roads. Other than that, we had a good time. That night Josie and Ciara spent the night with us.
On Saturday, we got Bay. However, when Brent picked her up she was already running fever and I could tell she didn't feel to good. When she feels bad all she wants to do is cuddle and lay around. So I gave her some motrin and after about an hour she felt better. She got up and started playing.
Saturday evening, we went to the Hillbilly Harvest festival. The kids had a blast. Trin won a cake in the cake walk and he was soooooooooooo happy. The kids also enjoyed the hayride and trunk-or-treat a lot. However, by sun down Bailey started feeling bad again and I started feeling bad too. After the festival we all came home and went to bed.
On Sunday, I woke up with a sore throat and Bay woke up burning up with a fever. So we didn't make it to church that morning. I just let her lay around and I fixed lunch for all the older kids and they went to church and then came home and ate. I took Bay home about 2pm.
After that, I took Anna to get new clothes ,because she really needed some ,and I had already bought all the other kids new winter clothes. I had been planning to take her ,but just never had a day to go. So I told her to get in the van, since she was already here. She didn't want me to , but I made her (that's what mamas do). She thinks because she is grown and married that I shouldn't buy things for her...WRONG! She is still my baby. After that, I was feeling really yucky. I came home and went to bed.
Other than feeling yucky, it was a good weekend. At least the kids had a good weekend and that's what matters most to me:)
Today, I feel better:) I have so much to do ,because we were so busy all weekend and just let things go. So today, I'm just trying to catch up in the house and trying to finish school as quickly as possible.
Well, that's it for now. That is my weekend is a nutshell:) Have a great day!
Posted by ~Sandy at 7:04 AM 1 comments
Labels: Updates
Oct 24, 2008
Just Today...
I am thinking...about tonight's plans
At the moment I...have a headache
I am take friends little girls out tonight for "Girl's night out"
I am jeans and a red top
I head would get better
I am working on...still swapping summer and winter clothes...I told you it's a job...grrrr
I am get my house in order this weekend
I am giggling
Around the house...I have rubbermaid containers everywhere full of clothes.
I bet you didn't know...I have pet we don't eat them...they are only pets.
One of my favorite ...things about the weekend is spending time with just my kids.
Posted by ~Sandy at 12:45 PM 1 comments
Labels: Just today
Update on my hubby
Here is the update on my hubby. He will have his pre-op on Oct 30. They will do his surgery on Nov 3. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. All that I know is that they will be replacing the flap that is missing in his stomach and they are going to be cutting the muscle away from his esophagus, to allow the esophagus to expand . He will spend a couple of days in the hospital. He won't be able to eat for a while. He will be on a liquid diet for a couple of weeks in order for the stomach to heal. He won't be able to eat most of the foods we have at Thanksgiving, but if he is doing well he may be able to eat mash potatoes, it just depends on how well he has healed. Well, that's all I know. I will fill you in as we go. Thank you all for the prayers for my hubby.
Hugs, Sandy
Posted by ~Sandy at 9:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: Updates
Catching up on my BFS assignments!
Never Leave Home Without It...
hmmm....something I never leave home without???? Usually, my kids and my cell phone. It never fells if I leave my cell at home, someone tries to reach me ,and it is usually one of the kids. So I guess for this assignment it would be my beloved cell phone. But the only problem is I forget to keep it charged...grrrrrr
Now, speaking of forgetting, let me share what I did one time. Back a few years ago when my first four kids were all young. We went to church one Sunday morning and after church I left one of my kids by accident:) No really...I did. See, back then my in-laws all went to church with us and we all rode in separate vehicles, and usually the kids always begged to ride home with our relatives and they always did...every Sunday, because after all ,we were all going to the same place (PawPaw Howell's for dinner). Well, on this particular Sunday, we got home and shortly after we all arrived, a church member drove up ,and let out one of my kids . I felt like the worst mom ever and at that moment I really was:) But our church member just laughed and asked me did I forget one:) I did...I know that is bad:(
So please people count heads when you are leaving anywhere.
1 can (10 3/4 oz.) Campbell's Condensed Cream of Mushroom Soup (Regular, 98% Fat Free or 25% Less Sodium)
MIX soup, milk, soy, black pepper, beans and 2/3 cup onions in 1 1/2-qt. casserole.
BAKE at 350°F. for 25 min. or until hot.
STIR . Sprinkle with remaining onions. Bake 5 more min.
Memory Verse-
Psalms 13:6-I will sing unto the LORD, because he hath dealt bountifully with me.
Assignment #106
Memory Verse-
Isaiah 40: 1-Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God.
"Have It Your Way!"
Assignment: Tell us all about how you have “your” relaxing time, more especially how during the cooler months you take time to curl up with your favorite movie, book, Bible study, and what your favorite warm drink would be.
On a cold day I love to curl up next to the fireplace (with my little boy) in a blanket and drink hot chocolate with marshmallows on top. I've never really liked coffee. Hot chocolate and spiced tea are my all time favorites and who better to share them with than my little man "Jacob Noah". He thinks I'm a cool mom ,because I put the marshmallows in his hot chocolate *wink*. It just makes sweet memories.
I remember as a child my mom made Russian tea. It's sweet tea with Cinnamon sticks in it. No we aren't from Russia ,but that was one of the recipes I remember from my child hood.
6 cups boiling water
6 tea bags
2 sticks cinnamon
8-10 cloves
1 quart pineapple juice
1 quart orange juice
1-3 ounce can frozen lemon concentrate-undiluted
1/2-1 cup sugar
Steep tea and spices in boiling water and remove. Add sugar. Mix juices and lemon concentrate in large pitcher. Add tea mixture. Dilute to taste.
Intro: “Have It Your Way” (Burger King) - As cooler weather approaches and the winter eases into our doors I like to lounge by the fire after a hot shower. I love to make soups that are brimming with tomatoes. Most of the soups I make have tomatoes in them. Our whole family love tomatoes, except they have to be mashed big lumps.
I hope that I done these right:) I'm new at BFS and trying to catch up with the class:)
Posted by ~Sandy at 5:22 AM 2 comments
Labels: Blogger school
Oct 23, 2008
Just Today...
9:40 pm
Out side my window...It is dark
I am I wish my daughter would call so I can go pick her up
At the moment,I am thankful...that bed is coming soon...I'm tired
I am bed soon...yay!!!!
I am wearing...PJ'
I wish...I was already asleep.
I am working on...swapping summer and winter clothes out
I am get that done tomorrow. It's hard swapping out clothes with such a big family
I am hearing...Kenny chesney singing on TV in the den
Around the house...It's scattered
I bet you didn't know...not sure about this one...I'm kinda boring
One of my favorite is this weekend...Our Fall,fun,fun and I'm excited about it!!!!!
Posted by ~Sandy at 6:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: Just today
101 Things about me
1.My name is Sandy ,but most people call me Ms Sandy or Sandy Lou (the nickname my brother gave me).
2.I'm a Christian. I was saved by the grace of God at age 8. He is the best thing that ever happened to me.
3.I am a Georgia girl! Go dawgs!!!
4. I am a stay-home mom that takes care of kids.
5.I love kids!
6.I'm a mom to 5 kids (ages 18,16,15,15, and 7)
7. I'm a foster mom to 2 kids at the moment(ages 1 and 6)
8. We have a grown foster daughter "Samantha" (age 19) that we love dearly and is still in our lives.
9.My heart was taken by my 14th foster child "Bay" that we had from birth ,but had to give back. She still gets to visit us every other weekend...thanks to her mom. She the most precious baby ever.(besides my own)
10.My hearts been touched and forever changed by (16) foster kids.
11.I homeschool my already graduated.
12. My oldest daughter is already married...which gave me my son-in-law Corey.
13. My favorite past time is taking pictures and surfing the net.
14. My hobbies are photography, website building, poetry, blogging, flower gardening, and
15. My favorite time of the year is Spring
16. My favorite holiday is "Jesus birthday" Christmas.
17. My favorite color is red.
18.I hate laundry
19. My favorite type of music is country or gospel...combine the two" southern gospel":)
20.I love doing things with my kids.
21. I was the middle kid to my parents and only daughter.
22. I have 2 brothers (one in heaven and one on earth)
23. I grew up in Bremen Ga.
24.I love shopping on ebay:)
25.I hate the word "can't". So please don't tell me that I can't do something. I believe all things are possible if you set your mind to it.
26.I love reading ,but I don't have nearly as much time as I'd like to devote to it.
27.I'm busy ALL the time.
28. I don't watch very much TV...I just don't have the time.
29.I wasn't a mama or daddy's heart belongs to my nanny:)
30. I'm a girly girl and not tomboy.
31.I love making new friends and meeting new people.
32. I love trying new things:)
33.I love going to new places and taking my kids and camera:)
34.I want to go back to school for photography...not for a job but for fun , to learn all the tricks to taking the best pics possible.
35.I love shopping ,but I wish I had more $$$$ to spend on the kids:)
36.I drive old "mini" my mercury villager mini van with pride:) She looks ruff ,from all the kids but oh well, she gets me where I'm going and all my kids fit in it:)
37.I'm a southern girl with a southern accent and proud of it!
38.My favorite vacation spot in Panama city beach Florida
39. I try to read my Bible everyday and KJV is the ONLY one for me.
40.I've been married to Brent since 1989 (better known as Hubby here on my blog)
41.I am not perfect.
42.I make mistake ,but I try to learn from them and not to repeat them.
43.I love being alone or in a crowd.
44.I love to use the internet to witness to people.
45. I would love to have one more baby, but we are done having our own. I hope someday to adopt a child in foster care.
46.I consider my children a blessing!
47.I miss my brother Robby badly:( He passed in 2005
48.I need to loose 5-10 pounds
49.I like me:)
50.I have 4 nieces
51.I love being outside
52. My favorite foods are seafood & mexican
53.I am not a morning person, but I make myself be one....grrrr
54.My favorite drink in coke zero or diet coke...I know they are bad for me(my nanny tells me all the time)
55.Something funny...I wiggle my feet until I go to sleep at night
56.I love flowers(but only real ones)
57. I hate coffee
58.I love having a housefull of company
59. I like looooooooooooooong hot baths
60. I like reading and writing devotions
61. I love learning new things
62. I love playing with my kids
63. I love sweet tea
64.I seldom watch TV...I just don't have time
65.I would love to travel the world
66.I married to young
67.I wish I would have spaced my kids further apart
68.I love my church!!!!!
69. I wanted to be a nurse ,when I was a kid
70. I love having a BIG was planned
71. Noise doesn't bother me except when I'm trying to sleep.
72.One of my favorite sounds is kids giggling
72. One of my favorite smells is a new baby wiped down in Johnson's baby lotion.
73.My favorite perfume is Victoria secret" Love spell"
74.I love vanilla candles or candles that smell like cookies or cake
75.I love wearing capris
76. I hate wearing jeans
77. I love my friends
78. I iron ALL my clothes before I wear them...I can't stand wrinkles
79.I hate to be I don't like winter.
80.I love warm weather!!!!!
81.I want to go to Hawaii...that is my dream:)
82.I love flying...I hate riding...but I love driving!!!!
83. I love dressing up ,but I hate dresses/skirts
84.I don't like wearing rings. I love necklaces & ear rings best.
85. I don't like short hair or long hair on me...shoulder length is what I like best:)
86. I am 5"6
87. I live in a least it feels like I do.
88.My favorite day of the week is Saturday.
89. My favorite day of the year is Christmas Eve
90.I get bored easily
91.I like staying busy
92.I like doing things for other people.
93.I hope in my life that I can make a positive difference in other people's lives.
94. I love blogging...can't you tell:)
95. I am scared of heights.
96.My favorite pet I ever had was my pet squirrel "Stinky" he passed away Summer 08.
97. I've had a pet raccoon, wild pig, and a flying squirrel as pets. I bottle fed and raised each one and then turned them loose.
98.I love animals as long as they live outside.
99.I live in a zoo...atleast it feels like one at times:)
100. Yay, I'm almost done. What should I write here???? I love chunky monkey's my all time favorite!!!
101. I am glad to be done!!!! I hope you learned a little more about me:)
Posted by ~Sandy at 8:39 AM 1 comments
Labels: For Fun
Oct 22, 2008
Quick update on my hubby
They were not able to do the procedure today. They tried but he aspirated and they had to stop. He quit breathing and turned blue . So they had no choice ,but to cancel it. At this time they have no plans to try to do it again. Instead they are just gonna wait and see how he does with the surgery. They were gonna try to do his surgery on Friday, but they have to have both surgeons present, and one is not available on Friday. So I imagine it will be one day next week. We are just waiting for them to call and give us a day and time. I will keep you posted. Thanks for all your prayers.
Posted by ~Sandy at 12:38 PM 1 comments
Labels: Updates
Oct 21, 2008
Just Today...
I am thinking... about Jacob's school work
At the moment,I am thankful... that my kids are all healthy
I am going... to the conference today
I am wearing... a baby blue jogging set
I wish... I didn't have to go anywhere today
I am working on... laundry and school work
I am hoping... it will warm up today. I've got to go get our winter clothes out of storage.
I am hearing... Katie fussing at Jacob about eating in the den.
Around the house... I've got tons to do
I bet you didn't know... I had a pet flying squirrel one time. We saved her from the mouth of a dog.
One of my favorite ... hangouts is myspace...Here is my MySpace
Posted by ~Sandy at 6:29 AM 1 comments
Labels: Just today
10 on Tuesday
Posted by ~Sandy at 5:22 AM 1 comments
Labels: 10 on Tuesday
Oct 20, 2008
Our weekend
It was an awesome weekend!! On Friday evening, we did our normal girls night out:)
On Saturday, I got up early and decorated the church for Matt & Kelly's shower. ..that was so much fun:) I'll try to add a few of the pics. I liked that I could decorate it anyway I wanted and so I did:)
After the shower, I hurried home to see my sweet baby "Bay" .Brent went and picked her up. I got in, changed our clothes, and left to take Bay to see Nanny. She always wants me to bring her, but sometimes we are so busy when we have her that it is hard to get around to all the family. So since she saw mom the last time, we took her to see Nanny. She loves nanny. After that, we ran and picked up papa John's pizza for Brent's birthday. That is what he asked for and a big cheesecake with all the cheese cake flavors on one...yummy!!!
On Sunday, we got up and went to morning service. After church ,all the kids came to the house and we cooked Spaghetti and had family day. After we ate, the kids carved pumpkins and Brent took pictures. We had a really good time together. The weekend just didn't last long enough. It flew by, but it was fun.
Also, we have decided to be "Uncle Brent" and "Aunt Sandy" to Bailey. Her mom came up with it. We are trying to get away from "Da-Da" and "ma-ma", so that Bay won't be so confused when she is older. When she is older her mom said she is gonna explain to Bay about how we became part of her life, but for now we are trying to get away from the ma-ma and da-da. It's hard because everytime something doesn't work out for her,she says, "ma ma" at the top of her lungs and runs to me. We were "Mama" and "dada" and that is all she knew for the last year, so I guess it will take time to change that. She is just so precious:) It doesn't matter to us what she calls us. We all just loooooove her sooooooooooooo much and I thank God everyday that her mom has allowed us to be a part of her life.
Well that is all for this time. Have a great evening!
Posted by ~Sandy at 12:45 PM 1 comments
Labels: Updates
Just Today...
Out side my window...the sun is shining and it is a cool fall day here in Ga
I am thinking...about what I should fix for dinner
At the moment,I am thankful...that the sun is shining
I am a teachers conference tomorrow
I am wearing...bluejeans & red polo
I wish...Amber would take her nap...she is fighting it today
I am reading...nothing but this at the moment
I am working on...Thanksgiving & Christmas graphics
I am hoping...hubby does well
I am playing,TV talking, Jon reading, and a phone ringing
Around the is a bit messy...grrrrr ...I'm behind because I played all weekend
I bet you didn't know...I wiggle my feet until I go to sleep at night
One of my favorite ...drinks is Coke Zero...mmmmmm..mmmm...good
Posted by ~Sandy at 11:59 AM 1 comments
Labels: Just today
Update on my hubby
Here is the update on my hubby. We've had a change of plans. They are not doing his surgery on Wednesday. Instead they are going to stretch his esophagus (again) and they will do that on Wednesday, then they will let us know when they will be doing his surgery. I assume it will probably be next week. I will keep you posted.
Posted by ~Sandy at 9:01 AM 1 comments
Labels: Updates
I'm back
Here are a few pics from our weekend, that I thought you might enjoy. I'll tell you all about our weekend when I get back from this mornings appointment. Have a great day!!!!
Bay had snuck and grabbed Amber's spaghetti. Don't she look so innocent?

Posted by ~Sandy at 4:34 AM 1 comments
Labels: Pictures
Oct 17, 2008
It was a crazy day!
Yesterday was crazy! It was chaotic! The transporter that carries my foster children to and from visits, had to quit due to the fact that the county could no longer afford her services. So the case manager asked me if I could bring the kids to a I did. I carried them and left them and she agreed to bring them back home. This worked out good for me,because she was already due for a home visit, so she could bring them home and do our home check at the same time.
Well, I got back home to find I had a house full and I do mean "FULL" of company. Brent had company over, the kids had company over, all of my kids were here, etc. We had 28 people in my house. I was so worried ,because I knew the case worker was on her way and it looked like we were throwing some huge wild party. Not to mention my yard was full of vehicles and kids running in and out the doors. I just bit my tongue and hoped for the best. Oh and did I mention my grand-puppy(Anna's dog) was here too and we had to keep him in the house(which I normally don't allow) but my dog(which lives outside) is very aggressive toward other dogs, so we had to keep Anna's inside and he was running wild due to the fact the kids were wild. We are not allowed to have any extra pets without informing the case worker first... It's just a foster parent rule. So my life and house was crazy and I was worried.
But, she arrived and she came in and she was just fine with all the chaos. She actually acted like it was no big deal at all. She just smiled. She talked and asked my grown foster daughter several questions. Then we talked about our transportation issues and I told her that I would transport them twice a month to help her out and she said she would love me forever if I could do that(it's nice to be loved) and she said that she would start paying for my miles...yay(Gas is expensive)! So it went really well considering all that was going on at the moment. But, boy was I worried and stressed out.
After she left, hubby paid Penny's & Darlene's to deliver us all food and we all set down and ate together and had a great time!!!
Now we have decided we are going to do this every Sunday:) My son-in-law made me agree to cook and set down together every Sunday with the whole gang. We use to do that, but now everyone is soooooo busy 24/7. But we are going to make it a point to start spending every Sunday together from now on...that should be interesting:)
Anyhow, that's how yesterday went and today...well school is out and I'm working on the shower I have tomorrow. I will be busy all weekend. However, so far today it is actually calm, but it is only 9:44am. Anyhow, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!!!
Posted by ~Sandy at 6:17 AM 1 comments
Labels: Updates
Oct 15, 2008
Just for fun
You Are an Afternoon Person |
You can find energy any time of the day ... or night! You prefer to be out and about during the day. Very early mornings and very late nights aren't really your thing,but you can stay up or get up with no problems. You're practically solar powered, and the afternoon is when you are at your very best. |
Posted by ~Sandy at 5:08 PM 1 comments
Assignment #105
Share a favorite fall recipe:)
Brunswick Stew
3-4 lb of chicken ---------------------3lb pork
1 lb beef -----------------------------2 cans tomatoes
1 small bottle of catsup --------------1 large can whole kernal corn
1 large can of cream corn------------ 1 onion chopped
3 medium potatoes, chopped ---------1 tbsp sugar
3 tbsp pepper,vinegar ----------------2 cups chicken broth
salt, and pepper to taste
Cook all meats until tender. Take meats off the bone. Run all meats through a meat grinder or food processor... Or you can just mash it up with your hands. Add all other ingredients to 2 cups of the chicken broth. Cook over low heat for 3 hours. Stir often.
Serve with crackers or cornbread...yummy!!!! Enjoy!
Psalm 118:24
This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. KJV
Posted by ~Sandy at 9:32 AM 5 comments
Labels: Blogger school
Pooh's big fish
Jacob had a good time fishing with his daddy! He caught this yesterday on his spiderman fishing pole and he reeled it in all by myself. If you notice, the fish is strange has a crooked spine.
Posted by ~Sandy at 5:47 AM 1 comments
Labels: Pictures
Just Today...
Out side my window...It is barely daylight
I am thinking...about the best way to travel to my appointment today
At the moment,I am thankful...that I got most of this weeks errands done yesterday,so I don't have to worry about that today
I am set up Jacob's study Island and let him do that while I'm at my appointment
I am wearing...a blue shirt with capris
I all a wonderful day!
I am reading...Having a Mary heart. I just can't seem to get it finished
I am working on...on Matt and Kelly's shower
I am will be better than yesterday
I am hearing...the dryer and cartoons
Around the getting cluttered with school stuff and I'm trying to figure out how to organize it better...grrr
I bet you didn't know...that I managed to loose 5 pounds by stopping eating late. I still eat late from time to time, just not everynight like before. We try to eat by 5pm.
One of my favorite ...pets I ever had was "Stinky" the squirrel. He passed away this year at the age of 9 years.
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:50 AM 1 comments
Labels: Just today
Oct 14, 2008
About my day
Well, it's been another busy always. I woke up and decided it best to write out a To-Do list, just so I wouldn't forget what all I needed to do today. Here is how the first part of my day went and it all needed to be accomplished by 2pm, before my babysitting mom got back to pick up her kid:) So I packed bags and left here at 9:00am...
This is what I had to do...
1.Go somewhere to buy tape to tape up my ebay package.
2. Take package to post office and mail it off.
3. Go by the board of education and pick up form showing my child is enrolled in a homeschool program so that she can get her learners (Katie).
4. Take Ashley to the dermatologist which took forever and we got lost 4 times trying to find the place...thanks to mapquest....grrrrr Just that drive took 1 hour and 15 minutes to and from.
5. Take van for emissions test.
6. Stop and grab food to feed the tots.
7. Fill Ashley's prescriptions.
Then once I got home at exactly 2:05, I was happy to find that the babysitting mom was running late and didn't have to wait on me:)
At once I went into "super mom mode" and started trying to clean up my house, change diapers, pack diaper bags, start dinner, do some laundry, start baths, and now I'm just trying to get the homeschooled kids done and it is 7:37 pm. Not to mention my public schooled "foster son" had a load of homework...and did I mention I'm fighting off a migraine...soooo it's not been the greatest day. But I got everything done and for that I feel accomplished:)
However,I really don't like days like these. It seems we are all stressed out.
My son Jacob and my foster son Trin have been fussing ALL evening. It started with Trin coming home ill from school. He was already pouty and Jacob called him a girl...grrr Then Trin took a toy and threw it at Jacob and then Jacob hit him back....grrrrr They both got in trouble (with noses in the corner) but that made Trin so mad that he started screaming and he screamed for atleast two straight hours at the top of his lungs....nomatter what we said or done...he just got louder and louder. I finally told him if he didn't stop within 5 seconds that he was going to bed.
My hubby couldn't handle it,so he got up and left(some help he is) but he did take Jacob so that they could have time apart and that seemed to calm them both down...thank goodness. Sometimes, I feel like my hands are tied. I can discipline my own son and often I feel like I'm to hard on him and not fair, because I really can't discipline my foster son and he knows he pushes me to my limit at times...grrrrr
Anyhow, enough on that.
***prayer request***
If you will please keep me in your prayers tomorrow. I have a doctors appointment. As some of you know, I have severe headaches. I've had migraines my whole life, but after having meningitis in 2002 and bell's palsey, they got much worse. I've seen numerous doctors over the years and each just prescribed me medicine after medicine, but nothing really helped. Last year, I saw a doctor nearly every month and sometimes more than once a month as he worked with me and tried hard to manage my head pain and he tried me on several different prevention and pain medicines, etc ,but nothing really helped or made that big of a difference. I just felt like they wanted to drug me more and more. So I took myself off of all medicines , because I really couldn't see that they were do anything ,but covering up the pain at the moment. I didn't like taking medicine everyday and I wanted to be in my right head to take care of my kids and to function. So I quit all the drugs he put me on after about a year of tries. I gave up on the medicines and on my doctor and decided that I would just have to live with the pain... so I do.
Now,I have atleast one of more days a week with severe head pain. Well, last week I saw a new doctor. He did a scan of my head and neck. He also did a pressure test, which I had never before had done. He said the pressure in the back of my head was 3.5 times more than normal. He told me to come see him on Monday (yesterday) and just walk in his office that I didn't have to have an appointment and that he would let them know I was coming. Well, they ended up having to cancel ,but he told me to come in tomorrow. He believes he can help me. At this point I'm ready to try anything, because these headaches control my life. I don't know what he can do ,but he believes he will be able to help me and not drug me. He said that he believes my pain is due to the pressure in my head and neck. So I'm anxious to meet with him to see what he thinks. So please keep me in your prayers.
Also, keep Brent in your prayers. He will meet with the doctor that is going to do his stomach surgery on Thursday.
Well, let me run. My little foster baby has turned my house upside down while I've been on here typing this. It never fails... I turn my back and she takes off like a hurricane through this house:) She loves when I get on the
Have a good evening!
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:25 PM 1 comments
Labels: Updates
Of all the days that have ever been and of all the days to come, today is the one you now have. Though it may not be perfect, it is here, it is now, and it is the one day that is available to you.
On this day you live in a world filled with beauty. Take the opportunity to see and appreciate some of that beauty.
On this day there are precious moments ready to be filled with joy and meaning. Live today's moments so as to add real and lasting value to your life and your world.
Spend some time focusing your thoughts on what's right with this day. Allow yourself to genuinely feel the goodness that is present right now.
Remind yourself of all that you have to be thankful for on this day. In the heart of your gratitude, you will touch today's limitless source of abundance.
Possibility, opportunity, value, goodness, love and fulfillment are all here and now on this day. Bring them to life today in your own special way.
-- R.Marston
Posted by ~Sandy at 3:37 PM 3 comments
Labels: Motivation
Oct 13, 2008
We had a good weekend!
It's been a good weekend! On Friday, it was the usual girls night out, except this time Jon went too. I also had my neighbor's little girls ,Josie & Abby. We all went out to Stevie B's and I took them shopping:) It was alot of fun!
On Saturday, I got up and tried to get my house somewhat cleaned and after lunch we went to the mall to get Katie some jeans and Jon's shoes .Then I rode over to Toys-r-us to buy more pieces for my dollhouse. I have a dollhouse that all the little kids loooove to play with and I've been collecting all the sets for it.
After that we came home and built a bonfire in the backyard and the kids came over to cook hamburgers, hotdogs, and we roasted marshmallows. I love when ALL my kids are here:) I miss when they all lived at home.
I don't get to see my oldest nearly as much as I'd like since she got married and moved in the opposite direction from everything. Plus, she works 6 days a week, and on her only free day it's Sunday and we all have church on that day. So she is always busy. If only we had a few more days in every week or even just a few extra hours in everyday...that would be nice!
On Sunday, we got up and went to church and then we went to see my friend Christy's new baby "Jake". I think he was the cutest baby boy I've ever seen:) He was so tiny and so precious. After that, I came home and pretty much took it easy the rest of the day.
As for this week, it will be a busy one with lots of appointments. I dread it, but oh well, you gotta do what you gotta do.
That's it for us here in Howellville. I hope you have a good week!
Posted by ~Sandy at 5:11 AM 1 comments
Labels: Updates
Three Things...
Three Things That Scare Me:
2. Snakes
3.funeral homes
Three People Who Make Me Laugh:
1.My hubby
2. My kids
3.My nanny
Three Things I Love:
3. Church
Three Things I Hate:
3. drama/trouble
Three Things I Don’t Understand:
1.Why people can't just get along.
2.Why things have to be so expensive.
3. Why life has to be so hard.
Three Things On My Desk:
1.My computer
2.School work...stacks...grrr
3.My phone
Three Things I’m Doing Right Now:
2.Waiting on Tabitha and baby Samantha...No not the ones from
3.Waiting to leave for my doctors appointment
Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1.Travel the world
2.Make a major difference in someones life
3.See all of my relatives accept Jesus as their Saviour
Three Things I Can Do:
1.Teach my children
2.Take care of kids
3.Run a zoo...aka my home
Three Things I Can’t Do:
1.Run a 10 mile road race...maybe I'm just 2 lazy
2.Live in a car.. maybe I just don't want to)
3.Kill something or someone (except if it's a bug, snake, rodent, etc)
Three Things I Think You Should Listen To:
1.A good Sunday morning sermon
2.A good Sunday night sermon
3. Or even a good Wednesday night sermon
Three Things I’d Like To Learn:
2. Fixing computers
3.Another language
Three Favorite Foods:
2.Mexican food
3.Hot wings from Penny's & Darlenes...I love those
Three Shows I Watched As A Kid:
1.Tom & Jerry
2. Brady Bunch
3. Leave it to Beaver
Three Things I Regret:
1.Not waiting until I was older to start a family.
2. Not spacing my kids more so that I had more time to enjoy each one.
3.Not getting my drivers license earlier...I waited until I was in my 30's.
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:37 AM 1 comments
Labels: For Fun
Oct 10, 2008
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:51 AM 1 comments
Labels: Updates
Oct 9, 2008
Some of my loves:)
Posted by ~Sandy at 5:41 AM 1 comments
Labels: Pictures
Oct 8, 2008
Just Today
Wednesday 5:46pm
Out side my is raining...yay!!!!!
I am thinking...about going to bed early.
At the moment,I am thankful...that I can finally set down.
I am take a loooooong hot bath
I am jeans and a grey top
I wish...I could go to bed.
I am reading...these questions.
I am working on...nothing at this very moment....I'm exhausted and not feeling very good.
I am hoping...I can turn in early
I am hearing...Jacob and Trin talking about their pizza rolls
Around the house...the toys are scattered
I bet you didn't know...I had 5 babies here today....yes I'm tired:) I did have lots of help though:)
One of my favorite ...times of the day is late evening with my family... cuddling on the couch.
Posted by ~Sandy at 2:50 PM 1 comments
Labels: Just today
Oct 7, 2008
Just Today
Out side my window...the kids are laughing and playing.
I am thinking...about how I should do Jacob's homeschool portfolio that is due to the state this week.
At the moment...I am thankful that I am feeling better.
I am spend all evening helping Ashley with her math..
I am jeans and a pink & grey top
I wish...the mailman would hurry up and come.
I am reading...these questions.
I am working on...helping Ashley with fractions.
I am hoping...I can go see Christy's baby.
I am hearing...Amber jabbering to the kids at the window.
Around the house...I see so much that I need to get done.
I bet you didn't know...????not sure
One of my favorite ...pieces of clothing is capris.
Picture of the day...
"Dirty Little feet"
I love this pic of Bailey. She hates wearing shoes:)
Posted by ~Sandy at 1:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: Just today
Oct 6, 2008
Is it already Monday?
Wow! Time flies when you're having fun. It's been a super busy ,but a good weekend!!!
Posted by ~Sandy at 5:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Updates
Oct 4, 2008
It's a boy!
Welcome to the world Little Jake Ward!
Jake was born this morning at 3 am! He weighed in at 7 pounds and 9 ozs. He is 19.5 inches long . He and mom Christy are doing great!!!!
Posted by ~Sandy at 8:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: Updates
Oct 3, 2008
Just Today
Out side my feels like fall.
I am thinking...about how much better I feel today than I did yesterday.
At the moment,I am thankful...that the weekend is here!
I am get Bailey fitted for new shoes.
I am wearing...a navy polo and capris.
I wish...I had a little more $$$ I'd start Christmas shopping this weekend.
I am reading...still trying to finish "Having a Mary heart in a Martha world".
I am working on...setting up a seller ebay sale all my junk:)
I am hoping...Christy has her baby today. I'm ready to see baby "Jake".
I am hearing...Madagascar playing on the TV.
Around the house...Hubby got my new rooms siding up and he painted it.
I bet you didn't know...(let me think about this one)
One of my favorite ...past times is building websites and helping others build their's.
Posted by ~Sandy at 5:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: Just today
Oct 2, 2008
Precious Pictures
Yesterday, I charged my camera batteries and decided to catch a few pics from early fall. Well, here are three I wanted to share with you. I can't show my foster baby's face (for her privacy and safety), but because these aren't showing her face, I can share them with the public. I just thought they were soooooooo cute. I love baby's feet. They are just so tiny and new. It makes me think of that song "Be careful little eyes what you see" and then it goes on to say, be careful little ears what you hear...oh be careful little feet where you go...for the Father up above is looking down with Love...

She is trying so hard to climb up on this log...yet her little legs are almost to short. This is Amber(not her real name) and she is 17 months old now.

Posted by ~Sandy at 5:31 AM 1 comments
Labels: Pictures
Oct 1, 2008
Just Today
Out side my window...the kids are jumping on the trampoline and laughing
I am thinking...about taking a day off next week
At the moment,I am thankful...for such a beautiful day
I am get Bailey this weekend
I am jean capris and Brent's T-shirt
I wish...??????
I am reading...Having a Marry heart in a Martha world
I am working on...Jacob's portfolio for school
I am hoping...this will be the best school year ever:)
I am hearing...laughing kids...public school got early today
Around the is looking better
I bet you didn't know...that Bay is gonna start coming to stay with us every other weekend...yay!!!!!
One of my favorite places is ebay

Posted by ~Sandy at 10:20 AM 0 comments
Labels: Just today