1.My name is Sandy ,but most people call me Ms Sandy or Sandy Lou (the nickname my brother gave me).
2.I'm a Christian. I was saved by the grace of God at age 8. He is the best thing that ever happened to me.
3.I am a Georgia girl! Go dawgs!!!
4. I am a stay-home mom that takes care of kids.
5.I love kids!
6.I'm a mom to 5 kids (ages 18,16,15,15, and 7)
7. I'm a foster mom to 2 kids at the moment(ages 1 and 6)
8. We have a grown foster daughter "Samantha" (age 19) that we love dearly and is still in our lives.
9.My heart was taken by my 14th foster child "Bay" that we had from birth ,but had to give back. She still gets to visit us every other weekend...thanks to her mom. She the most precious baby ever.(besides my own)
10.My hearts been touched and forever changed by (16) foster kids.
11.I homeschool my kids...one already graduated.
12. My oldest daughter is already married...which gave me my son-in-law Corey.
13. My favorite past time is taking pictures and surfing the net.
14. My hobbies are photography, website building, poetry, blogging, flower gardening, and kids...lol
15. My favorite time of the year is Spring
16. My favorite holiday is "Jesus birthday" Christmas.
17. My favorite color is red.
18.I hate laundry
19. My favorite type of music is country or gospel...combine the two" southern gospel":)
20.I love doing things with my kids.
21. I was the middle kid to my parents and only daughter.
22. I have 2 brothers (one in heaven and one on earth)
23. I grew up in Bremen Ga.
24.I love shopping on ebay:)
25.I hate the word "can't". So please don't tell me that I can't do something. I believe all things are possible if you set your mind to it.
26.I love reading ,but I don't have nearly as much time as I'd like to devote to it.
27.I'm busy ALL the time.
28. I don't watch very much TV...I just don't have the time.
29.I wasn't a mama or daddy's girl...my heart belongs to my nanny:)
30. I'm a girly girl and not tomboy.
31.I love making new friends and meeting new people.
32. I love trying new things:)
33.I love going to new places and taking my kids and camera:)
34.I want to go back to school for photography...not for a job but for fun , to learn all the tricks to taking the best pics possible.
35.I love shopping ,but I wish I had more $$$$ to spend on the kids:)
36.I drive old "mini" my mercury villager mini van with pride:) She looks ruff ,from all the kids but oh well, she gets me where I'm going and all my kids fit in it:)
37.I'm a southern girl with a southern accent and proud of it!
38.My favorite vacation spot in Panama city beach Florida
39. I try to read my Bible everyday and KJV is the ONLY one for me.
40.I've been married to Brent since 1989 (better known as Hubby here on my blog)
41.I am not perfect.
42.I make mistake ,but I try to learn from them and not to repeat them.
43.I love being alone or in a crowd.
44.I love to use the internet to witness to people.
45. I would love to have one more baby, but we are done having our own. I hope someday to adopt a child in foster care.
46.I consider my children a blessing!
47.I miss my brother Robby badly:( He passed in 2005
48.I need to loose 5-10 pounds
49.I like me:)
50.I have 4 nieces
51.I love being outside
52. My favorite foods are seafood & mexican
53.I am not a morning person, but I make myself be one....grrrr
54.My favorite drink in coke zero or diet coke...I know they are bad for me(my nanny tells me all the time)
55.Something funny...I wiggle my feet until I go to sleep at night
56.I love flowers(but only real ones)
57. I hate coffee
58.I love having a housefull of company
59. I like looooooooooooooong hot baths
60. I like reading and writing devotions
61. I love learning new things
62. I love playing with my kids
63. I love sweet tea
64.I seldom watch TV...I just don't have time
65.I would love to travel the world
66.I married to young
67.I wish I would have spaced my kids further apart
68.I love my church!!!!!
69. I wanted to be a nurse ,when I was a kid
70. I love having a BIG family...it was planned
71. Noise doesn't bother me except when I'm trying to sleep.
72.One of my favorite sounds is kids giggling
72. One of my favorite smells is a new baby wiped down in Johnson's baby lotion.
73.My favorite perfume is Victoria secret" Love spell"
74.I love vanilla candles or candles that smell like cookies or cake
75.I love wearing capris
76. I hate wearing jeans
77. I love my friends
78. I iron ALL my clothes before I wear them...I can't stand wrinkles
79.I hate to be cold...so I don't like winter.
80.I love warm weather!!!!!
81.I want to go to Hawaii...that is my dream:)
82.I love flying...I hate riding...but I love driving!!!!
83. I love dressing up ,but I hate dresses/skirts
84.I don't like wearing rings. I love necklaces & ear rings best.
85. I don't like short hair or long hair on me...shoulder length is what I like best:)
86. I am 5"6
87. I live in a playhouse...at least it feels like I do.
88.My favorite day of the week is Saturday.
89. My favorite day of the year is Christmas Eve
90.I get bored easily
91.I like staying busy
92.I like doing things for other people.
93.I hope in my life that I can make a positive difference in other people's lives.
94. I love blogging...can't you tell:)
95. I am scared of heights.
96.My favorite pet I ever had was my pet squirrel "Stinky" he passed away Summer 08.
97. I've had a pet raccoon, wild pig, and a flying squirrel as pets. I bottle fed and raised each one and then turned them loose.
98.I love animals as long as they live outside.
99.I live in a zoo...atleast it feels like one at times:)
100. Yay, I'm almost done. What should I write here???? I love chunky monkey icecream...it's my all time favorite!!!
101. I am glad to be done!!!! I hope you learned a little more about me:)
Banana Cream Pie
2 days ago
Wow! I'm impressed. It is nice to get to know you more!