Jan 31, 2009
Posted by ~Sandy at 6:51 AM 1 comments
Labels: Updates
Jan 28, 2009
It looks like we will be fostering for another year!!!!
We had our re-certification for fostering today and it went perfect...yay!!!!! We have a new case worker/family resource worker and I really like her a lot. The one we had before finally retired and a new one took her place, so I was really nervous about meeting her,but she was soooooooooooo nice and friendly...much more so than the last one we had.
She went through and checked everything and didn't complain about anything or find any problems at all and that was sooooooooooooooo good for us. We don't have anything to work on/correct...yay!!!!!!!! She was pleased and that made us happy,because she was happy.
I was really worried about having to have a new worker to work with. If you are a foster parent you know how frustrating it is to go through case worker after case worker.
I had even considered stopping fostering ,because of the stress that it brought in my life. Not the kids...it's not them that stresses me out. It is working with the messed up system and dealing with case workers that don't do what they should,but expect us to always do what we are required. It gets very frustrating and it makes fostering hard on us.
But, the new case worker has a very positive attitude and that alone is a plus for us. So it looks like we are in for another year.
Keep us in your prayers.
Posted by ~Sandy at 5:25 PM 3 comments
Labels: Updates
Jan 27, 2009
25 random things about me
I got tagged by Mandy
25 Random Things About Me
25 Random Things Rules:
Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. Then go tag someone yourself.
If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
1.I love the colors pink and red
2.I'm definitely a girly-girl
3.I love hot wings
4.I loooooooooooooooooove my kids...and everybody elses kids
5.I pray often
6. I love motivational books
7. I have to be busy 24/7...I can't stand to just sit around
8. I love learning and trying new things
9. I like organization...I just wish my kids and hubby did...grrrr
10. I homeschool/ virtual public school my kids
11. I didn't drive until I was in my 30's(get drivers license)
12. I married my highschool sweetheart
13.I'm a proud foster parent
14. I love ebay/amazon.com and shop there often
15. I don't wear rings...I can't stand the feel of them on my fingers
16.My birthday is Aug 17
17.I hate laundry and dishes
18.I have a bad habit. I wash my hands constantly.
19.I love looooooooong hot baths
20.I really don't watch TV that much... Just a movie sometimes
21.I collect books
22. My kitchen is done in grapes with the live*laugh*love signs
23.I am 5"7
24.I live in Ga "Go dawgs"
25.I have a very southern accent
Posted by ~Sandy at 12:02 PM 3 comments
Labels: For Fun
Where is Sandy?
I'm still HERE! I know, I've been a little lazy about posting, but my life has been anything but lazy for the last few days. So I figured I'd stop in and update you all...
As I mentioned before,I started back to school and I have 4 tests this week. So I've been working on that.
Also, I've been working hard around my house trying to get ready for our foster re-licensing this week...yes it's that dreaded time again. I've been trying to get all my ducks in a row to be sure everything that must be done is done. It's amazing how much can change in just one year,around here. I've been checking and re-placing baby latches, baby gates, re-stocking first-aid kits, re-placing/checking fire detectors/carbon monoxide detectors, cleaning and sorting out toys, and everything between....that's been a job.
Also, I've been sick again this weekend. I thought I was re-lapsing with the bad chest cold I had last week , and that has really slowed me down. I've never had a cold that just keeps dragging like this one has. It's been three weeks and I still have rattling in my chest...grrrrr
Brent bought some new medicine called mucinex-D (that was recommended to him by a friend for head/chest colds)and he gave it to me without reading the label and it contained pseudoephedrine...I can't take pseudoephedrine. It speeds my heart up and causes it to beat irregular. It also makes me feel very dizzy and nauseated. So for 24 hours, I couldn't sleep a wink (Sunday-monday)and was sooooo sick at my tummy, until it got out of my system. It actually made me sicker feeling then the sickness did. Which drained me and made me feel exhausted. I ended up sleeping half the day on Monday...thanks to my girls, they helped me take care of the little ones or I couldn't have done it.
I also had an accident over the weekend. On Saturday, I ran out to get Brent some organizers because I wanted him to get his stuff organized,before we put our new furniture in our room(because our room was horrible. It looked like a piled up deer camp with all HIS stuff...grrrr). Well,I came in with all 6 organizers and started carrying them down the stairs to our bedroom and ended up losing my footing...I guess. I don't really know how I landed or what I done. All I know is I knocked my breath out and ended up bruising my chest, underarm, lower back, and I hurt my knee pretty bad. So as you can imagine, I've been pretty sore these last couple of days.
But, we did get our furniture delivered and we did get it set up in our room,thanks to Jon and Austin. Our room looks sooooo much better. I just hope Brent will help me to keep it that way.
Now, I'm just trying to get my energy back, and today is the first day that I've felt like myself. So look out blog world...Sandy is back!
Also, I wanted to thank you for all the prayers for Madison's family. I just can't even imagine how devastated they are. They are very young parents, but they were very good parents that LOVED their baby girl. I just feel so bad that I didn't learn about his baby until the day of the funeral and so I didn't get to make it. But please do continue to keep them in your prayers. It's gonna take a while for them and they are gonna need lots of tlc and prayers.
Also, I saw that Mandy tagged me. I'll try to get that added today.
And I'm sorry Amanda that I haven't returned your call. It's been a mad house around here in more ways than one. I'll try to get back with you today.
Big hugs to you all, Sandy
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:32 AM 1 comments
Labels: Updates
Jan 22, 2009
365 days of my life(In pictures!) #4
Posted by ~Sandy at 2:03 PM 3 comments
Labels: 365 of my life
A Tid bit
I AM... waiting on Lacy to get here:)
I WANT... to have my house in order for our guest this weekend
I HAVE... a busy week ahead of me
I KEEP... a calendar at all times
I HATE... laundry
I HEAR... the washer/dryer going
I LOVE... the Lord with all my heart
I DANCE...sometimes
I SING... all the time
I RARELY... go outside when it's cold except to get in my van
I AM NOT ALWAYS... positive but I try hard to be
I HATE THAT... I don't have more time to spend with my extended family(relatives)
I NEED...a looooooooooooooooooong vacation
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:40 AM 1 comments
Labels: For Fun
Jan 21, 2009
Just Today
Today I feel...much better!
I am thinking...about what I need to get done.
At the moment,I am thankful...that I am getting over whatever I had.
I am going...to church tonight...I hope
I am wearing...dress pants and a sweater
I wish...I could have a few warm days, so that I could work in my yard without freezing
I am reading... A book Tara gave me, "The Shack" book
I am working on...my bedroom. I bought a new bedroom suit that should be here by Friday, so I'm trying to get my room ready for it
I am hoping...my books come in
I am hearing...the boys watching cartoons on the other computer
Around the house...the yard is covered in riding toys. The kids pulled out the riding toys and then left them all over the yard...grrrr
I bet you didn't know...that Amber loves onions. I just cut up an onion to go in a potato casserole and she started pitching a fit for a bite and I told her she wouldn't like it, but I gave her a slice and she keeps crying for more... I hope it won't make her sick.
One of my favorite ...things to do in the evening is to sit down,wrap up on the couch, and read, but I don't get to do that very often. I seldom sit.
Picture of the day...
Bay & her honey bun

Posted by ~Sandy at 2:52 PM 3 comments
Labels: Just today
Jan 20, 2009
365 days of my life #3
What have we been up to the last few days(in pictures)????
They've got me wrapped around their little fingers:)

And made sure they stayed on schedule

We had some messy moments
But we learned the "Clean up" song and everybody pitched in.
Laundry...laundry...laundry...Does It ever stop? Not around here.
On Saturday, I woke up early to a cold morning. I had to take the foster kids for a family visit at 9am and this was the temp at 9am...brrrrrrr
I also managed to pack up a good bit of their toys so they could have things to play with at their house. We packed in all we could fit in old "Mini".
After I dropped off the fosters, Ashley and I had a girls morning out. We snuck away to see a movie:)
When I came home, guess who was here? Yep! My little sweet pea "Bay". Brent went and got her.
She loooooves a computer...just like me:)
I cleaned up sticky fingers, but got tons of sweet kisses:)
And changed one diaper after another.
I think I watched "Happy Feet" atleast 10 times over the weekend
I was really entertained by a professional head stander:)
Saturday,I also managed to iron and hang all my new curtains...in between chasing babies and breaking up fights. Did you notice the snow on the ground outside?
We got to see a few snow flurries...which is rare here in Georgia
Katie...my picture loving kid wanted her pic made in the snow...so I did:)
Well, I managed to get a good bit done over the weekend,even though I wasn't feeling so well. I spent most of Sunday and Monday on the couch, but today I'm feeling better and things are looking up.
Over all, the weekend went well.
Posted by ~Sandy at 6:06 PM 4 comments
Labels: 365 of my life
Jan 19, 2009
I'm just taking a few days off from blogging ,because I'm not feeling to good. I'll be back up soon.
Hugs, Sandy
Posted by ~Sandy at 11:38 AM 7 comments
Labels: Updates
Jan 16, 2009
Just Today...
The time is...7:33 am
Today I feel...better:)
I am thinking...about taking the girls to the movies tonight
At the moment,I am thankful...that I feel better
I am going...to organize my kitchen cabinets today/homeschool/babysit/buy groceries and anything else I can squeeze in:)
I wish...it didn't have to be so cold today
I am reading...the purpose drive life/40 days
I am working on...365 0f my life ideas
I am hoping...that we can get Bay this weekend
I am hearing...the dryer running and monsters inc on TV
Around the house...I need to organize my cabinets( throw away what we don't use or donate it)
I bet you didn't know...that I started back to school this week...go me!!!! But let me tell you what I did....grrrr I had a test to take on Wednesday and I was taking it on line. I knew the test well. So I sent the test via the internet. I got my results back and guess what I made?!?! A 30... I couldn't believe it. I couldn't figure out how that could possibly be,because I knew the material(remember I've set down my schooling for the last year) So I learned most of this last year and I had studied hard and I knew something wasn't right. So what happened??? I turned in my test online and when I typed in my test number (all tests have an 8 digit number that you have to type in to get the correct answer form( when you submit it online). But, when I typed it in, I missed by one number and somehow I didn't realize the title of the test was not the same, but both tests were in language and you only get a form, not he actual test with questions. I just didn't catch it.
Anyhow, I ended up having to get my teacher to drop the grade and I was so scared he wouldn't ,because he is very particular. When you take a test, if you ever fail one(which I haven't) but if you do, they let you re-test one time (5 days later) but the highest you are allowed to score on the second try is a 70...grrrr
Anyhow, after writing my teacher a loooooooooooooooong letter and begging him to pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease drop the test score and let me re-take it. He finally did, but not without a lecture...grrrrr (made me feel like a little kid in elementary school) I ended up making a 100. So that made my GPA a 94...much better than it was gonna be,with that 30. Anyhow, I won't take another test and send it online without being absolutely sure I'm on the right one,because he let me know real quick that he WON'T do that again.
Picture of the day... coming soon!
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:30 AM 4 comments
Labels: Just today
Jan 15, 2009
Our Home (365 days of pics #2)
This is #2 of my 365 days of my life in pictures:) Amber wanted to show you around "Nandy's House". So just follow her as she gives you the grand tour.
Here is a little info on our home. This home belonged to my in-laws,they raised up their 3 boys here. So this was my hubby's childhood home. When my hubby heard about his Dad's plan to sell the house, he talked me into buying it...so we did. We moved in here in Dec 1999.
Our home as you'll see is a simple home...nothing fancy,but it's home and we have all that we need here.
Several people have written me about their desire to be foster parents, but they weren't sure their home was good enough. So I kinda wanted to show you that you don't have to be fancy or have a new home(just enough space to set up an extra bed) and a lot of love and patience. I hope you enjoy your tour:)
Posted by ~Sandy at 10:58 AM 9 comments
Labels: 365 of my life
Just Today...
My answers are in burgandy
Out side my window...nothing seems to be moving this morning
The time is...7:57 am
Today I feel...not so great. I think I'm getting a head cold.
The weather here...32...brrrrr
I am thinking...about my meeting his evening with DFCS
At the moment,I am thankful...that my kids are all well
I am going...to start our school day(homeschooling) shortly
I am wearing...a navy blue track suit
I wish...I felt a better. I have a looong busy day ahead.
I am reading...The purpose driven life
I am working on...my 365 days of pics for this blog
I am hoping...all goes well today
I am hearing...cartoons on the TV
Around the house...it is pretty tidy. I went on a cleaning spree yesterday:)
I bet you didn't know...that I have a sound machine to help me sleep. I have always been a very light sleeper. To the point that I was constanly waking up from little noises in my house, Brent turning over in the bed(which is why we went and bought a king sized bed ), a kid coughing, etc Everything would wake me up. But when I got the sound machine, and got use to the sound of rain(my favorite) or the ocean(Brent's favorite) It blocked out all the little noises... So I sleep better. I still wake up if it is a loud noise, or a kid cries,etc but I don't wake up when the air kicks on or the dryer buzzes, etc
One of my favorite ...let me think on this one
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:53 AM 1 comments
Labels: Just today
Jan 14, 2009
Today, my oldest (grown) foster daughter Samantha, came by and she asked me did I remember in her 12th grade year of school, about her telling me about her teacher that had faked having cancer to raise money,get sympathy,etc. I told her I did remember her saying something about that,but that's been a couple of years ago. Well, she said, "guess what"... She did it again at another school. I said unbelievable. Why in the world would someone want to fake something so awful as cancer. Well, she said for me to come read this...so I did.
Read about this teacher, it will blow your mind(or atleast it did mine) to think that this lady was taking care of (teaching) MY child.
Glamour magazine carried an article about her.
Read about her here
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:52 PM 4 comments
Labels: Updates
Update on my Pastor's wife (Tammy)
Tammy is home now and doing pretty good. Her sister Sharon sent a message out saying that she was still a little dizzy headed from the head injury and she did have to have 6 staples in her head, but they are expecting a full recovery...Praise God!!! I couldn't imagine life without her. She is truly a blessing to the church and to our family.
Thank you all so much for taking thetime to pray for her. I really appreciate it!
Hugs, Sandy
Posted by ~Sandy at 7:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: Updates
365 of my life...in pictures #1
2. Is my new baby:) I finally decided to buy myself a laptop, so that I can take it where ever I go. Also, the kids can use it for school in another room, when the front of the house is to noisy. Plus, it's nice for me since I usually get online in the early hours of the morning, I can use it to watch for the bus while I type. Yes,I homeschool mine, but my fosters go to public school...it's required for them.
So when I do my "Just Today" posts it is usually morning and I'm usually at y dining room table and In the part that says... Outside my window..., I just look out and tell you what I see out these windows.

More pics coming soon!!!!
Posted by ~Sandy at 7:13 AM 2 comments
Labels: 365 of my life
Jan 13, 2009
Coming soon!
Hugs, Sandy
I was wondering who came up with the 365 days and my friend Dawn let me know. Thanks Dawn!
Becky Higgins from Creating Keepsakes Magazine created the project. Click on their names to learn more about them and this neat project.
However, as I said before, I'm not gonna be using a "real scrapbook" for my pics. I'm just gonna be using pics everyday for a year to share my life here on my blog.
I hope you enjoy!
Posted by ~Sandy at 5:20 PM 4 comments
Labels: 365 of my life
Jan 12, 2009
Just Today...
Out side my window...It is dark
The time is...7:20 pm
Today I feel...happy...things have gone smoothly all day. I love these kind of days.
The weather here...is cold. It will be dipping down in the 20's tonight
I am thinking...about watching a movie as a family tonight. I seldom watch TV.
At the moment,I am thankful...that my Pastor's wife is doing better
I am going...to take a loooooooooooooong hot bath...shortly:)
I am wearing...an ugly purple track suit but it is soooooo comfortable
I wish...my dishwasher was working so I didn't have to wash so many dishes tonight
I am reading...The purpose driven life again
I am working on...my house. I plan to paint the den this weekend
I am hoping...that the rest of my week will go as good as today
I am hearing...Trin and Jacob talking about a game
Around the house...it's not to bad. I had a really busy day today, but the girls stepped up and helped out with the house...they are such a huge help when I need them most
I bet you didn't know...that Ashley cooked our dinner tonight:) I started,but what I wanted to cook,she didn't want,so I said fix what you want and she did. Pasta with garlic cheese bread...yummy!!!!
One of my favorite ...things to do at the end of the day is to set down with my kids and just listen to them talk about everything. I looooove them sooooooooooooooo much. I always tell them that God searched all over Heaven for the most perfect kids and he sent those to me. I'm blessed!!!!! No they are not perfect ,but they do fit perfectly in my life:)
I just couldn't imagine my life without kids. Even though sometimes they drive me nuts and stress me to my limits, I wouldn't trade them for anything.
My grandmother told me that I am rich. I asked her what did she mean,because wealthy($$$$$) we are not. She said no, you have kids don't you and I said yes, a house full. She asked would I take a million for any one of them and I said no way!!! She said okay well that means their value is higher than a million and you are rich. So yes, I guess I am rich:) I just thank God for them...every single one and the twins too...lol
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:16 PM 1 comments
Labels: Just today
Jan 10, 2009
Update Time!
First off, I want to take the time to thank everyone that has added themselves to my friend's list or that left me comments. I never even knew that blogspot had the application to see who follows your blog until this week...I know I'm a little behind the times:) However,I really appreciate you all so much. You always wonder who is reading your blog, and I'm glad that you let me know, so that I can go and visit your blog too:) I've met a lot of really nice people here and a lot of others who have the same interest as I have and that is nice. I also learn a lot by visiting other's blogs and I hope my blog will be a blessing to you in some way. Thank you for sharing!!!!
Now for the updates.....(((drum roll)
This morning,
I had to get up a wee early and take the foster kids home. This is their very first time to be left unattended with their family. This is the step down period and slowly they will be leaving my home for their new home with their family. Their family is doing wonderful!!!!! They actually got a new house not far from mine(in our same community).Trin will still be in the same school district and that is gonna be really good for him. Trin was kinda having a hard time at first with having to leave here. He felt pulled between both homes. He wants to be with his family, but he didn't want to give up us or his life here. As his CASA put it,he just wishes he could stay here and Mom and Dad could come live here too. However,since they live so close, he can still come visit anytime and that has helped his feelings the most.
They will have these weekly visits for a couple more weeks to give them time to adjust and let go. Then we will start their overnights,until we slowly move them home for good. This has been the easiest case I've had so far and everything has worked out positive for these kids and their parents and that has been so nice, because I know I won't have to worry about them, like I have some of my past fosters.
After that, on my way back home,I stopped by the store and a lady asked me how my daughter is doing after the loss...so I figured it was time to update you on her.
As some of you know, my oldest daughter Anna had a miscarriage two days before Christmas. She went in for a check-up and the baby no longer had a heart beat.
Well, Anna is doing well. She went back this week to her ob-gyn and they said she is doing good, however, they haven't gotten the pathology reports back yet,so we are still waiting. Anna will be going back in 3 weeks and we hope the reports will be in by then. They said these reports should tell us if it was caused by unknown reasons or if it was a chromosomal problem...which would mean more testing of her and also Corey. Either one is gonna be hard ,but I think we would much rather it be a"we really don't know" than it to be a chromosomal thing that risk every pregnancy.
Anna does have the rh- factor, that we didn't know about until the loss. However, they said it had nothing at all to do with this loss and Anna did get a shot for it at the hospital to protect her if she gets pregnant again. Rh- does put her at possible risk of future miscarriages, still birth, or having a baby with blood problems, but the risk usually only affects your second pregnancy and on. So with any pregnancy, she will face some risks of a possible repeat due to the rh- compatibility problem, which I hate so bad for Corey and Her. But other than that, they are both doing much better than they were. BTW, if any of you are rh- and have had a 2nd or later healthy pregnancy let us know. I would love to talk with you,because this is all new for us. I never knew anything about rh- until this. So if you are rh- and your partner is rh+ and you have a healthy rh+ baby, let us know...I would love to hear some positives.
Next question was, "When are they gonna try again" ,I really don't know, but I really don't think it will be anytime soon. They have to wait 3 months anyway for healing and honestly I don't think that is really on their mind right now,because this has been very hard. . Honestly, as much as I want them to have a baby, I'd almost rather them to just adopt than to have to face the possibility of going through this over and over or the risk of having a baby with a life threatening blood disease. But, if they decide they want to try again, then we will be here for them every step of the way...nomatter what.
Other than that, all is well around here. I'm actually getting to get away by myself with a friend today(no kids). She had asked me to go out to eat and to the theatre and I'm excited to get out of the house, plus it's been a while since I've seen a good movie. I'm sure it will be tons of fun.
Well, that is it for now. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!
Posted by ~Sandy at 6:37 AM 12 comments
Labels: Updates
Jan 9, 2009
Do you remember?
Before SEGA or Super Nintendo
Way back........ I'm talkin' bout hide and go seek at dusk. Sittin' on the porch, Hot bread and butter. The Good Humor man, Red light, Green light.
Chocolate milk, Lunch tickets, Penny candy in a brown paper bag. Playin' Pinball in the corner store.
Hopscotch, butterscotch, doubledutch Jacks, kickball, dodgeball, y'all!
Mother May I? Red Rover and Roly Poly
Hula Hoops and Sunflower Seeds, Jolly Ranchers, Banana Splits Wax Lips and Mustaches
Running through the sprinkler The smell of the sun and lickin' salty lips....
Wait...... Watchin' Saturday Morning cartoons, Fat Albert, Road Runner, He-Man, The Three Stooges, and Bugs, Or back further, listening to Superman on the radio Catchin' lightening bugs in a jar, Playin' sling shot.
When around the corner seemed far away, And going downtown seemed like going somewhere. Bedtime, Climbing trees, An ice cream cone on a warm summer night Chocolate or vanilla or strawberry or maybe butter pecan A lemon coke from the fountain at the corner drug store A million mosquito bites and sticky fingers, Cops and Robbers, Cowboys and Indians, Sittin' on the curb,
Jumpin' down the steps, Jumpin' on the bed. Pillow fights
Runnin' till you were out of breath Laughing so hard that your stomach hurt Being tired from playin'.... Remember that?
I ain't finished just yet... Eating Kool-aid powder with sugar Remember when... When there were two types of sneakers for girls and boys (Keds & PF Flyers) and the only time you wore them at school, was for "gym." When it took five minutes for the TV to warm up, if you even had one. When nearly everyone's mom was at home when the kids got there. When nobody owned a purebred dog. When a quarter was a decent allowance, and another quarter a miracle. When milk went up one cent and everyone talked about it for weeks? When you'd reach into a muddy gutter for a penny. When girls neither dated nor kissed until late high school, if then.
When your Mom wore nylons that came in two pieces. When all of your male teachers wore neckties and female teachers had their hair done, everyday. When you got your windshield cleaned, oil checked, and gas pumped, without asking, for free, every time. And, you didn't pay for air. And, you got trading stamps to boot! When laundry detergent had free glasses, dishes or towels hidden inside the box. When any parent could discipline any kid, or feed him or use him to carry groceries, and nobody, not even the kid, thought a thing of it. When it was considered a great privilege to be taken out to dinner at a real restaurant with your parents. When they threatened to keep kids back a grade if they failed .... and did!
When being sent to the principal's office was nothing compared to the fate that awaited a misbehaving student at home. Basically, we were in fear for our lives but it wasn't because of drive by shootings, drugs, gangs, etc. Our parents and grandparents were a much bigger threat! and some of us are still afraid of em!!! Didn't that feel good.. just to go back and say, Yeah, I remember that! There's nothing like the good old days! They were good then, and they're good now when we think about them. Share some of these thoughts with a friend who can relate, then share it with someone that missed out on them.
Keep Smiling, Live, Love & Be Happy!
Posted by ~Sandy at 6:21 AM 10 comments
Labels: For Fun
Just Today
Today I feel...pretty good so far:)
The weather here...31
I am thinking...about my weekend plans
At the moment,I am thankful...that the weekend is here at last!
I am going...to spend tomorrow with Felicia
I am wearing...red top and black dress pants
I wish...I could get the hang of this new laptop...I really need a mouse for it.
I am reading...Purpose driven life again
I am working on...an all new family site...a quick update site that is much smaller, but I'm gonna keep my old site www.geocities.com/sevenhowells/family.html
I am hoping...to get everything in my house done today, so that tomorrow I can just enjoy getting away for a while with a friend
I am hearing...the washer running and Dora cartoon on TV
Around the house...it looks really good. One of my girls cleaned up after I went to bed. Hubby and I went out to eat last night and when we got in, it was late, and I was tired, so I said forget it, I'll get up early and clean in the morning, but when I got up my house was clean. It was either my girls or a cleaning fairy:)
I bet you didn't know...not sure...I'll have to think on this one
One of my favorite ...times of the day is early morning, before everyone wakes up, and I'm all alone,just me and God:)
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: Just today
Jan 7, 2009
Getting to know me...2009 version
1. What is your occupation right now?
Mom, wife, cook, chauffer, teacher, judge, lawyer, nurse, babysitter, friend, maid,...need to know more:)
2. What color are your socks right now?
black...I always wear black in the winter...I know I'm weird
3. What are you listening to right now?
Amber making noises
4. What was the last thing that you ate?
a chocolate strudel
5. Can you drive a stick shift?
6. Last person you spoke to on the phone?
Probably Bailey's mom
7. Do you like the person who sent this to you?
8. How old are you today?
36 years young
9. What is your favorite sport to watch on TV?
10. What is your favorite drink?
11. Have you ever dyed your hair?
12. Favorite food?
13. What is the last movie you watched?
Happy feet with Bailey...she loves it
14. Favorite day of the year?
Jesus birthday...CHRISTmas
15. How do you vent anger?
I clean house
16. What was your favorite toy as a child?
my dolls
17. What is your favorite season?
18. Cherries or Blueberries?
19. Do you want your friends to take this quiz?
If they want
20. Who is the most likely to respond?
not sure...probably the most bored one
21. Who is least likely to respond?
The most busy
22. Living arrangements?
A little blue house in Ga:) With my hubby, 4 of our kids ,and 2 sweet fosters.
23. When was the last time you cried?
last night
24. What is on the floor of your closet?
covered in shoes
25. Who is the friend you have had the longest that you are sending to?
not sending...just posting
26. What did you do last night?
Went to Bailey's
27. What are you most afraid of?
Losing someone I love.
28. Plain, cheese, or spicy hamburgers?
29. Favorite dog breed?
not sure
30. Favorite day of the week?
31. How many states have you lived in?
Only Ga
32. Diamonds or pearls?
Definitely diamonds.
33. What is your favorite flower?
Posted by ~Sandy at 10:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: Questions
Jan 6, 2009
Just Today...

Today I feel...happy
I am thinking...about going to Carabas with the kids tonight
At the moment,I am thankful...that we got to get Bailey for a night
I am going...out to eat with my kids tonight:)
I am wearing...blue track suit
I wish...everyday was like today
I am working on...touching up the paint in my bathroom
I am hoping...that all goes well with Anna's appointment today
I am hearing...kids talking
Around the house...the toys are strewn
One of my favorite ...color combinations are pink & Brown (what Katie plans to do her room in)...my next project...lol
Picture of the day... What Bailey is doing right now:) She was worn out from playing with her friends today.

Posted by ~Sandy at 12:18 PM 7 comments
Labels: Just today
Like I promised...

Posted by ~Sandy at 7:45 AM 5 comments
Labels: Pictures
Jan 5, 2009
In 2009.....
In 2009...
I will remember: last year but not dwell on it to much.
One place I will go: Florida
One physical habit I will break: I'll try not to grit my teeth when I'm frustrated.
One physical habit I will cultivate: writing/typing
One mental habit I will break: less doubting
One mental habit I will cultivate: I will try to look on the bright side of everything
One home repair I'll finally get around to: paint the den
One work habit I will change: putting off things
One thing I'll throw out: all this saved school work/books/magazines,etc
One thing I'll eat more often: whatever I want
One thing I'll eat less of: junk food
One thing I'll drink more: tea
One thing I'll drink less: coke
One overdue e-mail I'll send, or overdue phone call I'll make:I'll just try to respond more and quickly to each one
One person I'll treat more respectfully: my kids
One thing I'll spend less money on: kids clothes...I buy way more than they wear
One change I'll make in my finances: Use my debit/credit cards less...pay cash for stuff
One thing I'll spend less time doing: worrying
Something I'll spend more time doing: praying
One resolution I've made before but will honor this time: make more time for my family,set down together,
eat together,take more trips together,etc
In 2008...
I gained: a couple of pounds
I lost: my favorite pet "Stinky"
I stopped: being as active as I like in church
I started: reading more
I was hugely satisfied with: my family
I was frustrated by: the foster care system...fostering
I am embarrassed that: I can't seem to get organized and stay that way
One again, I did: paint the inside of my house
Once again, I did not: finish my schooling
The biggest physical difference between me last December and this December is: nothing really
The biggest psychological difference between me last December and this December is: no comment
I love spending time: with my kids
I should have spent more time: organizing
I regret buying: all these books we don't need, but thought we did for homeschooling
I will never regret buying: things for my kids
I _____ way too much: doubt
I didn't _____ enough: pray
My _____ drove me crazy: pets
The most relaxing place I went was: Miami
Why did I go: to bed late when I was tired????
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:44 PM 1 comments
Labels: For Fun
I want a good camera
For some time now I've been wanting a good camera. I want one that is not very complicated and one that takes "clear" pictures in any lighting condition and of course I want it to be digital.
I am always looking through other people's pictures(I just love photography) and they are always so good and clear and that's what I want.
I have the everyday use camera, but you just never know what the pics are gonna look like and I hate that. I'll think on the little previewer that the pic looks good, but then when I pull it up on the computer it's blurry, or red-eyed, or something else, then I have to use my picture editing to make it as good as I can. However, I want my everyday pictures to be just as perfect and clear as if I was in the perfect light.
So tell me, which camera is best? I'm not really looking for a professional camera, just one to take lots of great pics of my kids:)
Posted by ~Sandy at 11:12 AM 5 comments
Labels: Questions
Well, I'm almost done...
After four days of painting, I have decided that I hate painting. It's been a job with kids running everywhere. I only stopped painting long enough to sleep, eat, and go to church. My goal was to get as much done as possible and as quickly as possible....so I gave it all I had:)
I went ahead and finished the kitchen and dining room, and I am sooooooo happy about that!!!!! Now all I have left is my den and Katie's room(if I decide to paint it). Our room and the boys room was recently painted, so I don't have that...thank goodness!!!!! And yes, I'll add those pics soon.
As for the weekend, Jon went with his best friend Austin to the Tennessee Aquarium. He really enjoyed that and he came home talking all about it. He wants us to make that trip as a family soon. So maybe we can plan to do that.
Ashley & Katie stuck pretty close to home all weekend. I actually gave them a brush and let them work on Ashley's trim and door, but they ended up with more paint on them than the walls did..grrrr Katie(my silly one) decided it would be cool to paint herself and she did...grrrrr Yes, I have a picture of that too!
Jacob and Trin were both pretty occupied all weekend. Brent took them on Friday to buy a game. They pooled their money together and bought a game and that kept them pretty busy, which was a good thing for me. However, it seemed every time one of them had to go to the bathroom or needed to eat, they would either rub against a wall or step on the plastic and make footprints on the wood floor. So I spent about half my painting time, cleaning paint prints or touching up places.
Little Amber, didn't like staying in her room, in the den, or in her high chair(to eat), but we had no other choice, because she refused to stay away from the paint. She wanted so badly to play in it and tried to sneak every time her little feet hit the floor. She thought the plastic all over the floors were very cool.
Brent, well he has been pretty busy changing out outlets, replacing switches, and helping me put stuff back in place. However, he says he can paint, but I haven't seen it except on the outside of the house. But, he did help me get things some what back in order.
As for today (Monday) school started back and my babysitting kids are back after a two week holiday. It's always tough after having a break.
It just seems the kids forget so much after a break and I can't seem to understand why that is. Jacob had to re-read a story and he really struggled with his words, but just two weeks ago he whizzed right through it. Now, he is working on writing his 0-100 and that means I have a couple of minutes to rest...while he works and the babies are nap:)
My hubby and the girls have gone to Alabama to do some work for my father-in-law. Since he had his stroke, he struggles to do some things, and they've gone to help him out. So it's just me, the boys, and the babies....so it's pretty calm day.
As for the rest of the week, it looks like we will be re-learning what we learned those last couple of weeks of school, and just trying to get back on our normal routine.
That's about it for us. Jacob's done, so I guess I better give him his next assignment.
Have a good day!!!!
Hugs, Sandy
Posted by ~Sandy at 8:41 AM 1 comments
Labels: Updates
Jan 3, 2009
It's a working kind of weekend...
Well, here it is Saturday night. What have I managed to get done so far, from my weekend To-Do list????
Well, we gave Ashley's room a total face lift. Her idea wasn't as bad or as tacky as I thought it would be. . The walls are grey. The trim is white. The pictures are black and white and her bedspread is black with a small amount of grey. It probably sounds very tacky, because I really thought it would be myself(when Ashley requested it) .However, it's not that bad. I'll post pics later.
I also managed to paint the hall and I Painted the foyer area outside of the girls rooms.
Then I painted the guest bathroom a cream color to match my outhouse border.
Now, my next "To-Do", is my kitchen and dining room. I guess I'll have to hit that next week. I really don't like trying to work, babysit, and teach, because that's hard. But, I really need to get this painting done so I can get rid of all this plastic and paint buckets that are just waiting to be flipped over.
I flipped a bowl of paint over on Ashley's floor today. She had been using our paint ladder to do her trim, and it has a little place for the bowl to set, I never saw it, so when I went to move it, the paint flipped ,and spilled on her carpet...grrrr I scrubbed and scrubbed and I managed to get all of it up....yay!!!!!
Anyhow, it's been a crazy busy weekend,and two cut fingers and a hand later... I feel like I've accomplished what I hoped I would and that's a good feeling....even if my hands don't think so.
How has your weekend been so far????? I hope good.
Posted by ~Sandy at 6:46 PM 3 comments
Labels: Updates
Jan 2, 2009
Yay for Friday!! It's been a busy week for us. We've had the week off from schooling, but we've been busy working on the house and trying to get life back to normal...which is a task by itself.
Yesterday, I managed to get Ashley's room painted. She wanted it grey...grrr What happened to days when she wanted pink and princess and all the pretty stuff??? Now it grey walls and black/ grey colored bedspread, etc. Life changes so much in just 15 years...Ashley is proof.
Today, I've been babysitting kids...I have a house full. Plus,I've been trying to tape all the wood work so we can paint the hall, bathroom, and dining room and if I still have any time and energy left, I might just paint the den too.
Then my next goal is to tackle my junk drawers. It seems everything collects in the dining room drawers. It's amazing what you can find in there.
Yes, it's been a busy week and the weekend isn't looking much better from my view. However, these are the things that have been needing to be done for a while. My walls in the hall have little handprints all along them. Why do kids always want to drag their hands down white walls???
I just want to try to get everything tidy before we start back schooling next week. Also, we will have our foster re-evaluation again this month and I want to be ready for that too.
Anyhow, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Hugs, Sandy
Posted by ~Sandy at 10:50 AM 3 comments
Labels: Updates
Jan 1, 2009
My Blog Is Going To Be A Book...
Posted by ~Sandy at 12:01 AM 0 comments