May 31, 2010
Can it get any sweeter than this?
Posted by ~Sandy at 9:46 PM 2 comments
Labels: 365 of my life, Baby Notes, Family Yearbook, Pictures
Thank You!
I see many who tell each other "Happy Memorial Day" and sometimes that doesn't come so easy for me. Not because I'm not proud to be an American because I am most proud, not because I'm not thankful for what these heroes have done for me ,because I can't even begin to tell you how thankful I am, no it's not because I don't enjoy the freedom because I know we are a blessed nation,and no it's not because I disagree with the decisions our military is making and has made, because I am 100% behind our troops.
I've never looked at this day as a day of celebration. I look at it as a day that some Mom is grieving the loss of her child, some husband or wife will never see their companion coming home again ,some child is missing their daddy or mommy today, and many more relatives and friends are not feeling the joy ,but instead are missing and thinking about the one they loved and lost. Yes, I'm sure they are bursting with pride ,because their love one paid the ultimate sacrifice ,so that we can be the nation we are, but also they are heavy hearted today. My heart goes out to these families.
I think we to often view this day as just another day off or work,a time for picnics,get togethers, vacations,and fun. But lets not let that dim our mind of what today is truly about. Today is Memorial Day and may be never forget what they have done for us.
(Music takes a few seconds before it plays)
Posted by ~Sandy at 9:06 AM 3 comments
May 28, 2010
Bear Ye One Another's Burdens
I would like to share these prayer request with you in hopes that you will lift these families in your prayers. The Bible tells us to..
2.Pleae pray for Mary over at "Piles Of Smiles" She is going through some storms.
3.Please pray for Lisa over at "Glad Chatter". She is battling cancer.
4.Please pray for little Susana Whitaker.She was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma on April 21, 2010.
5.Please pray for my uncle who has cancer. He has been sent home ,because they can't do anything else for him. His cancer has already spread to far.
6.Please pray for Bailey's family. I got a call a few minutes ago from Bailey's mom telling me that Bailey's grandmother passed away while ago.
7.Please continue to remember my mom. She will be having more surgeries next month on her legs/back. She is just not doing very good at all right now.
8.Please remember one of my lil babysitting girls "Lacy" she has been having pains in her legs.
9.Please remember one of my babysitting mom's,she called me yesterday with a heavy heart and asked for prayer but she don't want me to go into any detail. Please pray for her.
10.Continue to pray for Trinton and Amberly's grandmother. She is still recovering from an aneurysm.
11. And remember me.I have an unspoken prayer request.
Thanks for your prayers.
Posted by ~Sandy at 11:13 AM 3 comments
You Tell On Yourself
I read this and I got to thinking about how true this is. We really do tell on ourselves by the way we live. We may think no one is looking or listening,but really they are. Others are watching everything we do and listening to the things we say and from that they are drawing their opinion about who we are as a person. Are we living up to the life we claim or living a life that brings shame?
Posted by ~Sandy at 9:10 AM 2 comments
Labels: Thoughts to ponder
May 27, 2010
It's My Anniversary!
Posted by ~Sandy at 10:17 AM 10 comments
May 26, 2010
Just A Nice Quote
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:00 AM 5 comments
May 25, 2010
Five Generations
grandmother (Mittie Howell)
Posted by ~Sandy at 3:42 PM 4 comments
Labels: 365 of my life, Family Yearbook, Pictures
Do your children have outside toys?

Several times I've found black widows on the little tikes & step 2 climbers & playgrounds as well as our wooden gym set. So check them everyday. It is better to be safe then sorrry. Please take these pictures from my blog and add them to your blog...let's let as many people know as possible. Thanks, Sandy
Posted by ~Sandy at 7:47 AM 5 comments
My Middle Daughter-Miss Katie
(Click on pics to enlarge)
Posted by ~Sandy at 6:12 AM 10 comments
Labels: Pictures
My To-Do List For Today
Posted by ~Sandy at 5:28 AM 3 comments
May 22, 2010
Got a question...
I have noticed on some blogs that at the bottom of each of their posts ,that it will show some little pictures that you can click on that will take you to a past post that the blog owner had posted. How can I set my blog, so that my blog has that too? I've looked all over my blog trying to figure out how. So I figured maybe one of you can help. Thanks in advamce! ((hugs)) Sandy
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:19 PM 7 comments
May 21, 2010
One Day At A Time
One Day At A Time

I'm just a woman.
Help me believe, in what I could be,
And all that I am.
Show me the stairway,
That I have to climb,
And Lord for my sake,
Teach me to take,
One day at a time .
One day at a time sweet Jesus
That's all I'm askin' from You.
Just give me the strength,
To do every day
What I have to do.
Yesterday's gone, sweet Jesus,
And tomorrow may never be mine.
Lord help me today,
Show me the way,One day at a time
Do You remember,
When You walked among men?
Well Lord as you know
If you're lookin' below
It's worse now than then
Pushin' and shovin'
Teach me to take,
One day at a time .
One day at a time sweet Jesus,
That's all I'm askin' from You.
Just give me the strength,
To do every day
What I should do.
Yesterday's gone ,sweet Jesus
And tomorrow may never be mine,
Lord help me today,
Show me the way,One day at a time...
Posted by ~Sandy at 7:56 PM 3 comments
Labels: One day at a time
Jelly Bean's Update
We are back from Children's. Little Jelly Bean's doctor was proud at how well she is doing. She was the doctor that made her a belly button...she did an amazing job! She said that she doesn't want to put a tube in her side just yet. She wants to give her more time to see if she can learn to eat by mouth. She said that Jelly Bean will most likely always be small for her age, because of her malabsorption problem,but that it shouldn't be a problem and other than that she believes that Jelly Bean will one day be normal and tube free!!!!!!! We are excited about this news:)
Posted by ~Sandy at 10:58 AM 6 comments
May 20, 2010
Today's Devotion
Thoughts- Most of my days are hectic and very busy but yet sometimes they are quiet and rather boring. From day to day and hour to hour I feel many things. Sometimes it's highs and other times it's lows. Sometimes ,I even struggle to understand why I feel one way or the other.
But I am so thankful that God knows exactly what I'm feeling and what I'm going through from day to day. He cares so much about me, my needs, and even the things that concern me, or that rattle my day. I can lay my struggles at his feet and walk away knowing that He cares and can handle what I can't. By putting it in God's hands, it becomes his to carry and not mine. My focus then shifts, from all the problems, to my God. The circumstances are still surrounding me, but so is His strength. My perspective of the mountain changes, when I realize, I am not climbing it by myself. My mind becomes fixed on God. He carries me to the top of what seemed like an un-crossable mountain, and showers me with His perfect peace and love. Thank you God!
Posted by ~Sandy at 9:59 AM 5 comments
May 19, 2010
Achievement or Resentment?
Achievement and resentment
Achievement creates, and resentment destroys. Which kind of world would you prefer to live in -- a world of achievement or a world of resentment?
It is easy to be resentful of someone who has accomplished more than you. But what purpose does that resentment serve?
Instead of giving in to resentment, you can transform its energy into something that will actually do you some good. You can transform it into positive inspiration and driving ambition.
A thousand days spent in resentment will just make you old and dejected. A thousand days spent on achievement will create a rich and fulfilling life.
You were born to achieve and you have a strong desire to achieve. You're fully capable of following that desire, and of creating great and wonderful achievements for your world.
If you feel the urge to be resentful, stop. Think about it, think about your own best interest, and choose achievement instead.
-- Ralph Marston
Read more:
Posted by ~Sandy at 11:05 AM 1 comments
Labels: Thoughts to ponder
May 17, 2010
New Pics Of Bailey

Posted by ~Sandy at 6:03 PM 10 comments
Labels: 365 of my life, Family Yearbook, Pictures
May 15, 2010
Happiness Is Your Choice.
Don't let your happiness be held hostage. It is always yours to choose, to live, to experience.
You don't need anyone else's permission to be happy. Your life is magnificent not because someone says it is, but because you choose to see it as such. If you're unhappy, that's not someone else's fault. Take full responsibility for your own unhappiness, and you instantly gain the ability to create your own happiness.
Every day, you fulfill your most sincere expectations. Expect to be happy, and just like that, you are. Stop seeking in vain to arrange circumstances that will make you happy. Simply choose to be happy, and your circumstances start to line up around that happiness.
Your happiness is your choice. Choose it any time you wish.
-- Ralph Marston
Posted by ~Sandy at 8:53 AM 2 comments
Happy 4 Month!!

Posted by ~Sandy at 8:21 AM 2 comments
Labels: 365 of my life, Baby Pictures, Family Yearbook, Pictures
May 13, 2010
Now you know my ABC's
A-Age- is 37 and no I'm not ashamed of my age. I'm thankful to be alive & well.
Posted by ~Sandy at 6:37 AM 2 comments
May 12, 2010
Yes? No? Maybe?
I have a crazy habit... When I'm driving I like to read license plates on all cars. But the weird thing is over and over lately & for the past year,I've noticed that the cars that seemed to always be infront of me had the word "ASK" as their license plate ID. It happened so often that I started keeping up with it. I even mentioned it to my Hubby how I kept seeing "ASK" tags everywhere I went. So I wondered (like the simple minded woman I am) if this was God showing me something. I know I'm weird (at least I'll admit it) or either the tag office decided to give half our county "ASK" tags and those people always seem to be going the same place I am. Do you believe God gives you signs? I do. Well ,just in case it was a sign from God, I "ASKED" God about it. I asked him to help me with the things I didn't have the answers to. I asked that his will be done in my life and that He would help me to know & do his will.
As a Christian, I often find myself praying to God to direct my path. When I have a decision to make, I need to know if it is right or wrong for me,so I ask God,because He knows my future better than me. Sometimes when I pray or have decisions to make, I struggle with if it is God's will or just Sandy's wants. My pastor preached on this a while back and He said," God ALWAYS answers every prayer. Sometimes his answer is yes. Sometimes his answer is no. Sometimes it is just wait a while." If that's the case then I often find myself in that wait a while line,because sometimes it takes me a while to know God's answer and to know his will.
Well, today I'm waiting for an answer. I have a very important decision to make. It is probably among the biggest decisions of my life. I've "ASKED" God about it and I'm waiting for an answer. But the problem is, I have to make this decision today,actually within the next few hours. A decision with a deadline is a very hard decision. What do you do when you find yourself in this spot?
Posted by ~Sandy at 5:20 AM 4 comments
May 10, 2010
Bailey's Call
She has gotten to where she calls us all the time now to talk.
On Saturday, she called me and I just wanted to
To be only 2 she is one smart cookie:)

Bay-"No Me not going to no party"
Posted by ~Sandy at 6:34 PM 3 comments
What a wonderful weekend it has been.
I had a wonderful weekend!!! On Friday, I had a girl's night out. It was great getting out. Hubby stayed home and kept the baby & Jacob so I could have a little free time. I love spending time with my friends & my dear daughters.
On Saturday, I took my very first senior pictures. I am really excited about that. I hope that Maria likes them as much as I enjoyed taking them.
After that, we went to dinner with friends. If you remember a while back on my blog,I mentioned a baby that was offered to us for adoption ,but we passed it up and connected the mom with friends of ours who haven't been able to have a baby of their own. Well, that's who we went to dinner with:) Sweet baby Addie just turned one and she is just precious. I can tell they are just crazy about their baby. She has for sure been that missing piece. It just blessed my heart to see them.
I had a wonderful Mother's Day. I woke up to a homemade breakfast that my daughter Ashley cooked me:) She even made homemade biscuits for the first time. It was sooooo good! She did a great job. What a wonderful way to start the day.
Then we went to Sunday morning service @ church and our pastor preached an awesome message on being a good mother & comparing that to the mother church. I've never heard the two compared so that was really neat.
I also got a HUGE surprise!!!! My Mom & brother Bryan decided to surprise me & come to church. Mom hasn't been able to come in a looooong time due to the problems she has had, but she was there and it just blessed my heart seeing her. I love my mom.
Also seeing my little brother was a blessing. He has recently gotten into church at a church close to where he lives and I am soooooo proud of him.
After church, I came home & spent time with my kids. I love when my kids come home.
Little Brookelyn put us on a show. She is such a precious little girl with the most amazing personality. I love that baby so much.
After they left, I decided to go spend the evening with my Nanny. We had a great time together. I took the new foster baby to see her and Nanny just had a fit over Nanny loves babies/kids just like I do...I guess that's where I got it:)
It was just a weekend full of blessings:)
Posted by ~Sandy at 7:55 AM 5 comments
Labels: Updates
May 9, 2010
I love this song!!!

and everyone was for sure we would never make it...but we did.
It wasn't microsoft. It was God for us! Microsoft
Posted by ~Sandy at 7:07 PM 3 comments
2 Meatloaf Recipes
Place all ingredients in a mixing bowl and mix well. Press into a greased loaf pan. Bake in a moderate oven 350 for 30 to 40 minutes. Serve with tomato sauce or mushroom sauce.
Here's what you do, put all the above ingredients in a bowl and then mix it up with both your hands. Keep mixing it till it sticks together. Add a little more catsup if you need to, or another egg, whatever it will take to get it to stick together.
Cook 45 min at 325.
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: Recipes