Watch this adorable video!
Apr 29, 2009
Adorable Video!!!
Posted by ~Sandy at 5:54 AM 2 comments
Labels: For Fun, Thoughts to ponder
Apr 26, 2009
Family Yearbook-(Catching up post #16)
Our Family Pictures. I know you've seen most of these pictures but this is one of the assignments for The Family Yearbook Challenge. I just re-posted the same slide show I have on my myspace. This is my family and the ones I hold dearest to heart. Enjoy!
Posted by ~Sandy at 11:46 AM 1 comments
Labels: 365 of my life, Family Yearbook, Pictures
Apr 25, 2009
Tells From the Front door

“A house is made of walls and beams. A home is built with love and dreams.”

Our Old Front Door
Although it has seen better days,
It's always been there to say,
"Welcome Home".
Posted by ~Sandy at 5:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: Family Yearbook
Follow me through my garden

It starts out red and ends up pink and yellow
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:47 PM 4 comments
Labels: Pictures
Apr 24, 2009
Things You May Not Know
My Family Yearbook Post #15

Things You May Not Know
Since the last post was about a family pet, it gave me the idea to share more about other animals our family has taken care of through the years. Did you know that we use to have a wild pig that I bottle fed, two pot bellied pigs, 3 brown squirrel's, 3 baby opossums, 1 raccoon, numerous rabbits, fish, dogs, cats, and one flying squirrel?
Most we saved from the jaws of other animals and most were babies that I hand raised and bottle fed. Almost all were returned to the wild as soon as they were big enough to be set free.
The most memorable was the flying squirrel we named "Rolly" Flying squirrels are unique. The one we had was very gentle and never even tried to harm any of us. They have the softest fur and no they really don't fly. They use the skin (which looks like wings)under their legs to glide down from heights. They are awake at night and sleep all day, so they are not good as pets and their odor is strong. Also, when we had ours we ended up with two more that came up, I guess they smelled ours.
Next, the one that took my heart was "Stinky" my brown squirrel. I had him from 1999-2008. He loved me. A tree service was clearing land and cut down the tree that his nest was in. All his siblings died. My brother-in-law found him and brought him home. He looked like a little rat. We fed him around the clock and took care of him. Once he got old enough, we tried to release him to the wild, but he just kept coming back to his cage. So we ended up keeping him after saving him from dogs. He had no fear of people or animals and that is why we couldn't let him stay out on his own. So we kept him in a huge cage in the backyard for all those years. He would come to me and he let me clean his cage out, etc. He would always pick my hand up with his mouth wanting me to rub his back. He loved to be petted and would stretch out for me to do it. He also loved sweet tea. When he would climb up trees, I'd go outside and shake a glass of sweet tea and he would come down to drink it.
The raccoon we had was also one that really stuck out. Her name was "Lily" she was a mess. A friend of Brent's heard a loud noise outside his home one night and when he went to find out what it was,he found his dogs with a little baby raccoon. He put up the dogs, but no mama came to get her little baby. So He ended up bringing her to us.We bottle fed and hand raised her. She was alot like a child...she got into everything and I mean everything. We kept her for a year and then set her free ,because she was such a handful and because she was tearing everything up in our was time to let her go. She also would take stuff and hide it from you.
The last I'll share about is the wild hog we had. My hubby went on a hunting trip with friends. They were hunting for wild hogs in south GA. While on the hunt several hogs were shot. However, one had babies and they didn't know until it was to late. So feeling guilty some of them brought babies home. We ended up with a little girl one that we named "Porky" . We had Porky for over 11 years. She to was bottle fed and hand raised. The only aggression she ever had, was one time she pushed Jon down with her nose and took his bubble gum:)
However, wild animals belong in the wild. I encourage anyone who has a baby one now to call someone who is licensed to care for wild animals. Also, I don't advice you to try to tame a wild animal ,because most are mean and will bite you.Most can not be tamed. Their nature is not to be friendly with humans. Some animals can bite you and make you very sick or even kill you...even the smallest ones. So be cautious anytime you approach a wild animal of any kind.
Posted by ~Sandy at 6:20 AM 0 comments
Labels: Family Yearbook
Our Family Pet
Our Family Yearbook Post#14

This post is in memory of our family pet
She passed away a couple of weekends ago.
Let me tell you her story. Sissy is an Alaskan Malamute.
A few summers ago,I think about 5 or so, she wondered up in our yard. She was very poor looking. She had numerous gun shot wounds and was over all in very poor health. We tried to locate an owner ,but no one ever came forth. So we took care of her ourselves. She took right up and turned out to be a beautiful healthy dog. We had no idea what her name was and after calling her several names, Katie decided she wanted her name to be Sissy. Katie called her Sissy and she came. So Sissy became her name. The first thing I noticed about her was her love for children...we had something in common:) She loved kids! She was also very protective of kids. If another dog tried to enter our property while children were playing, she would run them off. She would dart at them and shine her teeth and they always went the other way. However the kids could climb all over her, lay on her, etc and she was gentle.
Her favorite treat (and she would dance for it) was fat free chicken hot dogs. She would greet me every Friday(after I bought groceries) with this little dance she always done. She looked like a show horse how she pranced. She knew if I left the house on Friday that she was gonna get a pack of chicken dogs and she did.
We took Sissy to the vet and they told us that she was well over 10 years old ,because her teeth were worn down, but they couldn't say exactly how old she was.
But within the last two years, she had started slowing down a little. However,if the kids were outside she would follow them up and down the drive way and all over the uard. She just took that on as her job and she watched the children well. I could tell at times she would be so tired of following them ,because she would start dragging and she'd stop every few steps to rest but she would go on anyway, sometimes for hours at a time. Up until the week she passed she kept kids.
The week that she passed her health quickly went down hill. She went from walking to no walking...not even to go to the bathroom. She was snappy which was not like her and she wouldn't let us pick her up ,much less put her in the truck to carry her to the vet. So we called a vet to come out and he diagnosed her with cancer. We decided to have her put to sleep,because she was just to weak to go on. That vet said she was well over 10 years old (just like the other vet said) He thought she could have been 12-15 years old and had lived longer than most dogs of her kind ,that he had seen.
She brought a lot of joy to our lives and was one of the best pets we ever had.
Posted by ~Sandy at 5:35 AM 0 comments
Labels: Family Yearbook
Our Family Motto

Our Family Motto is...
"With God All Things Are Possible"
I truly believe this and I've tried hard to instill this in my children's lives. I believe with all my heart that nothing ,and I do mean nothing ,is impossible with God. These words were spoken by Jesus more than one time in the Bible, so He clearly wanted us to know.
One verse that comes to mind (one of my favorite verses) is...
Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible. Mark 10:27 kjv
Posted by ~Sandy at 5:07 AM 0 comments
Labels: Family Yearbook
My Family Yearbook- (catching up #12)

I met Brent during my high school years. A friend of mine "Kim George" asked me if I would go on a double date with her and she wondered if I would go with Brent.
I was just coming out of a two year relationship and I thought that it might help to take that off my I agreed. We met up at Kim's house, we went out to eat together ,and then came back to her house and watched some rented movies.
Things were going great. However, Brent crossed the line half way through the date. He tried to hold my hand and I just thought that wasn't right for a first date. I just felt it was to soon for that...I only wanted to be friends and I just felt girl and guy friends shouldn't hold hands,especially on first dates.
I was brought up by a mom that taught me not to hold hands on first dates, she also told me that girls shouldn't call guys on the phone (guys are suppose to call girls and no later then 9 pm ,because that is rude), and mom taught me that guy's should always pay for the date if they really like you...boy has times changed.
For months after that Kim kept trying to get me to go back out with Brent. She would tease me constantly and push us into each other at school, etc She would invite him over and it would always be when I was over at her house. She drove me nuts about him.
Then one Halloween, our community had a haunted house to raise funds for the youth. I played the part of a grieving widow. Another boy that I went to church with played the part of my deceased spouse. Half way through the evening, that boy got tired and gave up his position. It just happened that Brent and this boy were good friends and Brent had stopped by with some of his friends to go through the haunted house. Brent offered to take that boy's place. I don't know what happened that night, I just saw a different side of Brent then what I saw on our first date or maybe he was figuring me out too.
We didn't talk about dating or anything that night. We both just done what we were asked to do. Then we both stayed afterwards and cleaned up together. That next Monday,Kim asked me again if I would go on a double date with her & her boyfriend and she wanted to know If I'd go with Brent. This time I said yes!!!!
After that date, we started going on dates every weekend. Then he came over and met my family on Christmas Eve (and trust me he did not try to hold my hand or anything else for several weeks/months).
April of 1989
He asked me to marry him
And I said, "I Will"
and then I said, "I Do".
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:07 AM 1 comments
Labels: Family Yearbook
Apr 23, 2009
Follow Me
Some of you have asked me where I got my status application that updates you with what I'm doing. I got it from Twitter. You can follow me or make your own at or you can visit mine at... If you want to make your own you will need to join twitter ,and then scroll down and click on app link for the codes to add to your blog. I hope this helped!
Posted by ~Sandy at 1:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: Updates
Trying to catch up
Yes, I've probably overwhelmed you with post today, but I'm trying really hard to catch up with everyone who is participating in The Family Yearbook Challenge. I actually stayed up late lastnight typing all these. Once I'm caught up, I'll probably only post as often as Tara gives us a prompt...I think that will be about once a week.
Have a great day!!!
Posted by ~Sandy at 10:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: Updates
My Family Yearbook- (Catching up #11)

Matthew 25:15
Posted by ~Sandy at 9:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: Family Yearbook
My Family Yearbook- (Catching up #10)

God is great. God is good. Let us thank Him, For our food.
By His hands, we are fed, thank you Lord for our daily bread...Amen
Favorite Meals
When my kids were little we taught them the above prayer.
They would all say it together each time we set down to eat.
We still say the blessing,a little more grown up now,
but some of the sweetest moments were the moments
that we set down to eat together as a family and they all said the blessing together.
Being brought up in the country by parents who seldom ate out, we (Brent & I) from an early age fell in love with good old fashion home cooking! It was all we knew.
When I married Brent it was really hard to get him away from beans, bread, and taters(as he calls them). He grew up with a grandmother that cooked meals everyday and they always consisted of Beans, potatoes, bread, and meat and often times a pie of some kind with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream or rice pudding.
I too was blessed with a grandmother and mother who always (and still do) cook good old home cooked meals. I was blessed!!!!!
When I married, I started out with the very same traditions. I cooked big meals everyday. However, through the years, I've added new foods here and there. So my kids have grew up with a variety of foods.
Some of our favorite meals are still the good home cooked meals.
A few weeks ago Anna called and said her and Corey were coming over and she wanted some of mom's fried chicken.
So I started cooking!
We ended up with fried chicken, cream potatoes, corn on the cob, green beans, and baked beans.I enjoyed setting down and eating with them:)
I will admit we still eat tons of potatoes. We bake them, fry them, and cream them.
We still eat meats pretty much every meal.
Our sides usually are beans, veggie mixes, salads, slaw, corn, bread, etc
But,I've tried to bake or grill more than fry due to the fact that heart health is such a big issue in my family. I'm sure some of those good old home cooked meals are to blame for that.
We eat out more than our parent's did.
However, even when we eat out we still try to eat healthy.
I enjoy any kind of salad. I love trying salads from all the different restaurants.
We enjoy Mexican style food as well as Italian.
Some of our favorite restaurants are...
El Nopal
Stevie B's
Chick fil-a
Taco Bell
Papa John's
Captain D's
Penny's & Darlene's
Out Back
Texas Roadhouse
Olive Garden
We pretty much like anything. I tried to bring my children up eating a variety of food so that they would be willing to try new foods,and not be like their daddy and only eat beans, potatoes ,bread, and meat for the first 30 years of life.
Posted by ~Sandy at 9:07 AM 1 comments
Labels: Family Yearbook
My Family Yearbook- (Catching up #9)

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
Let Me Tell You About Our Children's Schooling
We are a homeschooling family. Deciding to homeschool was one of the biggest decisions we made as a family, but in my opinion is was one of the best.
When we decided to homeschool in 1999, it wasn't as popular as it is today. We were met with great criticism and very little support. However, I felt led by God to teach my children at home and I knew that anything God led me to do, that He would help me get through it.
I felt like we were under a microscope and everyone was watching (and hoping) we would fail. After all life has tried to make us believe that it is not cool to be different. We had family and even friends that loved taking our kids to the side to question them on things they thought they should know...I think they got surprised when the kids knew more than they expected. I will honestly say that Brent's relatives gave us the hardest time of all. My family on the other hand were very supportive. I wasn't angered with Brent's family(just frustrated) ,because I knew they were only concerned for the well being (education) of my children. They also weren't sure if I was qualified enough. After all ,I had dropped out of high school right after my 11th grade year to marry Brent. Brent graduated in 1988 and I wanted to be out with him. I regret that and always will, but it happened. However, I did go back to school and got an equivalency diploma. So I understood where they came from. However, what they couldn't see was that It wasn't just me teaching. It was us (Hubby, me,and our kids) learning together. I learned more homeschooling my kids in the first 4 years than I learned all my school years combined. Learning wasn't something I had to make my kids do. I just supplied them with the things that they needed and then set them free to explore and learn on their own pace. Homeschooling is my life. It's not a set Monday-Friday or 8-3 school (like the public school). It is looking at each moment of each day as a good time to learn something you didn't know. We don't have peer pressure problems at home, gang issues, violence, drugs,sex problems, etc And no we don't have socialization problems either. This is one of the silliest excuses people use for not homeschooling. They worry their child won't be able to socialize well. My kids started talking around age one (I didn't send them to school to learn that) and I promise they haven't stopped yet. If anything they are probably some of the most friendly kids you'll ever meet and each one has very high self esteem and I'm happy about that. They talk to all kinds of people. We don't set home that much to most people's surprise. We actually now have more time to get out and spend with other people, because we aren't tied down to a school schedule like the state has. The next thing people worry about is that they won't be able to teach something like algebra, chemistry, biology, etc Don't worry about that... someone has taught these things before you and now there are virtually thousands of programs and people that are willing to assist you in teaching your child. All homeschooling parents want to see each other have success and we are always willing to help each other. In someways it's like a huge family. If you don't know something,this is the time you too can learn right along with your child. I believe you are never to old to learn something new.
Homeschooling has worked for us. It hasn't always been easy. Yes there were times I wanted to throw my hands up and give up,but I kept reminding myself that I'd get through it because
"If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it."
Anna did graduate early. She graduated right before she was 17 years old. She has an accredited high school diploma from PF and transcripts too:) And guess what??? She actually works a job outside of her home.
She knows how to socialize!!! She answers the phone as a secretary at an animal hospital and deals with hundreds of people each week.
She can even do math!!!! She handles their money. She can read and write!!! She handles most of the paper work and book work at her job. But guess what else she learned?!? She learned how to run a house,wash clothes, buy groceries, manage money, take care of kids, etc and she learned that from being home and doing it everyday. When she married I didn't have to tell her how to cook or how to clean or how to do this or that. She left my home knowing how to do everything I do, probably even better. Am I afraid she was scarred for life for being homeschooled??? No way,I think she is one of the most amazing young women I know. The people at her job adore her. She didn't grow up in a school system with people who constantly discouraged her or thrived to bring her down. Instead she was encouraged and taught by someone that loves her probably more than anyone else in this I'm sure I could have done a few things better, but I done what I felt was most important when it came to the things I taught/teach my children.
Now I have two more that are right behind Anna. They two will be graduating within the next two years. Both plan to follow their dreams and further their education. I believe in them and I'm sure they will do just as well as Anna in life.
My boys are coming up not so far behind the girls.
As some of you know, that know us well, know that our oldest son Jon has had some learning difficulties and has overcome some obstacles in his life. I strongly believe if he had been sent to public school that he would have struggled and most likely would have just been pushed through the system or held back. Homeschooling has met most of his needs. However we have had to have a little outside help, and this past year
has been his year and he has made great improvements. I'm so proud of him!
Little Jacob is in 1st grade and is learning more and more each day.
Homeschooling is not for everybody and that's okay (that's another post by itself).
But homeschooling works...It has for us.
Visit our Homeschool Site. Our family site is down right now,but you can go directly to my homeschool corner.
Posted by ~Sandy at 7:10 AM 1 comments
Labels: Family Yearbook
My Family Yearbook- (Catching up #8)

If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it. ~Mary Engelbreit~
Tell About Anything That Has Changed In The Last Year
Each day has brought about many changes. Most were just small changes that were barely even noticed. Some were major life changes. I'll share with you the ones that come to mind at the moment.
The biggest change was our oldest leaving the nest. June 7,2008 our daughter Anna got married to Corey Wesson. Most said we were loosing our daughter...I disagreed. We didn't loose her we gained a son. This was a major event for our family. We are so proud of both of them.
Another big day that sticks out, is the day we gave our baby Bailey back to her birth family. This was a happy time, but also a very sad time for us. We had brought her home from the hospital and had kept her for over a year. Then it was time and she had to go and our hearts were broken. But, we truly didn't loose Bailey...we gained another family.
Next was the news we were gonna be grandparents. We were thrilled about the news. Anna was going to have a baby. Plans were already being made and we longed for June 2009 to come, but sadly in December Anna went in for a check-up and the baby no longer had a heartbeat. As you can imagine we were all heart broken. However, we know we will meet that baby someday in Heaven and that it will always be our first grandchild.
November 2008, Brent went through some major life changes. He had the surgery that he had been needing so long to correct his condition. For the last two years he had been sick constantly. Being sick all the time, not being able to sleep, not being able to eat without chocking had become really tough for him and for us watching him. After nearly loosing him twice from aspiration, I'm thrilled to say he is 100% healed!!!!!! God is good!!!!!!
Other big events are...
Two more of the kids have learned to drive now (They're driving and I'm praying).
We had two new foster kids share our lives (Trinton & Amberly).
I started back to school to be a photographer.
Jon made some major progress in school this year because we found a program that better meets his needs.
Jacob Noah learned to read and tie his shoes.
Katie & Ashley both have started on their last two years of their school program and if all goes well they will both graduate a little early.
This is all that comes to mind right now.
I may think of more,but for now this is it.
Posted by ~Sandy at 6:27 AM 0 comments
Labels: Family Yearbook
Apr 22, 2009
My Family Yearbook- (Catching up #7)
Posted by ~Sandy at 11:23 AM 2 comments
Labels: Family Yearbook
My Family Yearbook- (Catching up #6)

Job 36:11
A few more things our family enjoys
Posted by ~Sandy at 10:13 AM 0 comments
Labels: Family Yearbook
My Family Yearbook- (Catching up #5)
Matthew 18:20
Posted by ~Sandy at 9:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: Family Yearbook
My Family Yearbook- (Catching up #4)

Posted by ~Sandy at 8:43 AM 0 comments
Labels: Family Yearbook
Family Yearbook- (Catching up #3)
Posted by ~Sandy at 7:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: Family Yearbook
Family Yearbook (Catching up #2)
Posted by ~Sandy at 7:34 AM 1 comments
Labels: Family Yearbook
My Family Yearbook (catching up- #1)
Posted by ~Sandy at 3:57 AM 3 comments
Labels: Family Yearbook
Apr 21, 2009
About our weekend
I promised I would post about last weekend ,so here it is! I guess better late than never.
It was an awesome weekend...much better than the one before.
I was so happy to get to see two of my past foster kids (Trinton & Amberly) better known here on my blog as Trin & Amber. But since they are no longer our fosters, I can now talk about them and share their pictures. Trin called and asked could he come over and spend some time this weekend with Jacob,but I told him that he would have to wait until Sunday,because we wouldn't be home. We had already made plans for Jacob to go to Alabama to see his paw-paw.
Sunday afternoon, I went and got him. I was so happy to get to see him and little Amberly. I also got to see their new baby brother. It was just really sweet. Just like with Bailey, I'm so thankful that their mom wants us to stay involved in their lives. It means a lot to us foster parents to be able to see that these kids are home and doing well.
Also, this weekend we got our Bailey. As many of you know, she too use to be one of our fosters,but now to us she is family and our baby:) We kept her all weekend and I loved every second of it!!!! She is growing up so fast. Every time we see her, she is using more words, and doing new things. She is starting to seem more like a little girl ,then a little baby. She pretty much tells you what she wants or don't want now. She loves to be loved on and she loves to give love back. For some reason, she started kissing hands. She kept taking my hand and kissing it all sweet. Then she says, "I lud ewe so much" (I love you so much). She is a sweetheart. I know people must think we are crazy about how we feel about these kids, but I think it is kinda like we would feel with grandchildren. We cherish every moment we have before they have to go back and we don;t take one second for granted,because we know it could be taken from us in a second.
Sunday night, we went to a singing with the The Old Path Trio . They performed and as always they were wonderful!!!!! If you haven't heard them, then you need to:) They always inspire me!!!!! Jeremy Peace(the keyboard player) gave a testimony that truly touched many hearts, but it especially hit home with me,because he was once a foster child himself. He shared his story and once more God reminded me why He called me to foster children. It was a blessing!!!!!
It was a really good weekend for us!!!!!
Posted by ~Sandy at 9:11 AM 2 comments
Labels: Updates
Family Yearbook Challenge

As some of you know I have decided to join in on the Family Yearbook Challenge! My first assignments will probably be a repeat of info I've already shared with you on my blog, but I will be sharing it again, because it is part of this project.
If you are new to my blog, then this will help you get to know a little more about our family,if you've been visiting for a while, just skip on to my next post.
This will be a weekly project and a collection of moments that I will be sharing (as they happen) through out the 2009 year.
Lingering Joys
The tide recedes, but leaves behind bright seashells on the sand.
The sun goes down, but gentle warmth still lingers in the land,
The music stops, and yet it echoes on in sweet refrains...
For every joy that passes,
something beautiful remains.
Like the poem above says,
This is true in life. As time passes by us, we are often left with just memories. Memories of some other time that sticks out in mind. Maybe it was the song that you played at your wedding, a special celebration, the feel of a newborn baby's skin,the smell of a flower, a milestone, a tear over someone who passed, a happy moment you shared with a friend, or a bedtime story that you read over and over again. These may just seem as nothing more than just a day that passed, but these days turn in to precious memories to be shared many generations down the road.
I remember as a child looking through my Grandma Wilson's photo albums and scrapbooks. She saved poems, paper clippings, birth announcements, obituaries, old letters, and pictures of the people that she loved the most. These taught me so much about my grandma and the things that mattered the most to her because these were moments she treasured and wanted to remember.
I can say in many ways ,I'm much like my grandmother. I love creating memories and capturing moments ... I treasure them too. I love sharing stories with my family about the things I did in my past, lessons I've learned, old stories, family traditions, and more.
These have become treasures of the mind.
With the Family Yearbook, I hope to be able to not only share them with my family,
but also with yours.
Posted by ~Sandy at 7:16 AM 3 comments
Labels: Family Yearbook
Apr 20, 2009
Family Yearbook Challenge 2009
I'm joining Tara over at for the Family Yearbook Challenge of 2009. Since this started in January of 2009,I am behind. It is gonna take several posts to catch up, but It should be fun! To learn more about the Family Yearbook, visit Tara's site. Then start looking for my new posts every Monday!
Posted by ~Sandy at 7:02 AM 2 comments
Labels: Family Yearbook
365 of my life in pictures

It's been an awesome weekend!! I'll tell you about it a little later:)I thought you might enjoy some pictures:) I caught these precious moments between Friday-Sunday.
Yes,every day is a play day at our house:)
*It may take a few seconds for slide show to load. It contains over 30 pictures*
Posted by ~Sandy at 5:20 AM 2 comments
Labels: 365 of my life, Pictures