~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Apr 22, 2009

My Family Yearbook- (Catching up #5)

For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
Matthew 18:20
A Few Things We Do As A Family
When I tell you this, I hope you will listen. The most important thing we do as a family is attend church together. We don't always get to go together every time the door is open, but we try. Sometimes Brent has to work, sometimes the kids are away or attend church with friends, and sometimes other things come up or get in the way. But the one thing we've always done as a family is attend church. I truly believe a marriage takes three...God, Man,and Woman. Many disagree and they can believe what they want but as for me I believe it takes these three.

My children have gone to church ever since they were 2 weeks old. Some don't take their babies that early, because they are afraid they will get sick. In some cases like with preemies or babies with health problems, this is true. But if your baby is born healthy, take him to church and raise him in the house of God. After all it's God who gives us children. My kids are living proof. All five of my kids have been healthy from day one. All five have always been around people and even other kids and yes they got passed all over the church,because everyone wanted to hold and love on them. My church family cares about us, and they wouldn't do anything to make my children sick. So I didn't have to worry about that.

I can't even begin to tell you how precious our church family is to us. They aren't just people we see 1-3 times every week. They aren't people who we just set by during church services. No...they are so much more than that to us. They are family to us. When one of us is sick they are the first ones that call wanting to fix us dinner or help us out, when we are out of a service or two they notice because they miss us, when we are happy they share our joy, when we needed it they are praying for us or sending us cards to let us know they are thinking of us. They love us and we love them too. They have done so much for just our family that it would take me months to write about it. We are so very blessed. Bringing our children up surrounded by people that really care and love them has been one of the best things, I think we've done for our children. I truly believe that is why my children have turned out the way they have.

In my next post, I'll tell you a few more things we love to do together.

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