God is great. God is good. Let us thank Him, For our food.
By His hands, we are fed, thank you Lord for our daily bread...Amen
Favorite Meals
When my kids were little we taught them the above prayer.
They would all say it together each time we set down to eat.
We still say the blessing,a little more grown up now,
but some of the sweetest moments were the moments
that we set down to eat together as a family and they all said the blessing together.
Being brought up in the country by parents who seldom ate out, we (Brent & I) from an early age fell in love with good old fashion home cooking! It was all we knew.
When I married Brent it was really hard to get him away from beans, bread, and taters(as he calls them). He grew up with a grandmother that cooked meals everyday and they always consisted of Beans, potatoes, bread, and meat and often times a pie of some kind with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream or rice pudding.
I too was blessed with a grandmother and mother who always (and still do) cook good old home cooked meals. I was blessed!!!!!
When I married, I started out with the very same traditions. I cooked big meals everyday. However, through the years, I've added new foods here and there. So my kids have grew up with a variety of foods.
Some of our favorite meals are still the good home cooked meals.
A few weeks ago Anna called and said her and Corey were coming over and she wanted some of mom's fried chicken.
So I started cooking!
We ended up with fried chicken, cream potatoes, corn on the cob, green beans, and baked beans.I enjoyed setting down and eating with them:)
I will admit we still eat tons of potatoes. We bake them, fry them, and cream them.
We still eat meats pretty much every meal.
Our sides usually are beans, veggie mixes, salads, slaw, corn, bread, etc
But,I've tried to bake or grill more than fry due to the fact that heart health is such a big issue in my family. I'm sure some of those good old home cooked meals are to blame for that.
We eat out more than our parent's did.
However, even when we eat out we still try to eat healthy.
I enjoy any kind of salad. I love trying salads from all the different restaurants.
We enjoy Mexican style food as well as Italian.
Some of our favorite restaurants are...
El Nopal
Stevie B's
Chick fil-a
Taco Bell
Papa John's
Captain D's
Penny's & Darlene's
Out Back
Texas Roadhouse
Olive Garden
We pretty much like anything. I tried to bring my children up eating a variety of food so that they would be willing to try new foods,and not be like their daddy and only eat beans, potatoes ,bread, and meat for the first 30 years of life.
Your children's spouses will appreciate you for the variety you are adding to their lives. My MIL didn't make my DH try too many 'new' foods... and to this day I get frustrated because he isn't willing to venture out...