If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it. ~Mary Engelbreit~
Tell About Anything That Has Changed In The Last Year
Each day has brought about many changes. Most were just small changes that were barely even noticed. Some were major life changes. I'll share with you the ones that come to mind at the moment.
The biggest change was our oldest leaving the nest. June 7,2008 our daughter Anna got married to Corey Wesson. Most said we were loosing our daughter...I disagreed. We didn't loose her we gained a son. This was a major event for our family. We are so proud of both of them.
Another big day that sticks out, is the day we gave our baby Bailey back to her birth family. This was a happy time, but also a very sad time for us. We had brought her home from the hospital and had kept her for over a year. Then it was time and she had to go and our hearts were broken. But, we truly didn't loose Bailey...we gained another family.
Next was the news we were gonna be grandparents. We were thrilled about the news. Anna was going to have a baby. Plans were already being made and we longed for June 2009 to come, but sadly in December Anna went in for a check-up and the baby no longer had a heartbeat. As you can imagine we were all heart broken. However, we know we will meet that baby someday in Heaven and that it will always be our first grandchild.
November 2008, Brent went through some major life changes. He had the surgery that he had been needing so long to correct his condition. For the last two years he had been sick constantly. Being sick all the time, not being able to sleep, not being able to eat without chocking had become really tough for him and for us watching him. After nearly loosing him twice from aspiration, I'm thrilled to say he is 100% healed!!!!!! God is good!!!!!!
Other big events are...
Two more of the kids have learned to drive now (They're driving and I'm praying).
We had two new foster kids share our lives (Trinton & Amberly).
I started back to school to be a photographer.
Jon made some major progress in school this year because we found a program that better meets his needs.
Jacob Noah learned to read and tie his shoes.
Katie & Ashley both have started on their last two years of their school program and if all goes well they will both graduate a little early.
This is all that comes to mind right now.
I may think of more,but for now this is it.
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