Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
Let Me Tell You About Our Children's Schooling
We are a homeschooling family. Deciding to homeschool was one of the biggest decisions we made as a family, but in my opinion is was one of the best.
When we decided to homeschool in 1999, it wasn't as popular as it is today. We were met with great criticism and very little support. However, I felt led by God to teach my children at home and I knew that anything God led me to do, that He would help me get through it.
I felt like we were under a microscope and everyone was watching (and hoping) we would fail. After all life has tried to make us believe that it is not cool to be different. We had family and even friends that loved taking our kids to the side to question them on things they thought they should know...I think they got surprised when the kids knew more than they expected. I will honestly say that Brent's relatives gave us the hardest time of all. My family on the other hand were very supportive. I wasn't angered with Brent's family(just frustrated) ,because I knew they were only concerned for the well being (education) of my children. They also weren't sure if I was qualified enough. After all ,I had dropped out of high school right after my 11th grade year to marry Brent. Brent graduated in 1988 and I wanted to be out with him. I regret that and always will, but it happened. However, I did go back to school and got an equivalency diploma. So I understood where they came from. However, what they couldn't see was that It wasn't just me teaching. It was us (Hubby, me,and our kids) learning together. I learned more homeschooling my kids in the first 4 years than I learned all my school years combined. Learning wasn't something I had to make my kids do. I just supplied them with the things that they needed and then set them free to explore and learn on their own pace. Homeschooling is my life. It's not a set Monday-Friday or 8-3 school (like the public school). It is looking at each moment of each day as a good time to learn something you didn't know. We don't have peer pressure problems at home, gang issues, violence, drugs,sex problems, etc And no we don't have socialization problems either. This is one of the silliest excuses people use for not homeschooling. They worry their child won't be able to socialize well. My kids started talking around age one (I didn't send them to school to learn that) and I promise they haven't stopped yet. If anything they are probably some of the most friendly kids you'll ever meet and each one has very high self esteem and I'm happy about that. They talk to all kinds of people. We don't set home that much to most people's surprise. We actually now have more time to get out and spend with other people, because we aren't tied down to a school schedule like the state has. The next thing people worry about is that they won't be able to teach something like algebra, chemistry, biology, etc Don't worry about that... someone has taught these things before you and now there are virtually thousands of programs and people that are willing to assist you in teaching your child. All homeschooling parents want to see each other have success and we are always willing to help each other. In someways it's like a huge family. If you don't know something,this is the time you too can learn right along with your child. I believe you are never to old to learn something new.
Homeschooling has worked for us. It hasn't always been easy. Yes there were times I wanted to throw my hands up and give up,but I kept reminding myself that I'd get through it because
"If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it."
Anna did graduate early. She graduated right before she was 17 years old. She has an accredited high school diploma from PF and transcripts too:) And guess what??? She actually works a job outside of her home.
She knows how to socialize!!! She answers the phone as a secretary at an animal hospital and deals with hundreds of people each week.
She can even do math!!!! She handles their money. She can read and write!!! She handles most of the paper work and book work at her job. But guess what else she learned?!? She learned how to run a house,wash clothes, buy groceries, manage money, take care of kids, etc and she learned that from being home and doing it everyday. When she married I didn't have to tell her how to cook or how to clean or how to do this or that. She left my home knowing how to do everything I do, probably even better. Am I afraid she was scarred for life for being homeschooled??? No way,I think she is one of the most amazing young women I know. The people at her job adore her. She didn't grow up in a school system with people who constantly discouraged her or thrived to bring her down. Instead she was encouraged and taught by someone that loves her probably more than anyone else in this world...me. I'm sure I could have done a few things better, but I done what I felt was most important when it came to the things I taught/teach my children.
Now I have two more that are right behind Anna. They two will be graduating within the next two years. Both plan to follow their dreams and further their education. I believe in them and I'm sure they will do just as well as Anna in life.
My boys are coming up not so far behind the girls.
As some of you know, that know us well, know that our oldest son Jon has had some learning difficulties and has overcome some obstacles in his life. I strongly believe if he had been sent to public school that he would have struggled and most likely would have just been pushed through the system or held back. Homeschooling has met most of his needs. However we have had to have a little outside help, and this past year
has been his year and he has made great improvements. I'm so proud of him!
Little Jacob is in 1st grade and is learning more and more each day.
Homeschooling is not for everybody and that's okay (that's another post by itself).
But homeschooling works...It has for us.
Visit our Homeschool Site. Our family site is down right now,but you can go directly to my homeschool corner.
Wow! I can't believe how similar our stories are! We started HSing in '99. My hubby's family were and are our biggest critics. Mark even graduated in '88! Too funny!
ReplyDeleteBut HSing has been OUR best decision as well! Thanks for sharing!