Jan 28, 2010
A little of this & that
Posted by ~Sandy at 7:46 AM 8 comments
Jan 26, 2010
Thoughts To Ponder
"Every human activity, except sin, can be done for God's pleasure if you do it with an attitude of praise. You can wash dishes, repair a machine, sell a product, write a computer program, grow a crop, and raise a family for the glory of God. Like a proud parent, God especially enjoys watching you use the talents and abilities he has given you. "
Posted by ~Sandy at 5:22 AM 5 comments
Labels: Quotes
Bailey meets Brookelyn

Sweet lil Brookelyn is 2 weeks old today!!!!!
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:50 AM 4 comments
Labels: 365 of my life, Pictures
Jan 25, 2010
Today's Devotion
Isaiah 6:8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.
Posted by ~Sandy at 5:45 AM 3 comments
Jan 20, 2010
A little of this & that
Just wanted to stop by and catch up with everyone:) I hope all of you are doing good. I've read all your sweet comments that you've left on my last few posts. Thank you so much.Your comments always brighten my day.(((hugs)))
We are all doing wonderful here in Howellville. We are still trying to catch up after the holiday break and then the early arrival of the new baby.
I've been working HARD to catch up in my house and in our homeschooling and that's been a job. My hubby knows how to do dishes & laundry ,but for some reason he didn't while I was away with my daughter & new granddaughter. So mount washmore has taken over...grrrrr I hate to fall this behind ,because it is soooooo hard to catch up. But, I'm working hard and I should be caught up today.
As far as school, It's times like this that I am thankful that we homeschool. I took last week off to be with Anna & the baby,but we've doubled up this week with school work and we are almost caught up...yay!!!! Jacob hasn't been that thrilled with the extra work, but sometimes you just have to do what you have to do and atleast homeschooling allows you room for that.
Our sweet little baby is doing good. She wasn't that good about eating to start with ,but she has gotten much better. She lost down to 5lb 8oz ,but she had gained 2 oz back, and I'm sure she probably has gained more since they weighed her at the doctor.
She also had jaundice pretty bad, but that finally started down hill. So she is doing better. She is a good lil baby & sleeper. Ever since she was born they have had to wake her up at night to eat. She loves her sleep. She is so precious. It still doesn't even seem real that she is here and she is ours. I just can't thank God enough for blessing us with her.
The new parents are doing a wonderful job. I've enjoyed just standing back and watching them. Corey asked if I could come and stay with them for a month ,but I said no and I assured them that they are doing just fine because they really are. He has been so worried that they might mess up. Anna has been more calm because she has been around babies her whole life,but this is all new for Corey. He said if it wasn't for Anna he would have Brookelyn in the ER every night just to be sure she is okay...lol They are going to be great parents... Brookelyn is blessed.
My hubby has been out of town on a hunting trip. He & some of his friends went to South Georgia deer hunting. They each got one deer:) He was anxious to get back to see the baby. He saw her for a few minutes the day he left ,but that was it until he got back in town. As soon as he got home he wanted us to go to Anna's ,so we did. We spent the evening there. He is one selfish pawpaw. He won't let anyone hold her when he's around.
The other four kids (Katie, Ashley, Jon ,and Jacob) are thrilled to be aunts & uncles. I'll have to add their pics for you all to see. Ashley spent the first few nights with Corey & Anna helping them with the house and baby. Katie was going to stay some this week, but she has had a cold and didn't want to take a chance with making the baby sick.
Jon has been helping his daddy in the evenings with metal & cutting wood (Brent's other job:) That has kept Jon pretty busy....that and school together.
Jacob wasn't able to go to the hospital when Brookelyn was born because they would not allow any children under 12 because of flu season. But, he was thrilled with pictures. Everyday I would bring him new pictures to look at and he would get soooooo excited. He asked me tons of questions. He wanted to know if she had that black thing on her belly like Bailey had when she was born...lol I told him yes that all new babies had that and that is how we get belly buttons. He wanted me to take a pictures of her belly so he could see...so I did...lol He finally got to see her after she came home and he was so happy. He loved holding her. He might be only 8 years old ,but he is going to be a good uncle. He loved helping me take care of Bailey when she was tiny and now Bailey adores Jacob and I have a feeling that Brookelyn will be the same:)
Samantha done very well with Brookelyn's birth. We all were worried how she would feel since she had her miscarriage a few weeks ago. But she did great! She was there when Brookelyn was born and she has visited her a few times since....which meant alot to Corey & Anna. She went back to the doctor last week and she got the go ahead to try again. I know how bad Samantha wants to be a mom. He whole life she has wanted to be a mom and I want her to have that opportunity too. So please keep her in your prayers.
I haven't really mentioned my mom in a while,but I wanted to update everyone. Mom started a new round of steroids and she got an epidural yesterday. She has been really bad off since The first of December. She started having more problems with her legs. She had gotten to where she could only walk a short distance before setting down and she was in pain day & night with pains shooting up from her legs into the sciatic nerve. Then she came down with shingles so she has been feeling really bad. But they are hoping that these new meds & epidural are going to help her legs and the shingles. Please continue to keep her in your prayers. She has really had a tough time.
Well, that is all that comes to mind this time. I hope you all have a wonderful week. ((hugs))
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:59 AM 7 comments
Labels: Updates
Jan 18, 2010
Dump Cake
Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease well a 13 x 9 x 2-inch pan.
Dump pineapple (including juice) into the prepared pan; spread evenly.
Dump cherry pie filling over pineapple, spreading evenly.
Dump yellow cake mix over the top, spreading evenly.
Cut cold butter into 1/4-inch slices and arrange over the top. Sprinkle with nuts.
Bake in preheated oven until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean (about 40 minutes).
About 10 servings.
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6
Posted by ~Sandy at 6:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: Recipes
Jan 15, 2010
Just had to share

Posted by ~Sandy at 6:01 PM 12 comments
Labels: 365 of my life, Pictures
Jan 13, 2010
MeMe's Miracle

Posted by ~Sandy at 9:21 PM 22 comments
Labels: Pictures
She's Here!!!!

Brookelyn Shae Wesson
January 12,2010
6 lbs & 1 oz
20 inches long
Posted by ~Sandy at 10:17 AM 26 comments
Labels: Baby Notes
Jan 7, 2010
Getting to know my readers.
First,I would like to take this time to thank you for stopping by. Since I first started blogging I have been amazed at the people I've met. Some of you have visited me and I've visited you so often that we've became friends. You've encouraged me, prayed for me, and inspired me over and over with your visits, emails and comments. I have been blessed by having our lives cross, even if it is online. So I wanted to thank you and let you know that you are a blessing to me.
Next, I would like to ask you to take a quick survey. I would like to ask for your honest opinion about my blog. I welcome new ideas and any comments that you would like to share concerning my blog. Just be real. Your opinion really does matter to me.
Thank you in advance, Sandy
Please leave your answers in the comments section
and thank you again!
1.What do you like most about my blog?
2.What do you like the least?
3. How often do you visit my blog?
4.How can I improve my blog?
Please add anything else you would like me to know.
Posted by ~Sandy at 1:17 PM 8 comments
Labels: Survey
Nanny's Tea Cakes
Posted by ~Sandy at 12:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: Recipes
What I Am...
I am Me and that is all I will ever be.
Posted by ~Sandy at 6:42 AM 7 comments
Snow ????
Well ,I'm crossing my fingers and hoping it will snow. If it does, I hope it won't be a tease and turn out to just be a dusting. I'm hoping that it will at least be enough for Little Man to play in and to build a small snowman. Jacob loves snow. He comes from a looooong line of snow loving people (My side of the family). I guess we love it ,because we just don't get it that often here in GA.
However, I hope little Brookelyn doesn't decide to come until it passes and the roads are cleared. I don't think Anna would enjoy a home birth at all.
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:35 AM 8 comments
Jan 6, 2010
The Home Keeper's Journal
Sylvia at Christian Homekeeper Network hosts Homekeepers Journal each Wednesday as "a way to keep your thoughts about life together in one place online". I think this is an awesome idea and I have decided to join in.
What’s happening in my home?….
In my kitchen… I fixed a pot of pasta & sauce and served it with cheese bread for dinner. I just wanted something different.
With our marriage…We haven't had as much couple (alone) time as I'd like lately, but it's okay. We've just been soooooooo busy these last couple of months. However if the snow doesn't mess up our plans we are going on a triple date with two other couples tomorrow night:) Plus, I'm trying hard to talk hubby into going to Jekyll Island in spring for the 2010 fostering conference. It's paid for and we only have to be in class a few hours each day and the rest of the time we are free to do as we please on the Island.
With the children… We are trying to get back on a schedule ,after the Holiday break. Jacob Noah finished up 4 out of five of his books this week, so we are really excited about that. Now we get to move up a level to new books.
The teens are working and I do mean working hard to finish their high school program. Katie has worked so hard these last few days that I feel like I haven't even seen her. I'm really proud they are working hard.
Around the homestead…I managed to get my Christmas decor down ,but they are boxed up everywhere ,because I just can't seem to get motivated enough to carry them to storage. With temps in the teens to low 30's I just don't want to go out. I hate being cold. So over all I feel very cluttered right now and it is driving me nuts but it's okay. I will get it done soon.
In my “Inner Man”…. I am trying hard not to let things get to me or to let others discourage me. It's easy to let petty things drag you down and it's easy to let another's negative attitude rub off on you. I've tried hard not to let this happen to me over these last couple of weeks ... though it has been a struggle not to just blow when I've felt provoked.
I've worked hard to replace the negatives with positives:) But really I don't understand how I couldn't ,because God is just so good:)
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:52 PM 5 comments
Jan 5, 2010
Peanut Butter Balls
In a large bowl combine the 1 cup powdered sugar and cocoa. Stir in the peanut butter, milk, and vanilla. Form the mixture into balls. Roll each ball in 1/4 cup powdered sugar. Place candy on plate and serve. Put the leftovers into the freezer.
You can also dip them in chocolate:)
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6
Posted by ~Sandy at 1:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: Recipes
Samantha's Birthday

Posted by ~Sandy at 7:10 AM 7 comments
Labels: Pictures
My Babies
Little Devon & Ashley

This was taken New Years eve.
She tried hard to stay awake.
We celebrated and prayed in the New Year
at our church ,with our church family.

with Trinton, Amberly, and Devon

Amberly, Devon, and Bailey

Posted by ~Sandy at 6:55 AM 5 comments
Labels: Pictures
Just Tuesday
Out side my window... It is freezing cold at 17 degrees...brrrrr
The time is...8:57 AM
Today I feel...great!!! I think it will be a good day.
The weather here...is toooooooo cold. I'm ready for Spring now:)
I am thinking...about the work I have planned for Jacob today.
At the moment,I am thankful...to finally be getting back to our normal schedule.
I am going...through the christianbook catalog and about to place a book order for some new books I've been wanting to read.
I am wearing...black bottoms & a red top...house clothes:)
I wish...I had this back room finished. If I had it finished I would take the 4 little foster kids that went into care yesterday:( It makes me sad to say no. I just really don't want to cram kids in bedrooms. We have room for 2 ,but right now we just don't have room for 4 until this room is done. Please help me pray about this.
I am reading...In the eye of the storm by Max Lucado. I started it a while back and ended up doing a bible study with Elizabeth George which took up my reading time. So I'm glad to be back to reading it. I'll let you know what I think when I'm done but so far it seems to be exactly what I needed to read.
I am working on...a book order
I am hoping...that Hubby calls shortly.
I am hearing...Emma & Lacy talking/playing and the other computer talking.
Around the house...I'm finally done taking down my Christmas decor. I boxed them up in rubbermaid containers but I still need to get those put in storage. It's just to cold to do anything. I don't like cold weather.
I bet you didn't know...that I've lost 6 pounds over the holidays. Don't ask me how. I wasn't on a diet or anything. I guess maybe it was because I was just sooooooo busy and on the go. I had been scared to step on the scales, but when I did I was surprised. I was happy:)
One of my favorite ...new snack is the nature valley sweet & salty bar. Hubby brought one home and now I'm hooked. I had one for breakfast this AM.
Well,I guess that's it:) I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Posted by ~Sandy at 5:54 AM 1 comments
Labels: Just today
Jan 4, 2010
Today's Devotion
The prospects of the New Year, are just beginning. We can embrace what lies ahead, with an assurance and joy, that God, who never changes, is always with us. In the past, we have experienced sorrow, yet experienced the comfort of His hand. There has been strife, and turmoil. Yet He has given us peace, in the midst of it. We have witnessed His provision, and love in every aspect of our lives. Ahead of us, there will be new sorrows, new joys, and new challenges. Yet with each one also an opportunity to reaffirm our faith, and trust in our God, who will guide us victoriously, through another year. Today holds an opportunity, for us to evaluate our hearts and motives, before God, allowing Him to change us; giving us new insight and understanding, as He prepares us for greater things. It’s past time, for us to break out of the old, and receive the new. We have to desire more than what we have grown used to year after year. We cannot possibly grow spiritually, without being willing to accept the changes, which God desires to create in each of us. He remains the same, as He changes us into His image.
Posted by ~Sandy at 9:37 AM 2 comments
Jan 3, 2010
Oatmeal Cookies
1. In a medium bowl, cream together white sugar, butter, and brown sugar. Beat in eggs one at a time, then stir in vanilla.
2. Combine flour, cinnamon, baking soda,and salt. Stir into the creamed mixture. Mix in oats. If you are using nuts or raisins, mix into dough, combining well. Cover, and chill dough for at least one hour.
3. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Grease cookie sheets. Roll the dough into balls, and place 2 inches apart on cookie sheets.
4. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes in preheated oven. Allow cookies to cool on baking sheet for 5 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.
Makes approx. 36-60 cookies, depending on how large or small you make them.
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6
Posted by ~Sandy at 1:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: Recipes