1. What month were you born in? August
2. Do you have any brothers or sisters? Yes, two brothers (One in Heaven and one on Earth)
3.Are you married? yes
4.Which season do you like best? summer
5.In one word describe yourself. "SAVED"
6.Name someone you look up to. Only JESUS
7.What did you eat for breakfast today? oatmeal
8.Last vacation? Miami 08
9.Next vacation? PCB Spring 2009
10.Do you have kids? yes
11. Do you plan to have more kids? No, I'm content:) My hubby asked me did I want to have another baby a few weeks ago and I told him no. I love kids, but I don't want any more. Plus, I wouldn't want to be 60 when my child is graduating from high school. My kids already act like I'm soooo old as it is ...lol
12.How long have you been married? almost 20 years However it feels more like 90
13. What is the one thing you are looking forward to? vacation...I soooo need one.
14.Where is one place that you went yesterday? to meet Wendy
15.What is one thing that you will be doing today? dishes
16.What do you hear right now? Tabitha and Kylee giggling
17. Who is the last person you talked to on the phone? Brent
18. Who is the last person that texted you? I don't text so probably the phone company
19. Do you hate anyone? NO, I don't hate .
20. Who is the last person you kissed? Bailey
21. What is in your purse? a mess...lol ... my wallet, phone, receipts, tons of change, ink pen, goodies powders, hand sanitizers and lotion.
22.What time did you go to bed last night? around 9pm ,because I wanted to have time to read and study before Brent came to bed.
23.Who knows you best? of course God,but earthly would probably be my girls, mom, Nanny,or a couple of my closest friends
24. Do you regret anything? not that I can think of. Everything that has came my way (in my life) has helped me to become who I am today. Life is like stepping stones...each step takes you to the next step in life.
25. Do you miss anyone? yes ,my family members that left this world before I got to say goodbye
26. If you could write a book about your life what would the title be? hmmm... "Walking in my shoes"
27. If you could be anywhere right now,where would you be? on vacation with my family
28. Body piercings or tattoos? only ears pierced.
29.Favorite day of the week? Saturday
30. Favorite drink? lately has been peach tea(It's a diet thing) other than that water.
I ran out of time. I'll try to finish the rest later...sorry
Mar 31, 2009
Another one of those Question & Answer thingy
Posted by ~Sandy at 10:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: Questions
More pics!!!
Lacy's Hands

My lil Sunshine on a cloudy day

Finally we got to go out to play!

She just learned to jump on the trampoline!
Posted by ~Sandy at 7:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: 365 of my life
Mar 30, 2009
Someday I'll jump through puddles,
Take a stroll or run a race.
Someday I'll walk across the street
Or maybe walk in space.
Someday I'll scale a mountain
Or I'll join a nature corps.
Someday I'll walk a tightrope
Or explore the ocean floor.
Someday these feet will do some things
That only heaven knows,
For today they're happy
Just to wiggle all their toes.
Posted by ~Sandy at 7:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: Pictures
Happy 1st birthday Emma!!!!!
Posted by ~Sandy at 6:08 AM 3 comments
Labels: Pictures
Howellville update
It finally stopped raining!!!! After days and days of rain, it is nice to see a little sunshine shining through this morning. It was such a messy weekend with constant down pours. The ground is so soggy and everything is so muddy here. The rain was replaced with sun today ,but also colder temps...brrrrr However, it is suppose to get up in the 60's today, so I guess we will just have to wait and see if it makes it to that or not. I am hoping it will because I want to take some outside pictures of Bailey. The last few times I've had her the weather didn't cooperate or it was just to chilly for spring pics.
On Friday night ,we had girl's night out! We went shopping for Emma Kate's 1st birthday party:) It was sooooooooo much fun!!!!! I love kid's parties!!!!! I also got to practice with my camera:) I'll add a few pics later.
On Saturday, we went to her party and had lunch with her:) Bailey loved it! She loved seeing her "priends" (friends) as she calls them. Before we left to go to the party she kept following me around saying, "Emma house". She couldn't wait:)
After the party, we headed up to the church for the BBQ fund raiser for our youth.
After that we came home and kicked back. We were all tired.
On Sunday, we went to church that morning. We had planned to go back to evening service ,but we thought we had to have Bailey home, but it ended up she got to stay an extra night...yay!!!!!
It was a fun weekend!
As for today, back to school,work, house cleaning,and everything else life throws at us.
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend too!!!
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: Updates
Mar 27, 2009
Yay For Friday!
Finally It's Friday!!!!! It's been a long rainy week here in Ga. It seems the days are twice as long when you're stuck inside. We've been stuck inside because of all this rain. I'm not complaining about the rain,because our well needs all it can hold, but I'm kinda ready to see it go away for a few days. The kids are ready to get outside to play.
This week has been nothing but school,school,school,and more school. The kids have worked extra this week,because they couldn't really do anything else.
I managed to get all 4 of my writing assignments completed before their due date next week. I've been dreading to do them all month. Honestly, writing is my worst subject as you probably can tell by my blog. I'm really not that good. I often write just like I talk and that causes me problems with my southern accent...grrrrr So I'm really nervous and anxious to see what my teacher thinks. At this point I have a grade point average of 98, but I'm scared that these 4 writing assignments may bring that down some, but maybe not. My goal is to keep my grades above 90,so pray for me. I'm half way done already and I believe the rest of my assignments will be a piece of cake compared to the last ones, because I got my hardest assignments done first.
The weekend is pretty full for us already, but it should be a good one. We are getting the baby "Bailey" for the weekend and we are taking her to her little friend Emma's 1st birthday party:)
We also have a church bbq fund raiser for the youth at church Saturday. Then Sunday we have church:)
Well, that is about it for us. Other then, I'd like to ask you all to keep my grandmother in your prayers. She was told yesterday that her kidney function has dropped again and is now at 17% which means within the next few weeks she will have to go on dialysis. She is very upset about it,but we've known that this was coming for some time now.
However, she is going on a vacation to the mountains this weekend to maybe get things off her mind. This is the first time she has taken a vacation since I was a kid. So I'm really glad to see her getting out of the house because that is something that she just doesn't do often.
My mom is doing well too. She still has a lot of swelling still, but they said that it was normal. She goes back next Thursday to get the staples removed and then they will set up her next surgery,so please keep her in your prayers too.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Posted by ~Sandy at 10:36 AM 3 comments
Labels: Updates
Mar 26, 2009
What's most important?
If I told you my husband is the most important person in the world to me, and that I care more about him than anybody else, would you believe me? (maybe you would or you would just take my word for it...if you didn't know us very well)
If I was to tell you that my husband is the most important thing in this world to me ,but yet I don't like to go home ,spend time with him,or even to see him ,except from time to time(every few weeks, months, or even years). Would you believe me then that he truly is the most important thing to me?
If I told you my husband is the most important thing in the world to me, but that I don't like to listen to what he says to me, much less really talk to him about things( except when something goes wrong, and I need him, then of course I would call him up to ask for his help). Would you believe me then? At this point, you would probably disagree with me, and you would probably think "Poor Brent" I don't think his wife cares very much about Him.
That is how many people treat God every day. They say they are saved, and that they are Christians that love the Lord with all their heart. However, they don't make time for God except when something is wrong ,and they no longer have anywhere else to turn. Some treat him like a coat that they put on to look good in front of others,but they take it off ,because of their pride, or because they don't need him at that moment. They set Him on a shelf to use later, or they use Him like a spare tire,only after they've tried everything else.
Many say God is the most important thing in their life ,but they never go to His house(church) to visit, and they don't like to spend time with His family(church family). When is the last time you've been to church? Do you make an effort to attend church at least one day out of the week? Some go every time the door opens ,but many that say they are Christians are still only showing up for events and activities like plays, holidays, fun days, exc.
Once a pastor of mine said something that stuck with me. He said our lives are like clothes lines. If you have no support in the middle ,the line will sag. Much like clothesline if you go days, weeks, or even months with no support(church) in between your life will start to sag.
Ask many christians who is most important to them and most will say God . However,their lives don't seem that way because they don't listen to him,because they never pick up His word(The Bible) to read what He has to say. Did you know that is how He talks to us? When is the last time you picked up God's word and really read it? He tells us everything we need to know is inside His word.
The thing or person that is most important to us is the person or thing that takes up the most room in our hearts and minds. It is the one thing we work at the hardest or the one person we want to please the most ,and the one we want to be with as much as possible. Therefore, let me ask you again...
What's most important to you? Or better yet who is most important to you? Is God really number one in your life?
Posted by ~Sandy at 6:46 AM 1 comments
Labels: Thoughts to ponder
You Are Valuable
A well known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a $20 bill. In the room of 200, he asked, "Who would like this $20 bill?" Hands started going up.
He said, "I am going to give this $20 to one of you but first, let me do this." He proceeded to crumple the dollar bill up. He then asked, "Who still wants it?" Still the hands were up in the air.
"Well," he replied, "What if I do this?" And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now all crumpled and dirty. "Now who still wants it?" Still the hands went into the air.
"My friends, you have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20.
Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value in God's eyes. To Him, dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless.
Posted by ~Sandy at 6:26 AM 1 comments
Labels: Thoughts to ponder
Mar 25, 2009
Just Today
Today I feel... blahhhhh...I think it's just the weather:)
I am thinking... about the essay I have to write for school
At the moment,I am thankful... for the rain. I planted new flowers over the weekend:)
I am going... to church tonight
I am wearing... a brown track suit
I wish... this day would speed up a little bit
I am reading... I'm still reading through my Bible:) I'm also reading "Loving God with all your mind" and I'm reading nightly Jacob's illustrated childrens Bible to him. I love reading!!!!
I am working on... organizing and swapping out winter clothes with Spring/Summer clothes
I am hoping... the rain will be out of here for the weekend
I am hearing... Jada talking to Emma Kate...2 sweet!!!!
Around the house... it's pretty calm.
I bet you didn't know... ????????? later:)
Posted by ~Sandy at 12:47 PM 1 comments
Labels: Just today
Mar 24, 2009
Update from Howellville
It's been a pretty calm day here . It's pretty much been school, house cleaning, and babysitting for me all day. However, I'm about to head out to enjoy this beautiful day and weather before the rain sets in.
Brent has taken a couple of days off. He has spent his day building a fence between his shop and our house. So he has been busy too.
He went and got lil Bailey yesterday and she is staying with us for a couple of days:) She keeps us busy:) She is talking so much now and can pretty much say anything you tell her to say. Everybody gets so amazed when they meet her because she looks like a baby but talks like a big girl. She is soooo adorable.
We bought her new clothes for spring and summer, so we've been playing dress up all day:) She would look at herself in the mirror and say, "Oh weeeee". Little girls are soooooo much fun!!!!! Little boys are too, but it just seems that little girls have so much more clothes to choose from then boys do...maybe it's just me. Bailey loves dressing up. She loves clothes ,shoes,and hats...she is definitely 100% girl.
Yesterday, we went and saw mom. She is home now from the hospital. She is doing pretty good. Her leg has staples from the bend of her upper leg all the way down her leg, so that is pretty uncomfortable for her,but at least she can feel her foot and it is no longer tingling or cold. She will have another surgery within the next month on her other leg.
The kids are all doing super good! Anna and Corey came and stayed with us a couple of nights last week. Anna had to work the whole time, and Corey he had the days off, so he helped me around the house and with the kids. I enjoyed just having them here. They keep me laughing and both bring alot of joy to me:)
Katie is doing really good. She has been working hard and is doing so good in her school work...that makes me proud!!!! I figure she will probably graduate this coming winter or early spring of next year. She made some tough decisions over the last couple of weeks and it really showed me how much Katie has matured. It won't be long and she will be grown too. It just amazes me how fast they grow up.
Ashley has been busy. She is always working/doing something. She is sooooooo much like me that it amazes me. I see Robby and me in her ,in so many ways. She is a good kid and I'm so proud of her!!!! She is one of those kids that if she sets her mind to it, she can do anything.
Jon is doing good too. Only his friend introduced him to the taste of snuff ,and that didn't please me at all. I don't want him to start that gross habit and be like his daddy addicted to dipping. So he has been grounded and not very happy with me this week. However, he has spent a lot more time(since he's grounded) working on his school work and for that I'm super proud of him.
Jacob Noah is doing really good too. He has fallen in love with reading. He still struggles with some sight words ,but for the most part he is reading now:) We bought him a Children's illustrated bible and he loves it. Everynight, he wants me to read to him and we do and most nights he just wants me to keep reading story after story and I have to tell him that it's time for bed and we have to stop. He has been asking lots of questions about God and he has been going to the alter to pray almost every sunday.
Samantha is doing really good too. She works pretty much all the time. We don't see her that much, just a few minutes here and there. We did go see her and we ate with her Friday night and then she came and went to church Sunday night. I am proud at how well she is doing. Considering all that she has faced in her life , she has not let it slow her down. She has proven to be stronger and more independent than I ever thought she would be.
I can really see God working in all their lives. From the time they were born, I have prayed for them almost daily. I have seen them all bloom into the wonderful kids they are. They have been such a blessing to me!!!! They really are gifts from God:) In the Bible where it says "Rich is the man with his quiver full" that is so right!!!!
Well, that is all I can think of at the moment. I hope you are all having a wonderfu week!
Posted by ~Sandy at 10:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: Updates
Mar 21, 2009
Just a simple Hello
Just wanted to quickly stop by and say hello! It's a beautiful sunny Saturday here in Ga:)
I have the weekend to myself. Everyone has left me. The boys are gone to Alabama. Corey and Anna took Jacob home with them and Katie and Ashley are gone off with some friends. So pretty much I have it all to myself....ahhhh... it is so quiet here. It seldom gets quiet around my home.
I did get up this morning and went and bought potting soil, seeds,and a few plants to put in my pots. So I guess I'll play in the dirt for a little while today and who knows what else:)
I LOVE my family dearly and I ALWAYS miss them when they are gone, but I am enjoying the stillness and the chance to just be by myself...something I seldom do.
I hope you are all having a wonderful Saturday too!
Hugs, Sandy
Posted by ~Sandy at 11:45 AM 1 comments
Labels: Updates
Mar 20, 2009
Just Today
Today I feel... tired. I am ready for the weekend.
I am thinking... about my mom
At the moment,I am thankful... that my mom is doing well
I am going... to pick up some groceries shortly
I am wearing... a brown track suit
I wish... I could take a nap...I'm reallt tired today.
I am working on... cleaning off my back deck so we can get it finished
I am hoping... the weather stays good all weekend.
I am hearing... Jon on the computer doing school and a kids movie on TV...it's pretty quiet right now
Around the house... I am happy with it
I bet you didn't know... I have lost 12 pounds since I started my diet
Today I am... trying to get everything done so that I have tomorrow off
Tomorrow my plans include...taking the girls somewhere???? and spending the day with Jacob (Brent & Jon are going out of town this weekend) and possibly going to see my mom.
Posted by ~Sandy at 9:35 AM 0 comments
Labels: Just today
Mar 19, 2009
Update on my mom
My mom is doing good ,after her surgery yesterday. I spoke to her while ago and she was so happy ,because for the first time in months, she could feel her foot. She is still in a good bit of pain, but that should get better because they were putting her on a pain pump.
They were only able to do surgery on one foot,but they will be doing the other foot later.
They did not use the vessels out of her arms to put in her legs, but they said that they might have to when they do her other leg,but we are hoping not.
She will be in the hospital 4-6 days. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.
Thanks so much, Sandy
Posted by ~Sandy at 9:39 AM 1 comments
Labels: Updates
More pics I have taken this week!
Jacob's club that he built, with help from my son-in-law Corey:) I thought it turned out really nice:)
Posted by ~Sandy at 5:37 AM 2 comments
Mar 18, 2009
365 of my life in pics
One Hundred Years from now it will not matter what kind of car I drove. What kind of house I lived in,or how much money was in my bank account. But the world may be a better place, because I was important in the life of a child.
Finally we had a sunny day so that we could go out to play!

Posted by ~Sandy at 4:57 AM 1 comments
Labels: 365 of my life