~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Mar 27, 2009

Yay For Friday!

Finally It's Friday!!!!! It's been a long rainy week here in Ga. It seems the days are twice as long when you're stuck inside. We've been stuck inside because of all this rain. I'm not complaining about the rain,because our well needs all it can hold, but I'm kinda ready to see it go away for a few days. The kids are ready to get outside to play.

This week has been nothing but school,school,school,and more school. The kids have worked extra this week,because they couldn't really do anything else.

I managed to get all 4 of my writing assignments completed before their due date next week. I've been dreading to do them all month. Honestly, writing is my worst subject as you probably can tell by my blog. I'm really not that good. I often write just like I talk and that causes me problems with my southern accent...grrrrr So I'm really nervous and anxious to see what my teacher thinks. At this point I have a grade point average of 98, but I'm scared that these 4 writing assignments may bring that down some, but maybe not. My goal is to keep my grades above 90,so pray for me. I'm half way done already and I believe the rest of my assignments will be a piece of cake compared to the last ones, because I got my hardest assignments done first.

The weekend is pretty full for us already, but it should be a good one. We are getting the baby "Bailey" for the weekend and we are taking her to her little friend Emma's 1st birthday party:)

We also have a church bbq fund raiser for the youth at church Saturday. Then Sunday we have church:)

Well, that is about it for us. Other then, I'd like to ask you all to keep my grandmother in your prayers. She was told yesterday that her kidney function has dropped again and is now at 17% which means within the next few weeks she will have to go on dialysis. She is very upset about it,but we've known that this was coming for some time now.

However, she is going on a vacation to the mountains this weekend to maybe get things off her mind. This is the first time she has taken a vacation since I was a kid. So I'm really glad to see her getting out of the house because that is something that she just doesn't do often.

My mom is doing well too. She still has a lot of swelling still, but they said that it was normal. She goes back next Thursday to get the staples removed and then they will set up her next surgery,so please keep her in your prayers too.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


  1. wow, you're busy! Have a great weekend :) Maybe we'll get a break in the rain soon.

  2. Sounds like a wonderfully busy weekend for you all! I'll keep your Mother and Grandmother in my prayers.

    Dialysis is not fun, and I can understand the grieving your Grandmother must go through to accept the change.

    God Bless,

  3. I'll be praying for you mother and grandmother.
    What kind of classes do you take? Are you going for a degree?
    Have a great week!


Thanks for visiting my blog today! Stop by and visit again soon.((hugs)) ~Sandy

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