~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Mar 26, 2009

What's most important?

If I told you my husband is the most important person in the world to me, and that I care more about him than anybody else, would you believe me? (maybe you would or you would just take my word for it...if you didn't know us very well)
If I was to tell you that my husband is the most important thing in this world to me ,but yet I don't like to go home ,spend time with him,or even to see him ,except from time to time(every few weeks, months, or even years). Would you believe me then that he truly is the most important thing to me?
If I told you my husband is the most important thing in the world to me, but that I don't like to listen to what he says to me, much less really talk to him about things( except when something goes wrong, and I need him, then of course I would call him up to ask for his help). Would you believe me then? At this point, you would probably disagree with me, and you would probably think "Poor Brent" I don't think his wife cares very much about Him.

That is how many people treat God every day. They say they are saved, and that they are Christians that love the Lord with all their heart. However, they don't make time for God except when something is wrong ,and they no longer have anywhere else to turn. Some treat him like a coat that they put on to look good in front of others,but they take it off ,because of their pride, or because they don't need him at that moment. They set Him on a shelf to use later, or they use Him like a spare tire,only after they've tried everything else.
Many say God is the most important thing in their life ,but they never go to His house(church) to visit, and they don't like to spend time with His family(church family). When is the last time you've been to church? Do you make an effort to attend church at least one day out of the week? Some go every time the door opens ,but many that say they are Christians are still only showing up for events and activities like plays, holidays, fun days, exc.
Once a pastor of mine said something that stuck with me. He said our lives are like clothes lines. If you have no support in the middle ,the line will sag. Much like clothesline if you go days, weeks, or even months with no support(church) in between your life will start to sag.
Ask many christians who is most important to them and most will say God . However,their lives don't seem that way because they don't listen to him,because they never pick up His word(The Bible) to read what He has to say. Did you know that is how He talks to us? When is the last time you picked up God's word and really read it? He tells us everything we need to know is inside His word.
The thing or person that is most important to us is the person or thing that takes up the most room in our hearts and minds. It is the one thing we work at the hardest or the one person we want to please the most ,and the one we want to be with as much as possible. Therefore, let me ask you again...
What's most important to you? Or better yet who is most important to you? Is God really number one in your life?

1 comment:

  1. Perfect.

    And may I add - simply being at the church building doesn't cut it. "Going to McDonald's doesn't make you a hamburger... or... being in a garage doesn't make you a car." Your heart has to be there - really there - engaged, seeking, and expecting.


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