~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Apr 27, 2010

She is home!!!!

Well, all went well with bringing our sweet lil foster baby home. The NICU has been her home since birth. She wasn't thrilled with the ride from Children's hospital ,but she has done so good now that we are home. As foster parents we are very limited as to what we can & can't share without permission. So I can't share as much as I wish I could ,but here is some of the details I can share with you:) Sweet little baby "S" also known as "Jelly Bean" is a BEAUTIFUL little baby girl. She has more hair then any baby I've ever known. Her hair is dark brown & her eyes are green/brown with little curled up eye lashes. She was born in February 2010 and weighed barely 5 pounds. She was 4 weeks preemie with minor birth defects ,that have been fixed. However, the problems involved her intestines & female organs and because of that and surgery she hasn't been able to drink from a bottle. She has to be fed constantly by a tube in her nose. She is now 8 lbs & 4 oz & 20 inches long...so she has grew alot.The hope for this baby is that she will thrive and eventually be tube free:) She is for sure one of God's tiny miracles. He created her extra special and unique. She is for sure a blessing and one very precious little girl.

Apr 26, 2010

Just stopping by to say hello!

It's been a nice calm day here. I enjoyed spending it with Anna & Lil Brookelyn. Anna had the day off so she came over and we pretty much just laid around & took it easy. I figured I'd try to get all the rest I can before the new foster baby gets here.
We had to be at the hospital yesterday @ 4 PM to meet with the equipment company. They ended up not showing up until after 9 PM. So we were there until after 11 PM. Then we had to drive back from Atlanta....grrrrr and didn't get in bed until after midnight and then everything started running through my mind. I don't think I fell asleep until after 3 AM...so I was tired.
Today was suppose to be "Bring Baby Home Day", but due to meds not being mixed/delivered to bedside, or something like that ,we didn't get to bring her. Maybe tomorrow everything will fall into place. These next two weeks are going to be tough as we adjust to all this extra stuff we have to do. I can only imagine the appointments we are going to have and places we will have to go...I'm NOT looking forward to that ,but I know I will have to get use to it.
I know this is a huge life changing thing for us,but I believe God is on our side and we are going to do just fine.
As far as baby"S"(name hidden for privacy reasons) she is doing just fine:) She is sooooo precious. I wish I was able to share her pics with you ,but for now I won't be able to do that:(I know...bummer)...Maybe one day I will get to share this BEAUTIFUL baby with all of you:)
We do not know how long baby will be with us, but we are going to do our best to be the best foster parents we can be to her:) Continue to keep us in your prayers ,as we step out on this branch with faith that God will see us through.

Apr 24, 2010

Forgive Me When I Whine

God Forgive Me When I Whine

Today, upon a bus,
I saw a girl with golden hair.
and wished I was as fair.
When suddenly she rose to leave,
I saw her hobble down the aisle.
She had one leg and wore a crutch.
But as she passed, she gave a smile.

Oh, God, forgive me when I whine.
I have 2 legs, the world is mine.

I stopped to buy some candy.
The lad who sold it had such charm.
I talked with him, he seemed so glad.
If I were late, it'd do no harm.
And as I left, he said to me,
"I thank you, you've been so kind.
It's nice to talk with folks like you.
You see," he said, "I'm blind."

Oh, God, forgive me when I whine.
I have 2 eyes, the world is mine.

Later while walking down the street,
I saw a child with eyes of blue.
He stood and watched the others play.
He did not know what to do.
I stopped a moment and then I said,
"Why don't you join the others, dear?"
He looked ahead without a word.
And then I knew, he couldn't hear.

Oh, God, forgive me when I whine.
I have 2 ears, the world is mine.

With feet to take me where I'd go.
With eyes to see the sunset's glow.
With ears to hear what I'd know.

Oh, God, forgive me when I whine.
I've been blessed indeed, the world is mine.

I ran across this poem today and just wanted to share. So often we get so frustrated & aggravated about the simple things that don't go as well as we planned. We fuss ,whine, grumble, complain, nag, etc...I know I'm guilty. But if only for a moment we would stop long enough to look around we would feel silly for the things we complain about when compared to someone just down the road.

Some can't hear, see,or walk. Some people don't have a place to call their own. Some don't have families, parents, siblings, friends, etc. Some can't have kids and experience pregnancy & parenthood. Some don't have homes, nice clothes, transportation,or even their basic needs all met... much less the nice things that we take for granted everyday. We should take more time giving thanks and less time complaining and our whole outlook on life would change.

Apr 23, 2010

Please excuse me while I brag:)

I really don't mean to be so braggy,but I've just got to take a moment and brag on my hubby.
Today, we made our way to the Children's hospital to meet our newest little foster. A wee tiny lil 8 pound girl who had a tough start in life, but she is doing really good now despite all that she has gone through.
Our sweet little foster will be coming home probably next week(or when we feel comfortable with her) but she has to come home with equipment like monitors & pump feeder,etc.
So today, we went to meet her and to learn how to use this equipment so that we will know how to take care of her once she is home.
When Hubby & I first walked in to the NICU, I was scared. I thought, oh no. I thought, I don't know if I can do this. I looked around at all the little beds & sick lil babies and my heart just broke. We followed the nurse over to an empty little bed and the nurse called the other nurse to bring over our little foster to meet us(the nurse was rocking her:) The nurse walked up holding this tiny lil chubby little bundle with the biggest little eyes...she was precious. She handed her right over to us. Baby "S" looked up at Brent and wrinkled her little head and frowned(for all of one second) & then she smiled the biggest smile ever. Yep! That's when she won Hubby's heart right from the start and mine too:).
As we set and held her they started telling us all the info they wanted us to know and it was really scary. They filled us in on her and then they started walking us through equipment set up ,etc. Then we had to stand up and take turns doing it ourselves. Well,I'm not going to lie.. I was scared.I did not want to be first. I was not very confident in myself at all. But my hubby he's a soldier!!! He jumped right up and said I'll go first and he did! He went though the whole process in a matter of minutes:) I was beaming with pride:) He done it just right!!!!! The nurse said no one ever gets it that fast or on the first try,but Hubby did it!!!!! He said," I'm ready,can we take her home now?"....lol
I took my turn after him, but I didn't do it nearly as fast and I messed up a time or two on the steps,probably because I wanted to do it perfect and I was so nervous.
I'm proud of my hubby...he's a fast learner. I'm thankful that my Hubby is a good and very involved foster parent. He really enjoys being a foster dad.
Please keep us and little baby "S" in your prayers and take a moment to remember all the babies & families that have children in the hospital. I was blessed with healthy children and being there today reminded me just how blessed I am.

Apr 22, 2010

Just Waiting

Update On The Newest Foster!!!!
Just wanted to stop in quickly and update. I use my blog as my diary,so that's why at times I share things that really doesn't matter to anyone ,but us. I do it because this is my diary and It helps me to keep up with things and when they happened.
So this is an update for me ,but also for those of you that do enjoy following our family from day to day.
Anyhow, I finally got to talk to the hospital social worker today. Our meeting is set up and we will be leaving today to meet our new foster daughter. We will probably spend much of this weekend with her at the children's hospital ,so that she can get to know us and we can get to know her and the rest of the people on her team. We have lots of things we've got to learn before she can come home with us.
From what I've already heard, she's an extra special little girl and she has already won the hearts of all her nurses & the rest of the staff at Children's.
We would like to ask each of you to keep little baby "S" in your prayers and us too. I'm anxious ,but also a wee bit scared. However,I believe if God brings us to it, that He will bring us through it.

Just waiting to meet our
new little foster
Well, I've spent my day getting the house ready for the new foster baby. We've been setting here waiting on the hospital social worker to call to tell us what to do next. This is all new to us. We usually just pick up kids from the DFCS office,but we've actually got to go to the children's hospital to get this little one. We are suppose to be meeting the worker at the hospital within the next couple of days. Our new lil foster has had a rough start in life,but she is doing much better. She was born with her intestines on the outside, but she had surgery to fix that. Because of that, she is on a feeding tube. She's got to stay on it until she gets a little older and gains up to atleast 12 pounds or so.
We have also got to meet with the equipment company to learn how to use the equipment. It's alot to do, but after much thought & tons of prayers, we are willing to give it a try and to be her foster family. Please keep her & us in your prayers.

Apr 21, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

I'm A Soldier

I'm a Soldier

I'm a soldier bound for Glory
I'm a soldier going home
Come and hear me tell my story
All who love the Savior come

I will tell you what induced me
In this glorious fight to start
Twas the Savior's loving kindness
Overcame and won my heart

Many say that I'm too noisy
But I'll tell you the reason why
If they only felt the glory
They would shout as well as I

When to death’s dark, swelling river,
Like a warrior I shall come;
Then I mean to shout Salvation!
And go singing glory home!

I'm a soldier bound for Glory
I'm a soldier going home
Come and hear me tell my story
All who love the Savior come

I love Jesus, hallelujah!
I love Jesus, yes I do !
I love Jesus, He’s my Savior!
Jesus smiles and loves me too!

I'm a soldier bound for Glory
I'm a soldier going home
Come and hear me tell my story
All who love the Savior come

Apr 20, 2010

Lots of Pictures!

It was a fun weekend for us!
These are pictures from last weekend.
We had a very busy ,but very fun weekend!

We met up with some of our friends on Saturday
for a picnic and playtime at White Oaks Park.
(You can click on pics to enlarge them)

Hubby & I got brave and got all our
babies and kept them this weekend...
(Our own kids +Trinton, Amberly, Bailey,and Devon)
We had a blast!!!!!
White Oaks Park
First picture is some of the ones who joined us.
It's much more fun when you share the day with friends!
Katie ~Brookelyn ~Bailey
Amberly-n- Devon
.Jacob ~Trinton~ Corey ~ Brookelyn(Anna had to work)
Amberly ~Ashley ~ Bailey
Bailey feeding Brookelyn....she loves that baby.
Devon ~N~ Brookelyn were worn out.
Jacob ~Amberly
Elijah ~Tara ~Emma
Jacob~Trinton ~ Shae
Kensley ~ Bailey~Skye
Devon ~Amberly ~Drake
Amberly~ Kensley ~ Devon
Fun At Jump 4 Joey's

After the park, we all went to Jump 4 Joeys!
Kayne~ Amberly

Bailey ~ Devon
Uncle Brent ~ Bailey ~Devon
Uncle Brent~ Bailey~devon
Let's Go Fishing!
We told all our friends goodbye and headed home.
Then Hubby decided we should take the kids we had fishing.
So we did!
Jacob ~Brent ~Bailey
Bailey~ Trinton
It was a fun weekend!

Apr 16, 2010

Flashback Friday

For flashback Friday I decided to
share my youngest daughter "Ashley". Ashley was born in August of 93.
She was 6 lbs & 10 ozs.
She came into the world known as baby "A"
because she had a twin brother who was born just after her.
She came home from the hospital without a name
because we had a tough time agreeing on a name for her.
Every name I liked Brent & the rest of the family didn't.
So on day #2 of being home,
My hubby & mom named her...really.
However, I liked her named.
Mom chose "Ashley"
and hubby chose "Lea".
Lea Ashley it would be!!! But we call her "Ashley".
She is a big time Mama's girl and my only brown eyed child:)
The picture below is Ashley with her twin brother Jon.
My twins are as different as night & day. Ashley is brown eyed & Jon is green eyed. Ashley is left handed and Jon is right. And of course ones a girl & ones a boy:) But believe it or not people use to ask me all the time if they were identical...lol
A boy & girl can never be identical:)
Ashley caught her 1st fish!!!

I love you Miss Ashley!
You will ALWAYS be my baby girl:)


Apr 13, 2010

3 months now!!!

Guess who is 3 months now?!?!?
MeMe's little sweetheart
Brookelyn Shae
turned 3 months yesterday!

Apr 12, 2010

Update on Samantha

Samantha went for her first OB/GYN appointment today and everything went fine. She measured a few weeks larger than the five weeks she is suppose to be, so they are setting up a sonogram appointment within the next few days. She is either further along than she thought or possibly expecting multiplies. She would be happy either way.
Fraternal twins run in her family, so it wouldn't surprise me if she was expecting twins. Her aunt has two sets of girl twins.
Anyhow, as most of you know she miscarried last year and they have no idea what might have caused that. She has been trying for over a year to have a baby. She is so happy to be expecting now, so please keep her in your prayers. Please pray that all goes well. As far as we know her due date will be around Nov/Dec depending on what the sono says.

Apr 10, 2010

Guess What?!?!?

I'm going to be a MeMe again!
Lee & Samantha are expecting!!!
Their little baby is due sometime around
the first of December.
Please keep them in your prayers.

Apr 9, 2010

Preach Your Own Funeral

Yesterday, a dear church member & friend was laid to rest. He went to be with the Lord on Monday after an extended illness. I among a full church of people went to pay our last respect to a very "GOOD GODLY MAN".
Three preachers stood to share the message & to share about the life of this man. They talked about his kindness, his devotion to the church, his love for his family, how he was as a friend, as well as so much more about this man and what he meant to their lives.
The thing that stood out about this is how he really had already preached his own funeral by the way he lived his life.
It got me to thinking. How do I live my life? If the Lord doesn't come back first, then I know there will come a time when I too will face death. I will make the same crossing that Lonnie & many more have made before me.
But, what will I leave behind?
Will I be remembered as the Lady that loved God? Is that evident enough in my life that it will stick out in some one's memory?
Will I be remembered as the one that loved everybody? Did I feed someone along the way that was hungry? Did I offer shelter to someone in need? Did I clothe someone? Did I have a desire to see all souls saved? Was I a true friend to all my friends? Was I a good wife to my husband? Was I a good mother to my children? Was I a faithful servant? Was I a faithful church member? Did I stand for what I believed in? Was I a good daughter? Was I a good daughter-in-law? Was I always honest & reliable? Was I trust worthy? Did I make a difference to someone somewhere? But above these, was I the one that told someone about Jesus and because of me they sought Jesus and they were saved?
Or will I be remembered as the town trouble maker? The church gossip? The family drama queen? The mean lady thar lived down the street? The rude one in the bunch? The one that always complained about everything? The one that hurt someone's feelings? The one that always lied to and about others? The neighbor out to get you? Will I be the one the world would probably seem better off without?
These are the things we should all think about. All that really matters is how we live our lives for God. But, it could be because of our actions that someone dies lost.

It's something to think about.
How do you live your life? If you are reading this then you are probably still alive and that means you still have time to preach your own funeral. Be the difference you want to see in the world.

Apr 8, 2010

Homemade Macaroni and Cheese

1 lb macaroni (I prefer large elbows or medium shells)
6 tablespoons all-purpose flour
 6 tablespoons butter or margarine (I prefer butter) 
2 cups milk (I use skim) 
8 - 12 ounces extra-sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper

Directions:1.Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
2.Cook macaroni according to package instructions.
3.Drain, rinse and set aside.
4.In same pot over low heat, melt the butter.
5.Add flour, salt and pepper and whisk into melted butter until smooth.
6.Simmer and stir until mixture thickens into a paste and is golden.
7.Slowly add milk and whisk into butter mixture until smooth.
8.Bring to boil and then simmer until thickened.
9.There is no way to tell you how thick, except to say it should be thicker than gravy but not as thick as pudding.
10.If you have made basic white sauce, you will know when it is thick enough.
11.Remove pot from heat.
12.Add cheddar cheese and stir until cheese starts to melt.
13.Add macaroni and stir until coated.
14.Pour into a 9 x 12 baking dish or 2 quart casserole.
15.As an extra indulgence, you can sprinkle 4 oz more cheese on top.
16.I only do this if I happen to buy a 12 oz bag or block instead of 8 oz
17.Bake about 20- 30 minutes, when you see top getting a bit crispy and brown

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6

Apr 6, 2010

Take Me Back Tuesday

I figured it would be neat for "Take Me Back Tuesday"
to share some pics of my kids from some of the Easters past:)
1.Pic one is my first four kids along with their cousins
Courtney & Jessie
Courtney and Jessie are the girls in the middle...
The other 4 are mine:)
2. Jon,Ashley, Katie, and Anna way back then...lol
(Back when bangs were cool...lol)
3.Anna, Katie, Ashley, and Jon
4.Anna-age 2
5.Anna's 1st Easter
6. Anna & Katie(her 1st Easter)
7. Jon & Ashley's 1st Easter
8. Jon & Ashley with cousin Courtney(In the middle)
All at PawPaw Howells house for their first Easter
9.The twins
10. The twins again
11. Jacob Noah playing with Easter eggs.
I think this was his 2nd Easter.
12. Jacob again
(Maybe his 3rd or fourth Easter...not sure)
Time just passes way to fast.
I remember how fun it was when
they were all so small
and they would get sooooo
excited about Easter...
They still do, just in a different way.

Apr 5, 2010

MeMe's Lil Punkin

A Few Pics From The Weekend

My son Jon & I Jacob
Katie & I
Jacob...He didn't want his pic taken.
My boys
Jon & Katie
Jon & Ashley (My Twins)
My girls
Yes, we were missing some family members in the pics
because some had to work and others had family get togethers...
that's what happens when your kids get grown &married
You have to learn to share them:)
Below is pics from
The Easter Egg Hunt & Emma's Birthday Party @
Beulahland Baptist Church
Jacob & his buddy Dylan
Amberly & Devon(My past fosters)

Jacob & Trnton(My past foster)

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