(((Hugs))) The Howell Family
Here is my random dozen from Linda's place:) My answers are in red.
Posted by ~Sandy at 6:30 AM 0 comments
In the last few days I've been sharing some of the things and people I am thankful for. I had mentioned in one of my posts that I am thankful for my family,but when I mentioned them I was focusing my attention on my hubby & kids ,but today I want to mention more of my family.
I am Thankful for my relatives.
I am thankful for my mama & daddy. It's amazing the older you grow the more you become like your parents in many ways. I use to view my parents (when I was a teen) as masters that I always needed to please and keep happy. But as I grew, I learned that they didn't want me to view them that way. It took me years to realize that those off the wall rules they made were to benefit me and weren't made to make my life hard and miserable, but were created out of love to protect me. With time, I learned to appreciate my parents even more and we passed from just being parents and child to also being friends. Friends that care and love me dearly. I am thankful for that. I am thankful to have a good relationship with my parents...some aren't so fortunate. I am blessed!
I am thankful for my In-laws. I have a wonderful father-in-law...probably the best one around. Brent's dad has done so much for us through the years and we will forever be grateful for him. We wouldn't be where we are in life had it not been for him. He and Brent are so much alike in so many ways and he has taught Brent so much that has benefited us. We don't get to see him nearly enough ,because he is in Alabama and we are here, but
we are thankful for the time we do have with him. So many times I have wished that he still lived here,because my boys enjoy him so much and the hours he spent with Jon when he was little made such an impact. I just wish Jacob would have had that too. He is a good man,a great dad, and a great paw-paw.
I am thankful for my mother-in-law. She is a good mother and grandmother that loves her kids probably more then she should. She is one of those mothers /grandmothers that will pretty much do anything for her kids and grandkids. She will drop her life in a second to run to any one of us any hour of the day. Sometimes I don't think we give her nearly the credit she deserves. But ,I believe God has special blessings for mothers like her and she will be rewarded for all she does that some times goes unnoticed and unappreciated. She is a blessing to hubby & me and to our children and I am thankful that we have her in our lives. I know we don't tell you nearly enough,but thank you for all you do Linda. We love you.
As you can tell,we are so blessed. God has given us so many people to love and that love us back. What more could you ask for???? God is so good!
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:24 AM 2 comments
Yesterday, Lil man and me made our way to the theatre to see Disney's A Christmas Carol. We had a really good time. Lil man is 8, so as you can imagine he really loved the 3D effect of this movie. He thought it was so cool watching the snow flakes falling all around plus all the other things that seemed to pop out before our eyes. I'm not so sure he understood the movie ,but that's okay. He enjoyed it and that's what matters.
Me on the other hand, wasn't as crazy about the 3D effect. It may be due to the fact that the plastic glasses had smears that wouldn't wipe off and the side lights in the theatre made the glasses have a glare which made it hard to see clearly. Other than that, I think Disney done a wonderful job and I enjoyed the movie.
However, I wouldn't recommend this movie for lil kids under 8,because it would probably scare them. But that is just my opinion.
The girls went and saw The Blind Side movie and they really enjoyed it. They said that it is a must see kind of movie:) So I guess I'll have to go see that one next.
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:04 AM 3 comments
I am thankful for my friends. The saying,"Friends are the family you choose for yourself" is so true. Friends are like family and are for sure a blessing. They make life so much better. Many times in my life I have found that my friends have been there when family couldn't be. My prayer is that I can always be the friend that I should be to them.
Thank you for being a friend! You have blessed my life just by being in it. ((hugs))
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:43 PM 0 comments
Posted by ~Sandy at 8:59 AM 5 comments
Posted by ~Sandy at 11:29 AM 7 comments
Labels: Pictures, The Wee Pack
Posted by ~Sandy at 10:05 AM 0 comments
Posted by ~Sandy at 9:28 AM 2 comments
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Posted by ~Sandy at 5:25 PM 2 comments
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I am thankful for the family that God has blessed me with. The people in my family are so precious to me.
First off, I want to say I am thankful for my Hubby. I'm thankful that he cares and loves me like he does. He works hard and many long hours to provide for our family. Many days he leaves one job and goes to another job to make extra money for us. Just so that we can do the things we want to do and not have to worry about bills, etc He has never asked me to work or to cover our bills. He has always taken that upon himself as the man of the house. Of course, I babysit and make money too, but not once has he ever asked me to work . He wants me to be able to be home with our children and I love that. We've been together now for over 20 years and we've had some very precious times and we've seen our share of tough times too,but with each day we've been blessed...even in the storms because they made us stronger and better. I am blessed to have him as a hubby, but also a friend.
I am so thankful for my 6 beautiful children. They have brought so much joy to my life. Everyday they add their own special touch to our family. The happiest days have been the ones that we've spent together as a family. If I could have went to Heaven and picked my own kids, these are the ones I would have picked. God knew just what He was doing when He chose mine for me. I love them sooooooo much. I wouldn't change one single thing about any of them. They are so precious to me. They are a blessing.
I am thankful for my son-in-law. I really don't think of him as a son-in-law anymore. He is my son to me. I love him dearly and he knows it:) We spend a lot of time together as a family and Corey always seems to keep us laughing. He is a blessing to our daughter Anna and to us.
God has blessed me with a wonderful family and I thank Him so much for that.
Thank you Lord for your blessings on me.
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:17 PM 2 comments
November is the month of Thanksgiving. It the month that seems to make us all think about how blessed we are. So I've decided to add something I am thankful for everyday until Thanksgiving.
Today, I am thankful for the life God has given me. God placed me here for a reason. He chose my birth and He planned my life even before I was in my mother's womb. My life hasn't been perfect...far from it. The roads haven't all been simple and straight. My days haven't all been easy and some have been down right trying to say the least. But still, I've been very blessed. Blessed with much more than I deserve.
I've come to accept that the life I have is all part of His plan for me. It took me a long time to realize that my life doesn't belong to me. My life belongs to Him.
Thank you Lord for blessing me with the life you have.
1 Thessalonians 5:18
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
Posted by ~Sandy at 8:33 AM 2 comments
At first I saw God as my observer, my judge, keeping track of the things I did wrong, so as to know whether I deserved heaven or hell when I die. He was out there sort of like a president. I recognized His picture when I saw it, but I really didn't know Him. But later on, when I met God, it seemed as though life was rather like a bike ride, but it was a tandem bike, and I noticed that God was in the back, helping me pedal.
I don't know when it was that He suggested that we change places, but life has not been the same since. When I had control, I knew the way. It was rather boring, but predictable... It was the shortest distance between two points. But when He took the lead, He knew delightful long cuts, up mountains, and through rocky places at breakneck speeds. It was all I could do to hang on! Even though it looked like madness, He said, "Pedal."
I worried and was anxious and asked, "Where are you taking me?" He laughed and didn't answer, and I started to learn to trust. I forgot my boring life and entered into the adventure. And when I'd say, "I'm scared," He'd lean back and touch my hand.
He took me to people with gifts that I needed, gifts of healing, acceptance and joy. They gave me gifts to take on my journey...and we were off again. He said, "Give the gifts away; they're extra baggage, too much weight." So I did, to the people we met, and I found that in giving I received, and still our burden was light.
I did not trust Him, at first, in control of my life. I thought He'd wreck it; but He knows bike secrets, knows how to make it bend to take sharp corners, knows how to jump to clear high rocks, knows how to fly to shorten scary passages. And I am learning to shut up and pedal in the strangest places, and I'm beginning to enjoy the view and the cool breeze on my face with God as my delightful constant companion. And when I'm sure I just can't do anymore, He just smiles and says,
~ Author Unknown ~
Posted by ~Sandy at 6:25 AM 2 comments
Labels: Thoughts to ponder
Posted by ~Sandy at 7:44 PM 7 comments
"Spread love everywhere you go: first of all in your own house. Give love to your children, to your wife or husband, to a next door neighbor. Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting."
~Mother Teresa
Posted by ~Sandy at 7:47 AM 2 comments
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Posted by ~Sandy at 5:58 AM 1 comments
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Posted by ~Sandy at 3:36 AM 3 comments
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