A new year is coming soon. With a new year, means new days, new hopes, new dreams, and so many more news. This is your chance to leave behind any pain, hurts, or mistakes of yesterday. This new year is a chance to move forward. This is your chance to have the best year ever. So reach for it and move ahead with your head held high. Remember yesterday, but don't let it take up to much space in the new year. Try to learn and grow as much as you can. But most of all take time to enjoy the time that you have. Not everyone made it to 2009, but for whatever reason you did...we did!!!!! So live it to the fullest and make it the best one yet!
Dec 30, 2008
Welcome New Year!
A new year is coming soon. With a new year, means new days, new hopes, new dreams, and so many more news. This is your chance to leave behind any pain, hurts, or mistakes of yesterday. This new year is a chance to move forward. This is your chance to have the best year ever. So reach for it and move ahead with your head held high. Remember yesterday, but don't let it take up to much space in the new year. Try to learn and grow as much as you can. But most of all take time to enjoy the time that you have. Not everyone made it to 2009, but for whatever reason you did...we did!!!!! So live it to the fullest and make it the best one yet!
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:59 PM 1 comments
Labels: Motivation
How about the rest of the gang???
The biggest kid in our house...sleepy head

The boys-

Jon- Has enjoyed having these two weeks off from school & work. He has pretty much been hanging out with his best friend Austin or on the phone with his girlfriend Savannah.
He's a pretty good dancer too:)

Jacob-has been a bundle of energy. Between all the candy,soda from all the parties,and excitement...he has been a wild child. He was so excited about Santa this year. He is really just gotten at the age to be so excited that you can't sleep Christmas night. However, he couldn't wait to get home from memaws Christmas eve to go to bed, but then he tossed and turned until he finally went to sleep. This left Santa feeling pretty tired because he didn't manage to get by here until around 3 am.

She pretty much works all the time now,so we don't see her that much.


She is doing good! She has been shopping with me and helping me get ready for the Holidays for weeks now. She gets so excited about Christmas...she always has. She managed to save up her own money and bought an ipod for Dylan for Christmas this year. She kept begging me to let her give it to him early(she gets that from Nanny) but I made her wait. She put the ipod in the bottom of a big box and then covered it with candy. So Dylan thought he just got a box full of his favorite candies. He didn't care...he liked that, but then he got so excited when he realized what she had done.
Then Santa brought her one too:) So they've been busy playing with those and adding music:)
Ashley wasn't feeling very well this Christmas. She ran a small temp and just wasn't really feeling well or herself at all. She also was really worried about Corey & Anna. Ashley is very tender hearted and caring and when something happens to any of us, she gets really upset...I guess she gets that from me. However, before Christmas she was soooooooooo excited. She kept Christmas music playing on all the radios and she helped me shop, cook, wrap, and get ready for the Holidays. She helped me out a lot with the babies too. She loves Christmas just like me:)
Corey & Anna They stayed with us for a few days around the Holidays. It was nice having them here on Christmas eve to help Santa put toys together:) I think Corey was just as excited as the little kids. He tried out the toys first and couldn't wait Christmas morning for the kids to wake up. He was the 1st one up and boy was he loud. He did his best to wake everyone up...and he did.

Anna got a camcorder this year, so she pretty much recorded what the kids were doing and just set back and watched Corey acting like a big kid:)
The little kids-
We were so excited that Bay's mom let us have her for a few hours Christmas eve. We were able to take her to mom's and she was so excited to see Nanny and Memaw. Her and Amber kept looking at all the gifts and both figured out quickly that wrapped boxes had fun stuff inside. It was fun having two babies for Christmas, but they kept me on my toes.

He was super excited this year! He had only asked me for one thing and it was the pokemon ranger shadows of alma game. So when he got that and the other gifts he got, he was soooooooooooooo happy!! However, that ended up not being his favorite gift. On Christmas morning, He got up before I did. When I got in the den, he said guess what I got Mrs Sandy?!?! And, getting excited myself ,because he was so excited, I asked." what?"(thinking it would be the game). He said, "I got a new tooth brush". He was so excited to have a pokemon spin brush. Everybody that has asked him what he got for Christmas has been told about his new tooth bush:) He was a lot of fun this Christmas. On Christmas eve, at mom's house, He said,"This is the best day of my whole life". It was so sweet!!!!!! Because I really worry sometimes about our foster kids and their Christmas traditions and I worried that he missed being with his mom this year. And I was just happy to be able to spend the Holidays with some of the people I love. I was glad to see Nanny and Mama feeling better this year,because they've both been so sick for so long. To see them up and moving was blessing enough for me:)
Posted by ~Sandy at 3:57 AM 1 comments
Labels: Pictures
Dec 29, 2008
Anna with PawPaw Howell (My father-in-law)
Christmas 2008
Just wanted to update you all...
Yesterday, we made the trip to see Brent's Dad. This is the first time we've seen him since he had his stroke. He had not wanted any of us to come before now because he didn't want his kids to see him that way.
However,He is doing much better. He still is having problems with his right leg and arm and with some of his words. He is out of the rehabilitation center, but he still has therapy 3 days a week for 3 hours. He seemed happy to see us. We went over to his three story shop, that he is building ,and he showed us around it ,and told us all about it ,and the kids really enjoyed that. We stayed a few hours and then came home.
Corey and Anna are doing better. It's just made it hard that it happened right here at Christmas time. However, we've kept ourselves so busy that we haven't had as much time to just set and dwell on it. They spent last week with us and they spent the weekend with Corey's Dad & step-mom, so that has kinda helped them ,being surrounded by the ones that love them dearly.
Here is what happened...
We knew something wasn't just right on Tuesday and when Anna went in, they couldn't find the baby's heart beat. After two sonograms, they broke the news that the baby no longer had a heart beat and had passed sometime in those last few days. It was a complete shock, because Anna had just had a sonogram two weeks ago and everything was perfect. Even these two sonograms seemed perfect except for the heart beat. The baby hadn't grown much, but they could see the baby on the sonogram and it looked like a perfect little baby with it's little hands and feet, etc
However, from the beginning, I had an uneasy feeling ,because Anna hadn't gained any weight and just kept loosing, even though she was eating just right and taking the best care possible of herself and body. Plus, she didn't have any moring sickness or any other signs she was expecting(which I'm so thankful for now). But all the normal signs just weren't there. I thought maybe it was because I had prayed God would give her an easy pregnancy .Then when the doctor done the 1st sonogram and assured us everything was just fine, we settled in with the idea that a little miracle was gonna be added to our family and we were thrilled.
Little did we know, life was gonna change...quickly.
Anna called me on Tuesday and she told me she was on the way to the doctor ,because something just wasn't right and she said, "Mama, just don't worry". So I tried not to think about it and went on with my house cleaning, gift wrapping, etc. Then the day rocked on, and I still hadn't heard a word. Finally, that evening, I said Ashley I can't wait any longer, please go call them for me. She did, and I knew the moment I looked on Ashley's face that something was wrong. She handed me the phone and I couldn't understand anything they were saying ,because they were so upset. At that moment,I just knew. It was one of the hardest things to know my children were hurting, and yet I couldn't do anything to make it go away.
They told Anna to go home ,but to be back at 6 am in the morning. We went with her Wednesday morning and they admitted her to terminate. It was just so real and just so very sad. We pictured ourselves in the hospital celebrating a birth, and never dreamed we would instead be letting go. It was hard because this baby was very loved and very wanted from the start.
I know it's gonna take a while to get over this and to move forward. However, We've been through a lot over the last few years, and I know for that we are a stronger family and in tough times we stick together more than ever.
Anna goes back to the doctor next week and we are eagerly awaiting the test results from all the blood work they done in the hospital. They gave us a lot of info and we've been researching it and trying to take it all in. I'll tell you more about that a little later after all the test come in.
Just continue to pray for complete healing for my father-in-law and continue to lift Corey and Anna up in your prayers.
I hope you all had a good Christmas and I hope your New Year is the best yet.
Please pray that this new year will be a better one for our family, because these last few have been really trying for us.
Posted by ~Sandy at 7:11 AM 0 comments
Labels: Updates
Hey Amanda
Hey Amanda,
I sent you an email this morning. Check your inbox.
I Love you girl,
Posted by ~Sandy at 6:18 AM 0 comments
Dec 22, 2008
A few pics from the weekend
*pictures make take a few minutes to load*
I only have a few seconds to be online, but I wanted to stop by and say hello and add a few pics from our weekend. It's been a good one! We were very busy with two parties and a Christmas play, but it was lots of fun, especially for the kids. I'll try to get back on a little later. We have Christmas for a needy today and I have a dfcs home check this evening. Anyhow, have a good day! Hugs, Sandy
Present time!


Jon & Bay

She has us wrapped around her little finger...can't you tell:)

This is what happens when you party to hard...lol

She kinda likes Santa

Jacob's turn

You are never to old for Santa

The anual Grandchildren christmas pic. Linda has took pics of the kids setting on her steps every Christmas since they were just babies. However, the family has really grown because at one time it only took 3 or 4 steps to hold the grand children...now look:) Plus two more babies are on their way!

I wish I could add all the pics of Trin and Amber and maybe soon I will be able to(when they are nolonger in care). Trin was so excited about Santa that he just set in his lap smiling and forgot to tell him what he wanted.
Posted by ~Sandy at 6:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: 365 of my life, Bailey, Family Yearbook, Pictures
Dec 19, 2008
A Christmas Devotion by J.Zavada
Jesus Our Hope
"We have lasting hope through the salvation we have in Christ ... Hope means that even when it looks like it's all over, it's not all over yet. That's why the Bible says we can rejoice even in our tribulations. God is working in our hard times to produce proven character and hope in us."
-Dr. Tony Evans
Verse-Psalm 33-22
Let thy mercy, O LORD, be upon us, according as we hope in thee.
For millions of people, the Christmas season means nothing more than parties, gifts, decorations, and time off work.
For Christians, however, this time of year is a happy reminder of the hope we have because of Jesus Christ.
Before Jesus came, God seemed distant, hidden in the Holy of Holies in the temple, accessible only to the high priest. Worshippers wondered whether their sacrifices were acceptable. They doubted their salvation.
Christ means hope—to the person out of work, to the struggling single mother, to the dying believer. Even if you're just slogging your way through the dissapointments of life, if you have Jesus, you have hope. And he is not a false hope, a childish fairy tale that we wish will have a happy ending. When Christ rose from the dead, that ended the argument. Period. Our hope in him is solid and it is real.
Christmas is a renewal of that hope. It reconfirms it for us if our vision has grown dim. It was settled long ago, so we don't have to doubt any more. Jesus is the fulfillment of our hope, our deepest longings come true.
Jack Zavada
Posted by ~Sandy at 6:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: Daily Devotions
Hope you like it!
I added a new playlist for Christmas. You can scroll down to turn off the music or to change it. I hope you enjoy! Hugs, Sandy
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: Updates
Dec 18, 2008
Just Today
Out side my window...it is warm and cloudy
Today I feel...bummed
I am thinking...about my date with my hubby tonight
At the moment,I am thankful...that the weekend is almost here
I am going...out with hubby tonight
I am wearing...a blue track suit
I wish...I could take a nap. I'm really tired today.
I am working on...laundry as always
I am hoping...I can finish my Christmas shopping this evening or tomorrow
I am hearing...Jacob's play gun going off
Around the house...it is pretty tidy
I bet you didn't know...I'm rocking Jake and typing at the same time:)
Sorry I didn't get them all added. I've got to go help Katie:)
Posted by ~Sandy at 9:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: Just today
Dec 16, 2008
A few more pics
Our Christmas tree 2008 in the den Robby's tree done in memory of my brother Robby & Grandma Wilson

The angel wings...one for Robby and one for Grandma

I chose the deer ornaments for Robby

And the birds for Grandma Wilson

I'll be adding more pictures soon!
Posted by ~Sandy at 11:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: Pictures
My daughter & Son-in-law
Just wanted to share a picture of my daughter Anna and her hubby Corey. They are standing by the tree that was decorated in memory of my brother Robby and my Grandma Wilson.
They are parents-2-be and will be having a lil miracle of their own in July 2009.
Posted by ~Sandy at 11:26 AM 1 comments
Labels: Pictures
Just Today
Today I feel...Happy and excited
I am thinking...about wrapping my presents today. However I can't put them under the tree because the babies will just unwrap them.
At the moment,I am thankful...that I'm almost done with my shopping
I am going...to take the fosters to a christmas party with their bio family tonight
I am wearing...jeans and a christmas top
I wish...I was done with my Christmas shopping
I am working on...laundry. I finally have a dryer that really works and dries clothes...yay!! I'm also giving the kids a test right now and I'm anxious to see how they do.
I am hoping...you all have a good week
I am hearing...Barney on TV singing
Around the house...it doesn't look as well as I'd like
I bet you didn't know...we get Bailey again this weekend and Christmas eve...yay!!!!!!
One of my favorite ...places to shop is Amazon.com or ebay:)
Pictures of the day...

Posted by ~Sandy at 11:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: Just today
Dec 15, 2008
Monday's Post
The weekend turned out great!!!! On Sunday, we were on our way home from taking Bailey home, and Hubby said,"It's been a good weekend." "It's been a while since we all just set around together." He is right, we seldom all just set around together, except when we are eating. But on Sunday, all the kids were home,and we all just set around the den while Bailey watched Happy Feet and we watched her...lol She would try to copy the little penguin and it was sooooooo cute:)
You would think that we never have ever had a baby. because everything she does just amazes us. She brings us all sooooooooooo much joy. I honestly don't think we could love her any more than we do, even if she was ours. Sunday was her day ad she knew it:) She loves the attention.
Saturday (yes I'm going backwards for a change), was sooooooo much fun. We got up early and got dressed for our breakfast with Santa. This year, Stars & Strikes along with several other companies in our county, hosted the foster families party. It was really nice and the kids got spoiled:)
They enjoyed free bowling and games. Also, they got gift cards(older kids) and neat gifts(younger kids) along with tons of free food certificates from all the local food places ... They were very excited about that. It was nice having all our fostering friends and families together under one roof and us having Stars & Strikes all to ourselves:) Normally, when it's open to public, it can get very crowded.
After that we went to the shower and then came home and spent the rest of the day playing with Bay.
On Friday, Shae,Josie, Abby, Katie, Ashley, Amberly, and me went shopping for Christmas gifts. After that, we ran to walmart to grab a few groceries and that is when I had the scary moment I mentioned in my last post.
When I got in Walmart, I let the older girls go together to pick up a few items, while I started grocery shopping. I had just got on the frozen Isle, when Amber decided to start whining. She always does this anytime we do anything that she doesn't want to do ,such as shopping, setting in a buggy,church service, baths,setting down to eat, riding in a carseat, etc. She doesn't cry and she doesn't shed tears. It is just a constant whiny sound that she likes to make when things aren't going her way. Well, I'm so use to it that I've learned to ignore it or it would drive me crazy. Well, an older lady heard her whine and walked up to us. She asked Amber if she wanted a new grandmother. Then she told Amber that she was gonna be her grandmother and she just kept talking to her about all they were gonna do together and the whole time she was trying to unbuckle Amber from my buggy. I just thought she was being friendly and trying to take Amber's mind off of whining. I didn't want to be rude and tell the lady to leave, so I stood there. We stood there for what seemed like forever as she sang her the ABC song and talked on and on. I tried to walk away and I kept telling Amber to tell her good-bye. But, this lady wouldn't leave my buggy. She wouldn't let go of the buggy or Amber and she kept trying her best to unbuckle her. I stood there, not really knowing what to do. It seemed like forever, when finally another lady walked up to me to apologize for her mom's behaviour. She said her mom had dementia and had walked away from her. She finally managed to get her to leave the buggy when she asked her mom to go get her a bell pepper. Her mom kept saying what is a bell pepper? She told her to come on and she would show her a bell pepper. That was when I finally was able to pull away and walk away. It really scared me .
These foster children are not my kids and I don't know most of their family members and as far as I knew this could have been a relative trying to snatch Amber or just a stranger. These days you just can't trust anyone. I'm just glad that I had buckled her in the seat,because I believe she would have removed her from my buggy and that would have been bad. It was a scary moment for sure.
Well that was my weekend. It was a pretty busy one but a good one!
Now today, we are back to the same old schedule. This is out last week of school before we have Christmas break. So we are trying to get a lot accomplished and I've gotta get caught up in my house. The weather this week is going to get up into the 70's. I can't believe the week before Christmas week and it is gonna be warm here...grrrr It just doen't feel like winter.
Anyhow, I guess I should get busy. I have so much to do and so little time.
Hugs, Sandy
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:52 AM 1 comments
Labels: Updates
Dec 13, 2008
Just a quick update
Just wanted to stop by and say hello! I won't be online, but for a second, because we have Bailey tonight . I really have to watch Bailey and Amber because they bite and fight. Why is it that one year olds always want to bite?????
We had girls night out last night and I had a scary moment that I'll share with you later.
Then today, we got up and went to Stars & Strikes for the foster family Christmas party and breakfast with Santa. It was alot of fun! I'll add a few pictures later.
After that, we went to Christy's baby shower. If you remember me telling you about the baby that our friends adopted, that was the shower that we went to. I was happy to be able to spend this special day with them and to get to see Addy again:)
When we got in, Bailey was here!!!!!! Brent went and got her. So I've spent all evening playing and chasing her around. She keeps me on my toes.
Also, Brent cooked out and all my kids came to eat. I love when they are ALL here. Well, all of them, but Samantha...she had to work.
My day has been very busy, but I've enjoyed spending it with the kids I love sooooooo much :)
Well, have a good night and a good weekend.
Posted by ~Sandy at 6:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: Updates
Dec 10, 2008
Just Today
Today I feel... blah...probably because it is so messy outside,but we need the rain for our well.
I am thinking... about what we will be doing in school today.
At the moment,I am thankful... that I got most of my laundry done before the dryer went out.
I am going... to take the kids to breakfast with Santa this weekend:)
I am wearing... an aeropostale sweet shirt and jeans
I wish... I was sleeping
I am working on... Today's To-do list
I am hoping... that I can get most of our school work done before lunch
I am hearing... cartoons and thunder
Around the house... It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
I bet you didn't know... We get Bailey this weekend, next weekend, and Christmas eve...yay!!!! I can't wait.
One of my favorite ... Christmas songs is "Oh Holy Night"...I love it!!!!
Posted by ~Sandy at 5:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: Just today
Dec 9, 2008
Gingerbread village
I wish you could see this better. The whole village is edible. I couldn't fit it all in the picture because it is so huge. But every part even the trees, snowmen,sleds,animals,etc are all made of candy. This was on display at the lodge where we took our classes.
You can click on the picture to see it a little larger.
Posted by ~Sandy at 5:01 AM 1 comments
Labels: For Fun
10 on Tuesday
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: 10 on Tuesday