~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Dec 30, 2008

Welcome New Year!

Well, here we are again. A new year is just around the corner. 2008 will soon be history. This year will be replaced with only memories...some good...some bad. What did you do with this year? Was it all you hoped it would be? Did you find yourself enjoying each moment? Well, which ever way it went for you,it will soon be behind you...forever.
A new year is coming soon. With a new year, means new days, new hopes, new dreams, and so many more news. This is your chance to leave behind any pain, hurts, or mistakes of yesterday. This new year is a chance to move forward. This is your chance to have the best year ever. So reach for it and move ahead with your head held high. Remember yesterday, but don't let it take up to much space in the new year. Try to learn and grow as much as you can. But most of all take time to enjoy the time that you have. Not everyone made it to 2009, but for whatever reason you did...we did!!!!! So live it to the fullest and make it the best one yet!
Happy New Year Everybody!

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about the girly stuff.....it seems to get tossed out the window at a certain age!!


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