Verse-Luke 12:34
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
We live in a pleasure seeking society, rich with plenty yet lacking true wealth. The very possessions we seek ultimately burden us down as pride, envy, arrogance, resentfulness, and greed consume our hearts. Our search for treasure has left us still wanting and lacking. God desires us to have the very best, His best. In seeking God continually and praying over the most smallest details we will find He is ready and anxious to reveal true and lasting treasure to all and any hearts seeking to find it.
Aug 30, 2008
Where your heart is
Posted by ~Sandy at 7:09 AM 0 comments
Labels: Updates
Aug 29, 2008
Just Today
Out side my window...The sun is finally shining!!!!
I am thinking...about taking the boys to mountasia
At the moment, I am thankful...that I have a loooong weekend because of Labor Day
I am going to...see Bailey and pick up pictures her mom has for me
I am wearing...capris and a orange top
I have been reading...a friend's blog
I am working on...putting together Jacob's homeschool things
I am hoping...that I can do something fun with the kids this weekend
I am playing
Around the looks better because Brent cut the grass between the rains
One of my favorite wings from Penny's & Darlenes...that is what I want for dinner
Posted by ~Sandy at 7:20 AM 0 comments
Labels: Just today
Update on Brent
Just wanted to update you all. Brent went in today and they listened to his lungs, but did not do any x-rays. They said most likely it is the start of pneumonia again, so they went ahead and started him on antibiotics . They also are sending him back to the GI doctor to have the surgery done. We won't know until he sees him when they will be doing the surgery. Just continue to keep him in your prayers.
Thank you all, Sandy
Posted by ~Sandy at 5:20 AM 0 comments
Labels: Updates
Aug 27, 2008
Update on Mom
I just wanted to update you all on my mom. They were only able to open blockages in one leg today. She will have to have the surgery on the other. Please continue to keep her in your prayers. I will let you know when they will be doing the surgery and the outcome.
Thank you again for all your prayers.
Hugs, Sandy
Posted by ~Sandy at 2:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: Updates
Aug 26, 2008
Just Today
Out side my window... It is pouring down rain
I am thinking... how nice a nap would be
At the moment,I am thankful... for the time I had with Bailey this past weekend
I am going to... clean out my junk drawers today
I am wearing... blue jean capris and a top
I am reading...nothing at the moment
I am working on...a new chore chart for the kids
I am hoping...the weather will get better soon
I am hearing...Blue's clue's on TV
Around the house...It is looking tidy today...yay!!!!
One of my favorite things...capris...I love them!!!!
Posted by ~Sandy at 5:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: Just today
As I promised...
When we got back from vacation, I had told you that I would tell you all about our vacation...well here it goes.
Brent and Lee planned a surprise vacation for Judy and I. After tossing around a few vacation ideas they decided on Miami/The Florida keys. They planned it out, made all the arraignments, and kept it all a secret from us. They did a good job because being by the ocean is one of my favorite places to be.
Early Wed morning (Aug 13) we drove to the Atlanta airport and boarded the American Airlines plane to Miami. It took us a little over an hour to fly there, because of bad weather. It was exciting flying because Brent & Judy had never flew before and Lee & me hadn't flew since we were kids.
We all loved it ...but Lee. He got soooooo sick. He was air sick the rest of that day.
When we landed in Miami we had a rental car waiting and we drove to our hotel -Miami Beach Resort and Spa. It was super nice. It was the nicest place I've ever stayed. However, very few people spoke English and the ones that did couldn't do it very well. It was actually nice when we did run into an English speaking person. It was frustrating anywhere we went to try to get directions or even to order food was frustrating. But, other than the language barrier, it was nice. On Wednesday we pretty much rode around checking out the sites in Miami. On Thursday, Brent and I decided to venture off alone, because Lee was still kinda sick from the flight and he was trying to get an alternative route home. However, he did fly home and didn't get as sick because it was night and he took 4 dramamine tablets. Anyhow...
On Thursday, Brent and I drove down to the Florida keys through the Ever Glades. We stopped off and spent several hours in Key Largo and Islamarado. It was just so beautiful!!!! It amazed me how clear the ocean water is down there compared to up here. We ended up driving back up to Miami on Thursday night to check in on Lee & Judy. Lee was some better, so we gave them the keys (we shared the rental car). They ventured off while we enjoyed our hotel and the beach. The place we stayed had everything we needed under one roof. I had three restaurants(2 inside & one on the beach). It had stores to shop, a salon, spa, pools, bars(no I don't drink), ball rooms, and more. It was really nice. It was fun to have an all in one place to stay right on the beach.
On Friday, we spent the day at South that is one wild place. I was so surprised that they have a place like that ,that is legal. We saw all kinds of sights that I never cared to see, but the ocean and the beach was beautiful!!!!!!! The shops were expensive and the food was too, but it was so fresh and so good that it was worth the money.
We flew back into Atlanta on Saturday. We enjoyed our time in the airport just about as much as the trip. It is amazing all the people you see and the way they dress, especially in the Miami airport. It was really neat.
It was a great vacation. I really needed it. I missed having the kids with me, but it was nice having a break.
Now, we are home and Brent is ready to go again. Up until Lee got sick flying, we had planned to fly up to Canada , but now he says he will never fly again. So who knows where we are headed next???? I guess we will just have to wait and see. I just hope next time we can take our kids too. I know they would love it.
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: For Fun
Aug 25, 2008
What a wonderful weekend!
It has been one of the best weekends of my life. We got to get Bay this weekend and even got to keep her for the night. I can't even begin to tell you how happy and thankful I felt to hold her in my arms again.
This is how it happened...
As you know our sweet baby went back home on Aug 12. We actually could have kept her until Aug 17, but we were going out of town and we agreed to let her go ahead and move back on the 12th. On the 13th, we left and went out of town for a few days to Florida. I left my children with babysitters, and placed my other two foster kids in another foster home for a week, and just got away with my hubby and some friends. It kinda helped to get my mind off of loosing Bay. But last Monday, as I started back on a normal routine, it really set in. It was a tough week for me. It felt like I had lost a child and it was very hard at times. I held on to hope and prayed hard that God would make a way for me to be able to see my baby and see that she is okay. I just needed peace of mind. But, I was to scared to call and ask to see her, because I feared they would say no and I knew I would be devastated. Plus, I didn't want to be a pest or cause any problems.
So all week I tried not to dwell on it (which was hard) and I tried to keep myself busy. When something bothers me, I always seem to do better if I keep active. So as you can imagine I was busy and on the go all week.
Well, Friday arrived and I took the kids to Stars & Strikes for Trin's 6th birthday.
On Saturday, I woke the twins up early, because I wanted to do something for their birthday, because I had not had a chance before. So I got them up, but they kept giving me all these reasons why we shouldn't go( they knew Bay was coming home for the weekend, but I didn't). I was confused, because It was not like them. They had wanted to do something every weekend and they knew I was excited that we could this weekend, but they didn't seem to be excited. Well, finally I talked them into going to the mall and buying new clothes for winter. Who has to beg a teen to buy clothes????
While we were there Katie called and said her dad wanted to know if we were on our way home yet. I said, no. I was still at the mall and then I needed to go get groceries.
She said her dad said, not to go get groceries, just come on home, and that we could buy groceries later. I couldn't understand it... Brent hates when I waste gas. So why would he want me to drive right by the grocery store and all the way home? I argued and told him I was not going back out to get groceries, because I was already right by the store. Finally, he said, "If you love me you will come home now". What could I say? I was so frustrated. I figured he must have plans to go out with our friends or he was wanting to go see our other friends new baby that had just been born, because he had already mentioned that the night before. Anyhow, I came home.
When I walked in my door, there set my baby girl "Bay". I can't even tell you how happy I was. I lost it. I couldn't have been any happier at that moment. I never dreamed I would ever see my baby setting on my couch again. Brent had called Bay's mom on Friday and they had it all planned out as a surprise for me. Brent asked her when we had to have her back home and she said we could keep until Sunday. I never ever ,ever ,ever dreamed she would get to stay the night again .
Needless to say, my house is a wreck, because I didn't do anything ,but hold and play with my baby all night and day. It was the happiest weekend. I even got to take her to see Nanny. Nanny was thrilled to see her. It was a prayer answered! GOD IS GOOD!!!!
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:56 AM 0 comments
Labels: Updates
Aug 22, 2008
So what have I been up to????
I guess I must be the worst blog keeper ever. These last few weeks have been very hard and at times overwhelming for me.
It's always tough after a vacation. As soon as we came in, it was time for school to start and that has really kept me busy. Jacob's virtual school had already started (last Wed) while we were on vacation, so I've spent the last few days catching him up on what he missed.
Monday, public school started for my foster son and that has been very hard. He doesn't like taking baths. He doesn't like getting dressed for school. He doesn't like wearing shoes. He doesn't like doing school work. He doesn't like riding the bus. So as you can imagine he and I are constantly battling. I really don't know what to do. I've tried grounding him, setting him in time out, putting him in the corner. and I've took away things that matter to him (computer, cell phone, and game systems). But, nothing seems to work. I made him a schedule of what he HAS to do everyday and I was hoping that would make it easier for him to understand what steps he has to do everyday, but it hasn't.
It goes like this...
1.Get up at 6 am.
2. Get on socks and shoes(which he hates) I put them on and he pulls them right back off. Most of the time he throws them across the room over and over and screams at the top of his lungs about how he hates socks...he hates shoes...etc
3. Eat breakfast (which he never wants to do first thing in the morning). I know he must get hungry at school, but what can I do???? I can't force feed him.
4. Brush his teeth (He really mostly puts paste on the brush,sticks it in his mouth, pulls it right back out,spits, and he calls it brushing) He will not let me brush his teeth. He closes his mouth and will not open it. I've explained to him and so has the dentist about why he needs to brush his teeth.
5. Pick a school snack and put it in his book bag. The one thing he does do.
6. Go to the bus stop. Which he hates. He stomps, crosses his arms, throws himself down, etc Most of the time he won't even get on the bus. So far this week he has only made the bus twice out of five days...grrr Which means I have to take him in...late
7. Go to school
I don't know what to do. I called his case worker and I'm waiting on her to call back. Everyone says send him back. That is what everyone does to the foster kids they give up on(that's why so many bounce house to house). I don't want to give up like everyone else. But, what can I do?
Everyday is a battle. Once he gets home all he wants to do is play on the computer,cell phone, or game system. I've taken these away and that has made him even worse. He is suppose to be reading a book each night, but he refuses. So I told him that I would not sign his slip,saying that he had read if he wasn't going to read. He can read. Yes, he is only in first grade, but he is a gifted student and on a third grade level. So he knows exactly what he is doing. I told him the first of the week, if he would be really good that I would give him $1 for Ice Cream Friday (that they have every Friday at school). But after, we battled all morning and he refused to dress himself, wear his shoes(and threw his shoes 2 times across the room), brush his teeth, brush his hair, etc I refused to award him with $1. So on the way to the bus stop, he threw himself down on the ground, in the dirt, and started screaming and crying, because he wasn't getting ice cream. He wasn't going to get on the bus, but I told him he wasn't going to his birthday party(that his mom is throwing). He finally got on the bus ,but he was dirty for the second time this week(He done the same thing yesterday).
I thought it was just me. I thought maybe he just hates me. But, he gave the foster family that kept him last week, some of the very same problems. They agreed that I have my hands full.
Anyhow, other than that, I've been busy trying to plan my new school year (Yes, we homeschool), buying my new books, organizing old school stuff, creating a schedule for each child to go by, and trying to get on a daily routine that I myself can stick to. I started babysitting 2 new full time kids. I'm glad because they are full time kids. I'm trying to get away from keeping any part time kids, because it's just to hard to plan my day and change around my schedule to meet everyone else's schedule. I want a set schedule that I can go by, so that every one's needs are met and everyone knows what to expect everyday. So far, it has been working. I had to change a few things around and add a little less time or more time here or there, but overall this week has run more like clock work than it has in a loooong time. I hope by the time we start our new homeschool year (Sept 2) that we will have an organized daily schedule that works for all of us. Here is a portion of what I do...
1.I wake at 4:45 and get Brent up.
2.I eat breakfast, get dressed,clean house, etc
3. 6 am I wake up the foster child.
4. 6- 6:50 I devote to getting him dressed, fed, and off to the bus stop.
5. 7:30 Babysitting kids start arriving
6. I wake up kids, feed kids,get out school stuff, clean up from breakfast. start laundry, etc
7. 9:00 Jacob starts school and so will the older homeschooled kids starting in Sept.
8. 10:00 take a break, snack time and diaper changes
9. 10:30 back to school for mine.
Babysitting kids watch their shows, and play(inside or outside), etc
10. 12:00 -lunch break and diapers changes.
11. 12:30-nap time for little ones and back to school for mine ...ahhhh it's quiet!!!
12. 2pm- diaper changes, snack time, and school day ends(except for those who haven't finished their work they keep on until they are done).
13. 3pm- school bus gets home with foster child. After school snack. Babysitting kids start leaving. Older kids finish school work, do homework, go out to play, etc
14. 4 pm-7pm, I start dinner, eat, clean up dinner mess, check school work, etc
15. 7:30 pm- we start baths like an assembly after another
16. 8pm-9pm-bedtime for the little ones (sometimes earlier if they need it).
I'm still working on this schedule. Alot more than this happens in my day, but pretty much this is what I do...everyday. I'm trying to come up with better chore charts and more responsibilities for the older kids, to take some of the load off of me. I'm also trying to come up with a laundry schedule, but that one is tough because we go through so much laundry.
Anyhow, that is about it for me. I'm really trying to keep my head above the water these days and it is hard...very hard. I just want to get organized so that it's easier to stay on top of things and so that I can manage my time better.
Anyhow, I guess I should be on my way. I have so much to do and so little time.
Have a great day!
Posted by ~Sandy at 8:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: Updates
Why I have a blog
1. I wanted a blog to record my thoughts.
2. To keep family and friends updated.
3. To share interesting things I might find along the way.
4. So that I can look back and see how far I've come.
5. To share happy days.
6. To vent when I need to.
7. A place to get away for a little while...alone time.
8. Because it's fun.
Posted by ~Sandy at 6:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: For Fun
Aug 20, 2008
Just Today
Out side my window... the weather is beautiful

Posted by ~Sandy at 7:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: Just today
Aug 18, 2008
We are back!
Well, we made it back! We had a great vacation... I'll tell you all about it a little later.
These next few weeks are gonna be crazy for me as I adjust to homeschooling(3), virtual schooling(1), and a foster kid in public a baby running around and into everything.
I may be a little slack on updating, but as things calm down maybe I will find more time to be online.
Anyhow, I hope you are all having a wonderful week.
Hugs, sandy
Posted by ~Sandy at 6:56 AM 0 comments
Labels: Updates
Aug 8, 2008
What have we done this week????
Bay is gone for her overnights this week with her birth mom. She will be gone from Wed-Sunday...which feels like forever. It is just so empty feeling without her. I can't wait until Sunday when I can go and get her. I went to Party City and Toys-R-Us yesterday,to buy her birthday/going away party stuff. We are having a princess theme first birthday party for her on Sunday. I have so much I've got to get done for her ,before she leaves us next week ,and I guess that will keep me busy all weekend.
Everyone wonders why I want to do these things for Bay, considering she is leaving us. Well, I love Bay just like she is my own ,and I want the very best for her even if she can't stay here. I want her to have everything she needs in her new home even if it means I have to buy it. I want her to have baby books with pictures and such from her first year, because that is a part of her past. My mom took very few pictures of me in my first few years and I wish she had taken more, because I don't remember anything from that time of my life ,and I don't want Bailey not to have that. I love Bay and I would do just about anything for her to be happy and well cared for and I know that is hard for some to understand, but I can only say it is out of love for her and it brings me joy to be able to do for others.
Yesterday, we had our monthly home visit with dfcs. She came out and visited awhile and that went well.
Once she left, I took Jacob to the dentist. They ended up pulling two of his side teeth. One he had lost a cap off of (which I didn't know) so it couldn't be re-capped or saved, and they decided to just pull it. Which was a good thing because be really needed more space in his mouth, it is so overcrowded. Then the other tooth they pulled, he had broken it off at the gum line. They basically had to dig it out of the gum. They weren't able to get it all, so we have to wait for his big teeth to push the rest of it out. They will be putting him in a retainer with spacers to make room for his big teeth. He was pretty sore and laid around most of the day yesterday.
As for today, well we really don't have any big plans. I'm going to try to get Bailey's picture album and scrapbook finished up and get my computer cleaned off...It is running so slow these days...grrr Other than that,I guess we will have girls night out this evening which is going out to eat and shopping.
As for the rest of the weekend, I will probably be packing up for my vacation. Brent and I will be leaving with friends on a trip next week. My kids will be having sitters coming to the house to keep them and the babies will be staying with another foster family while we are away. I really need some time to just get away to re-charge my battery I guess you could say. It's been awhile since I got away. Brent and I haven't be alone on a vacation since 1994. So it has been a looooong time. However, if it was up to me I'd be taking the kids with I love having my kids with me everywhere I go.
Well, that is about it for us.
I wish you all a wonderful and safe weekend.
Posted by ~Sandy at 4:57 AM 0 comments
Aug 6, 2008
Just Today
Out side my window...I see the sun shining
I am thinking...about all I need to be doing today.
At the moment,I am thankful for...the peace and quiet
I am going to...take a quick nap.
I am wearing...bluejeans and a pink top
I am reading...nothing but these questions at the moment.
I am working homeschool site
I am hoping...Bay has a good first birthday party
I am hearing...the fan running. It is quiet here. The kids are watching a movie.
Around the house...the grass is getting tall....grrrrr
One of my favorite taking an afternoon nap(which is rare)...ahhhh
A few plans for the rest of the week...Packing up Bay's stuff, finishing up her baby book, developing all her pictures on my camera, finishing her baby album, burning her pics to a dvd movie, and having her a first birthday/going away party *tears*.
Picture of the day... Coming soon!
Posted by ~Sandy at 11:07 AM 0 comments
Labels: Just today
Aug 4, 2008
Happy Birthday Ashley & Jon!
It's my twins' birthday!!!! Boy time flies. It is sooooo hard to believe they are really 15!!!!
Here is looking back...
Posted by ~Sandy at 10:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: For Fun
My weekend in a nutshell
Well, I wish I could share with you about my wonderful weekend ,but it was just blahhhh.
First off, It was a sad weekend ,because Bay was gone to her mom's for the whole weekend. I'm getting a taste of what life is like without her ,and it is not the same. It just feels empty around here without her here.
On Saturday, I planned to take the kids to do something, but that didn't work out because
Brent's Dad surprised us with a visit. Brent had to work all weekend, so he wanted me to stay here with his Dad and to show his Dad some things around the house. So I stayed home. I did manage to find a little computer time and I did teach myself how to take our family pictures and make them into a dvd movie... I was kinda proud of that, but that was about all that I accomplished.
Then on Sunday, I couldn't wait to get up and go get Bay. I went and got her and headed to Sunday morning services. After that, I came home and ended up with a bad migraine headache(for the third time this week). I've started having to many of those again and I'm so discouraged about it... it seems headaches control my life....grrr I was so frustrated, because I really wanted to spend the day enjoying Bay and playing with her while I had her, but I ended up in bed feeling bad for most of the day. About 6pm, I finally felt better and got up.
Then, I went down to the shop to get out some cases of diapers for the babies. My friend had given me several cases of diapers when we first started fostering and I've just kept them stored and I've been useing them as I need them. So I went down and was going through trying to find the right sizes for Bay and Amber, and while I was there I put my leg on a bag that had a scorpion on it. I ended up getting stung and boy did it hurt. It got me on the leg right above my foot and it hurt constantly for about 6 hours.
Today, it is still a little swollen and really sore, but much better than last night.
So that is my weekend in a nutshell. How about yours????
I hope yours was much better than mine.
Hugs, Sandy
Posted by ~Sandy at 5:40 AM 0 comments
Aug 1, 2008
Just Today
Out side my window...I see the new little tree Brent planted (pic below)
I am thinking...about what I will be doing tonight...TGIF!!!
I am thankful for...the rain we got. We really needed it.
I am buy a few groceries shortly
I am wearing...Beige capris(my favories) and a red polo
I am friends blog
I am working on...trying to build a new homeschool site for our family site
I am hoping...that I can have Bay a first birthday/going away party
I am hearing...Nicole & JC talking
Around the doesn't look so good. I see so much I need to do. I'm just glad the weekend is here and I have time to get some things done.
One of my favorite things...a glass of sweet tea
A few plans for the rest of the week...I hope to get the kids clothes bought for the fall and to get my house cleaned.
Here is my picture of the day...enjoy!
This is Brent's tree. It is strange shaped and only 6 foot tall. I hope it makes it. Then I had to snap a pic of my baby roses. I didn't think they were gonna make it, but over the last week(after the rains) they bloomed out.
Until next time...
Posted by ~Sandy at 6:20 AM 1 comments
Labels: Just today
Something to Ponder...
Our conduct has a direct influence on how people think about the gospel. The world doesn't judge us by our theology: the world judges us by our behavior. People don't necessarily want to know what we believe about the Bible. They want to see if what we believe makes a difference in our lives. Our actions either bring honor to God or misrepresent His truth.
Posted by ~Sandy at 5:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: Thoughts to ponder