~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Jun 29, 2010

I Want Us To Be Together In Heaven

You may have a fancy car
Brand new house that shines by far
You may live to be a hundred years old
But if you have not been saved
It all ends with the grave
But I want us to be together in heaven

I want us to be together in Heaven
I want to walk down the streets of pure gold
I want to run through the fields of green clover
See the mansions, smell the flowers
Hear the singing, its all ours
See the river gently flowing
Feel the gentle breezes blowing
I want us to be together in Heaven

You may be a millionaire
Wearing clothes beyond compare
You may have the best that money can buy
But if the blood is not applied
Then in Hell you'll lift your eyes
But I want us to be together in Heaven

I want us to be together in Heaven
I want to walk down the streets of pure gold
I want to run through the fields of green clover
See the mansions, smell the flowers
Hear the singing, its all ours
See the river gently flowing
Feel the gentle breezes blowing
I want us to be together in Heaven

Jun 28, 2010

Toll House Chicken Casserole

4 chicken breasts or 1 chicken cut in chunks
2 cans cream of celery soup
1 1/2 sticks butter
1 c. sour cream
2 tubes Town House crackers, crushed
1 tbsp. poppy seeds
1/2 c. chicken broth

Boil chicken, debone and cut in bite-size pieces. Set aside and spray 13 x 9 inch baking dish with pan.
1st Layer: Melt 1 stick butter. Add poppy seed and Town House crackers. Place 1/2 of cracker mixture in baking dish, saving the rest for the top layer.

2nd Layer: Mix the chicken with the soup, sour cream, chicken broth and 1/2 stick butter. Place on 1st layer.

Sprinkle the rest of the cracker mixture on top. Bake at 350 degrees until golden brown, approximately 35-45 minutes. (This can be made ahead of time and refrigerate until ready to bake.)

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6

To Everything There Is A Season

To everything there is a season,and a
time for every purpose under the Heaven.
A time to be born and a time to die,
A time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted,
A time to kill and a time to heal,
A time to break down, and a time to build up,
A time to weep and a time to laugh,
A time to mourn and a time to dance ,
A time to cast away stones,
and a time to gather stones together,
A time to embrace,
and a time to refrain from embracing,
A time to get and a time to lose,
A time to keep, and a time to cast away,
A time to rend and a time to sew,
A time to keep silent and a time to speak,
A time to love and a time to hate,
A time for war and a time for peace.

ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Today's Devotion

Proverbs 15:23
A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good is it!

Our lives impact those around us to one degree or the other. It matters how we act and react to the everyday situations of our lives. Regardless of whether we like it or want it people are watching us; our children, spouses, family, friends,acquaintances.and even strangers.
The actions of people tend to reproduce themselves. If one person begins to complain it's not long before others will join in the same song. A husband may come home from work having had a bad day feeling grumpy, tired and maybe even angry; it only takes a short period of time and the wife will begin to experience the affects of his actions. The same thing happens when our actions and reactions are positive. Others around will be influenced and it will reproduce. We can choose to allow the bad day of another to affect our mood and day or we can choose to reproduce the joy of the Lord that is within us. Our actions and attitudes convey a lot of what God has done in our lives. People notice the difference and the way one acts can promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ more powerfully than a thousand words.
What are your actions saying to others today?

Jun 27, 2010

It's been a fun Sunday

After church today, we rode over to Anna's to help her work on Brookelyn's new room.
Then we let the kids play in the pool for a little while.
 Jelly Bean loved it!!! This was her first time to ever be in a pool. She had so much fun, but it gave her out. Once I got her out of the pool, she fell asleep and has been asleep ever since(3+ hours now)...lol
We didn't get any pics of Brookelyn in the pool ,because she went to sleep,but Anna said she loves being in the water too.
Katie & Jelly Bean

Jacob & Trinton had a blast!
Trinton & Me
Little wrinkled foot from being in the pool.
Brookelyn tried her very first fruit!
The face says it all:)
Playing in her crib while we worked on her room.
Tiffany(friend) & Katie
Katie & me
before church this morning.
I look short,but I'm really not.
I'm actually kinda tall...
Katie had on heals.
Jacob & Trinton
(Best friends forever)

Be Inspired
Take time in your day to be inspired
by something small-the scent
of a flower,a hug from a child,
an "I love you" from
your spouse...
Thank God
for the little things in life.

Jun 26, 2010

This & That

Eating sweet peas...she LOVES them!

Is that hair?
She is finally getting some!
She changes a little more everyday.
She is just getting so big, so fast.
She is just precious to her
PawPaw and MeMe.
She's got a phone.
She is already hooked...lol
She always wants the phone.
She was so sleepy in this picture.
It's really me!
Well,I know I seldom add pictures of myself.
Honestly, It's because I just don't like looking at myself in pictures.
I'd much rather be behind the camera.
But, here are a couple of recent shots on me.

*Samantha and Me*

*Tiffany and  Me*
I use to babysit Tiffany when she was a baby.
I kept her for 8 years.
She is like one of my own kids.
I recently found this neat little book.
I think I gave $3 for it,but it was worth much more.
It has hundreds of Bible verses and where
to find certain topics in the Bible.
This is one of those books that will come in very handy.
If you would like an easy way to memorize Bible verses
then this would be the perfect book for you.
The weekend is going great!
Our church got together today to play a game of softball...
Then this afternoon, The girls and me went out to dinner
and we done a little shopping. I enjoy spending
time with my girls...They are a blessing.
Now we are home, Jacob and Trinton are playing on the other computer
and I'm setting her holding my sweet little Jelly Bean...
she is such a cuddle bug.
Anyhow, enjoy your weekend everyone!
BTW...did you notice the new blog look??
What do you think of it?
I am not 100% crazy about it,but I got tired of looking.
The Patterns God plans for our days
are always changing...rearranging...
and each design is unique...graced
with His own special beauty.

A Trip To The Beach

Recently a couple of my girls took a trip to the beach.
I wasn't able to join them,
but I did enjoy their pictures.
I wanted to share a few with you.
Hannah(a friend) and Ashley
Ashley,Samantha,and Hannah
Hannah & Ashley (They are best friends)

Hannah's mom took all of these wonderful pictures:)

Please excuse the mess:)

Well,I'm ready for a new look! I haven't yet decided the exact layout I want, but this old blog needs a new look...I think:) So I imagine over the next few days my blog is going to get a little messy,while I play around, but maybe I'll have it back up & running soon. Have a great weekend everyone!

Jun 24, 2010

One Summer Day

Today we...
Picked berries together
and ate some too!
My friend Christy's lil boy
Jake got his first taste of blackberries
and he loved them!

Just a sweet moment.
 They didn't know I was looking.
They were banging on pots and bowls for
Brookelyn's entertainment...lol
Jacob finally learned to make his
own PBJ!!!!! Way to go Jacob!!!!
We are the proud owner of our own pet
bug! Jacob caught a lightning bug:)
Tiffany has come to spend a few days with us.
She was stealing kisses from Jacob here.
You have to steal them...really.
Guess who's talking now?!?!
Miss Brookelyn is saying...
da da da da da da da da
She also got her first taste of
 grass today...yucky Brookelyn.
Don't tell her mommy that
 I let her eat grass...
I didn't mean to:)
Jacob and lil Mama Dog...
She loves her boy.
I've been busy this week.
Poor lil Jelly Bean had to go
 back on the NG tube today,
but she took it like a pro.
We are going to wait a few days
 and try to wean her again.
Hubby took me out
to eat at R and R  for
 dinner and he took me
to buy a *pink* cell phone!
He said it was my surprise
for finishing
school this week.
I'm finally done!!!
It doesn't even seem real.
I just can't wait until the certificate is in my hands.
However, I still have a few
more classes I plan to take,
but for now I'm done!!!!!
Now, we are just setting
here enjoying the evening.
The girls are in the kitchen,
making a blackberry
cobbler from scratch...yummy!
My house smells soooo good!
I love summer
and days just like this:)
hmmm...I wonder what
these kids will come up with tomorrow?!?!

Jun 23, 2010

Exceedingly Thankful

There are so very many good things in your life right now. Whatever may be, you always have plenty of great reasons to be exceedingly thankful. Of course there are problems and challenges and difficulties. Yet there are even more opportunities for fulfillment and possibilities for joy.
Instead of complaining about what you don't have, be truly thankful for all the goodness and richness that you do have. Instead of resenting those who have wronged you, remember and rejoice for all those people who have lifted you up.
When you find yourself worrying about what might be coming, stop. Recall with gratitude that you've made it through every challenge, and know with confidence that you can forge success out of whatever comes your way.
Even those deepest desires that are yet unfulfilled can give you plenty of reasons to be thankful. For you can eagerly look forward to the deeply satisfying experience of bringing those desires to life.
Feel how good it is and feel how empowering it is to fill yourself with gratitude. With a thankful heart, you'll lovingly and successfully make your world an even better place.

Update on Jelly Bean

I figured it was about time to update you all on our Little Bean:)
She is doing sooooo good! We actually got to take her off of the NG tube for a couple of days,and she was so happy. She actually found her voice, and started making all kinds of precious noises...it was like she was singing and saying,"Thank you Aunt Sandy".
However, she is not going to get to stay off. She did gain weight...4 whole ozs in 2 weeks, but that is still just not enough to be free. She is almost 5 months old,and weighs 10 lbs & 2 ozs.
She can eat by mouth and actually seems to like it best, but she just won't take enough. After about 2-3 ozs ,she is full and exhausted and will not take anymore.
However, atleast now we know she can eat by mouth and she can swallow and one day she WILL be free of all of this equipment. But until then, we are just going to keep working with her everyday. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.

Jun 22, 2010

More Random Pics

Katie and Bailey
Bailey spent all of last week with us,
and we loooooved having her here.
She is getting so big now!!!
And smart too:)
MeMe fed Brookelyn Shae baby food
for the very first time today!!!
It wasn't so long ago I was feeding Bailey,
and now she thinks she is to big,
she insists on feeding herself...lol
It's little moments like this that make life so
"Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored". ~Earl Nightingale

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