~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Jun 23, 2010

Update on Jelly Bean

I figured it was about time to update you all on our Little Bean:)
She is doing sooooo good! We actually got to take her off of the NG tube for a couple of days,and she was so happy. She actually found her voice, and started making all kinds of precious noises...it was like she was singing and saying,"Thank you Aunt Sandy".
However, she is not going to get to stay off. She did gain weight...4 whole ozs in 2 weeks, but that is still just not enough to be free. She is almost 5 months old,and weighs 10 lbs & 2 ozs.
She can eat by mouth and actually seems to like it best, but she just won't take enough. After about 2-3 ozs ,she is full and exhausted and will not take anymore.
However, atleast now we know she can eat by mouth and she can swallow and one day she WILL be free of all of this equipment. But until then, we are just going to keep working with her everyday. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.


  1. oh, I'm sorry to hear this. But what a blessing to know that she can swallow! She is so cute, you are such a blessed mama/foster mama! :)

  2. Oh, I wish she could be done with all that stuff. I'm so happy to hear of the progress though, and I'll just keep praying!

  3. Praying for all of you. What wonderful foster parents you are.



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