~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Oct 26, 2010

Hubby's Prayer

This post you may not understand unless you've read my earlier post- It's A Busy Life 
Last night ,Hub's and I tried to go to bed before midnight,but it wasn't meant to be. Little Bean had spent the weekend in her real home and she was off of her schedule .When we got her home at 6:30 PM, she was very clingy to me and more fussy than she has ever been.Transitioning home can be tough for little ones especially when they are very bonded to their foster parent as Little Bean is to me.
So we walked, rocked, cuddled, etc But lil Bean wanted no part of bed.
Then we have little "Z" the new little guy on our block. He has had tummy issues from day one and he is on a heart monitor and the band is uncomfortable and he HATES it. So he too was so fussy and did not want to go to sleep for us.
We finally got them to sleep around 11:40 (we thought) and we laid them both down and then laid down ourselves. But,both woke back up within minutes. Jelly Bean started making noises and Lil guy joined in. It was as if our 8 month old and 1 month old were communicating with each other. I'm sure they were saying, "Let's see if we can get up and play now"....lol
Well, Hubby and I both just laid there listening to them go on and on. Little Bean also kept pulling up in her bed bouncing and giggling. She thought it was a game...lol
Finally, we laid there and hubby and I couldn't help ,but start laughing. Hubby said, "Sandy,what were we thinking?" Then he started praying. His prayer kinda went something like this...

Dear Lord,
Thank you so much for not sending us siblings the other day. I'm so thankful that you know what we can handle and what we can't...

Sometimes you can't help but laugh. We truly are blessed to have these precious children in our home. We've just had to learn to go with the flow and know that it will get easier and sleep and schedules will come again...maybe...hopefully...someday...soon would be great...lol


  1. You guys amaze me. You have such a great outlook on things. I'm so glad you are allowing the Lord to use you to care for those children.
    We need more people like you in this world!

  2. Even God has a sense of humor. Ya'll are such a blessing to those children and the seed that is being planted that they will take with them.


Thanks for visiting my blog today! Stop by and visit again soon.((hugs)) ~Sandy

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