~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Nov 30, 2012

My baby boy...

Can you say LOVED???
Oh how I LOVE my sweet baby boy.
I think I ask him every day,
"How did we get chosen to have you?
Of all the babies in the whole wide world
how did we get so lucky to have you?"
He is so PRECIOUS.
We are so BLESSED!
His CASA came out on Wednesday
and she said that she received the paper work
from the state and it had been signed
off by our judge stating that
parents had surrendered and foster parents
have planned to adopt.
So now we just wait on
our big adoption day
better known by some as
Gotcha day!
This was great news!!!!

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6


  1. Wonderful Blessed news! Love & congrats!♥

  2. Oh friend!! I have been away from blogging and have missed so much in your life! Congratulations for so many blessings you have had recently!! So happy for you!! Sending hugs your way friend!! ((Happy Dance!!)) Wonderful, wonderful news!!!


Thanks for visiting my blog today! Stop by and visit again soon.((hugs)) ~Sandy

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