~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Jul 27, 2010

Milestone Months Giveaway!

My friend Tracie over at Ordinary Inspirations is hosting this awesome baby giveaway! If you have a baby or know someone with a baby, then you need to enter this giveaway for a chance to win. You will be entering to win one of the Milestone Months onesies like the little baby is wearing above.
They have months one through twelve to choose from!
Also, if you stop by the Milestone Months website you can order each month individully or in packages (3 months) of your choice.
Here is an example...

I sure wish I had found these before,because they are perfect for monthly pictures. I have entered to win one for sweet Brookelyn Shae and I hope you will enter to win too.
Best wishes,


  1. Thanks for posting this! I think they are just too cute!

  2. You're welcome!!! They are adorable. I am going to purchase package months 7-9 ,but if I win the giveaway I'm going to get month 6 too for Brookelyn. I do monthly pics but I wish I would have had these in all the months before too. Thanks for sharing@!

  3. Sorry to hear about little Bailey. Hope she feels better soon.

    Sorry I commented here, but I couldn't find the comment button on the Bailey post.


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