Hello from Howellville! I figured it was a good time for an update.
Our week started off great. On Monday, we took a trip to Peep Forest Park and had a GREAT time! The kids enjoyed the fountains and the playground and I enjoyed being able to sit down and relax with a good book. I just started a new book "Real Moms...Real Jesus" by Jill Savage. It is another really good book. I just love Jill. She & I have very similar personalities and I think that's why I click with her. Maybe I will do a review once I'm done with it.
Monday night things started going down hill, Little Jelly Bean's alarm went off several times. I called the apnea center and they said to disregard them because they were false alarms and that she was okay. But, I still didn't feel comfortable with that...I guess it's a mom thing,so I set up with her. By morning,she was really struggling with her breathing. She was breathing short fast breaths and couldn't even cry. I called her pediatrician and left a message,but she never called me back. As the hours passed,she got even worse. So we decided to not wait on the doctor, instead we headed to the ER. She ended up spending Tuesday night in the hospital. After several breathing treatments and steroid shots, she started breathing better and feeling better. She really scared us. While we were at one hospital, my son-in-law was at another. He hurt his self at work. He injured his foot. They said that it wasn't broken, but that his xrays showed that he had broken it before. However, he said that he has never broken that foot. So not sure exactly what he has done,but he's been in a good bit of pain and they've got him using crutches for a few days.
On Wednesday, we pretty much laid around and slept as much as we could. After two nights with less than 4 hours of sleep we were all exhausted.
Today, we got up early and took Katie to the doctor. It was time for her re-check on the eye condition she has. I decided to take her to see a different doctor this time. He confirmed once again that she does indeed have the condition "Nevus of Ota". He asked me who diagnosed her to begin with and I told him and he said that her other doctor was exactly right and that is exactly what she has. He said it's just so rare. Then he tells us the good news, that they didn't find any tumors on the eye or any sign of cancer in the moles behind her eye. Then he goes on to tell us that if the moles turn to cancer that they are seldom fatal and that radiation works really well for that type of cancer if it's found early and that nevus of ota can lead to blindness. I looked at him and I thought to myself, why is he telling us this. We will cross that bridge if we have to,but for now I don't want to know this. I didn't want him saying stuff, especially infront of Katie, but then I remembered she is 18 now and not a kid,but she's my baby. I still want to protect her. I don't want anything to upset her and I don't want her to hear all the "if this happens" stuff. Cancer and children should never be put together in a sentence...ever. God bless the families who have to go through that...I can't even imagine. I pray we never do.
We left that appointment and I was on my way to get Bailey ,when I got a call saying not to come because Bailey was on her way to the hospital. She has fallen and stuck a stick in her eye. Not real sure what will come out of that. I'm anxiously awaiting the call from her aunt. However,I did get to talk to Bailey for a second and she wanted me to come to the hospital. I told her that I couldn't but that I would be there this evening because I have to take Jelly Bean to another appointment. I hate knowing my baby is there and I am here. When my kids hurt,I hurt too. No,Bailey is not my child, but in my heart she feels like mine and I want to fix all her hurts and take away all her pains and that has been really hard for me. I'll update you all on Bailey as soon as I hear something.
It has been a trying week on my heart. I just try to remember that God will never give me more than I can handle,but I sure hope that things are about to turn around for us. Keep all of these I mentioned in your prayers.
Well, I don't want to end with all bad news...so here is some VERY good news. My Mom is doing soooooooooo much better!!! Praise God!!!! The pain in her legs are gone. After being in constant pain for nine months, and not being able to sleep, walk very far, or even able to lay down, she can now!!!! She feels sooooo much better. I'm so happy to have my Mom back. She actually told me yesterday that Christmas was coming up and that we are going to be able to go shopping together this year. What a blessing. Thank you Lord!!!!!!!!
Spaghetti Salad
2 days ago