~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Oct 28, 2009

Awards for me??? Really??? Thanks!!!

Awwwww....you shouldn't have,
but thank you so much for thinking of me!
I received two adorable awards in the last few weeks
and I wanted to share them with you.
The first is the Kreativ Blogger award given
to me by Cassie over at My Three Ring Circus
Thank you so much Cassie for thinking of me. *hugs*
Stop by Cassie's blog it is awesome!
The rules for this award are:
•Thank the person that gave you this award
•Copy the award
•Tell 7 things about myself that other's may not know.
•Nominate 7 more(I'm working on that).

*Award #1*
I think I've almost shared everything I know about myself,
but I'll try to think of something you may not know.
~Back Then~
1.I was born with a tiny strawberry mark beside my nose that looked just like an arrow. It went away when I was around 5 or 6 years old:)
2.I was born on my due date :) My youngest child was born on his due date too.
3. At birth I weighed 6 lbs and 3 ozs. I was 19 inches long:)
4. I am about to make cookies with the kids:)
5. My son-in-law is re-doing my dinning room table today:) I'm excited!!!!
6. I am trying to get things ready for Jacob's party tomorrow.
7. I have new pictures to upload:) I'll get to that soon.
*Award #2*
This is so sweet:)
Thank you Maria for sending this one to me!
You are just toooooo sweet! *hugs*
If you get a chance stop by Maria's blog it is great!


  1. Congratulations! You deserve them both plus more!

  2. Congratulations and GOD BLESS, andrea

  3. Congratulations! It's my first time see the Icing On The Cake Award...it's sweet!

  4. Congrats on your award. I've never seen the second one before.

  5. Sandy,

    Congratulations on these beautiful awards! The last one just makes me want to eat a cupcake, not sure why!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat


Thanks for visiting my blog today! Stop by and visit again soon.((hugs)) ~Sandy

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