~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Jun 26, 2009

What's going on in Howellville?

Well, I figured I'd take a moment and wrap up this week with you before the weekend arrives. Our week in Howellville....
I babysat 3 kids for DFCS this week (ages 6, 2,and 2 months)...which added to mine was a handful ,but tons of fun! I think fostering has taken on a new meaning for me...more on that later.We survived 2 days without a telephone or Internet...I missed you all:) We had one broken bone (JC a friend of Jacob's). Jon is in Tennessee on a youth retreat. Jacob had one appointment that he made on Thursday. Hubby has been working extra long days this week,so I really haven't seen him much. Our baby bunnies opened their eyes and are starting to eat food. Samantha got a new car. Corey & Anna came and spent the day and are coming tonight. Mom, Nanny, and Brent's grandmother are all doing better. I got asked by Holly over at the Blog Frog to be one of the team leaders for the Blog Frog(which was an honor considering they have over 10,000 bloggers they could have chosen).You all really need to join the Blog Frog if you have a blog. It connects you to each other and has cool little widgets:)I'm also working on a list of ideas to make Blog Frog even better and I plan to present that to Holly & Rustin very soon. I passed three more of my tests this week in school. My grade point average so far is 96... I'm really pleased with that. I'm sorry I haven't been adding more of my pics that I've been taking...I've just been so super busy. It's been a little tough trying to juggle school and home, but I know others do it all the time and once summer is over it will get easier. My teens are schooling year round this year. Jacob has taken the summer off because he really needed it.
I received 3 new awards this week and as always I'm sooooooo behind at adding them. I don't think I really deserve them but I really do appreciate them so much. I'll try to get those added over the weekend. I've been studying on the Proverbs 31 woman these last few days. She is what being a beautiful woman in God's eyes is all about. For some time, I've been studying and reading about her, but this week I've put a lot more time into getting to know her and how she lived. She is amazing. She is someone I'd like to be more like. Trinton came and stayed the night with Jacob Wednesday. I've probably changed at least 60 or more diapers and I am not kidding... I'm being serious. I've probably played on DVD about that many cartoons too and lets not forget the bottles of formula I've made and all those baby burps... I've been busy. It's for sure been a kid week around here.
Well, I think that is about it for this week. As for the weekend...
Tonight I am going out to eat with Corey & Anna plus a few extras. Saturday, I am thinking about going to Yogi Bears Jellystone park, but not sure of that yet and Sunday will be church for me. Now it's your turn...tell us about your week:)


  1. phew! And I thought I had a busy week! Yours makes mine seem like an easy one. That is lovely news that blog frog people have asked for you to help them. They must think highly of you!
    take care and have a great weekend.
    Collette x

  2. Next time I think I have a busy week, I'll think of yours. Whew, mine was a cakewalk since we pretty much went for walks and swam in our little pool to cool off...plus cooked dinner for Daddy. That's about it. Get some much needed rest this weekend and hug all those sweet kiddos.

  3. Wow!! Well, I said before I hoped your week had slowed down, but I guess not lol...and that's awesome about the BlogFrog thing!

  4. Wow, that is one busy week. The first sentance alone had me stressed, babysitting all those kids plus yours!
    Have a great weekend!


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