The "W" Quiz
1.What do you wish you had right now? a diet coke
2.Where do you wish you could be? the beach
3.What are you thinking right now? how nice it is to have a calm day
4.Who is the last person you talked to? Ashley
5.What was the last thing you drank? mango green tea
6.What is the last thing you ate? a sub
7.Who do you miss the most? Bailey at the moment(this is the 1st weekend we haven't had her in a while)
8.Who was the last person that made you laugh? Jacob
9. Who was the last person that made you cry? Brent
10. What time did you go to bed last night? about 11 pm we had Josie & Abby over:)
11.What time did you wake up? about 8:30...I slept in
12.What makes you happy? my kids
13. What makes you mad? when someone messes with one of my kids
14.What is your mood at the moment? content
15.Where did you go last?shopping in Hiram with Samantha, Ashley, Josie, and Abby
16.Where do you plan to go next? probably on a date with hubby
17.What time is it? 3:50 pm The time on my blog is not set right and I don't know how to fix that.
18.Write three words that describe you. dependable, active, blessed
19. What are you looking forward to? vacation time
20. What is one word that does "not" describe you. selfish
21.What is your favorite type of animal?I guess a dog
22.What color is your favorite?red
23. What color is your house? smurf "ugly" blue...hubby chose it and won't change it...grrrrr
24. What color is your bedroom? mauve
25. What day is your least favorite? Thursday, because by then I'm worn out ,and ready for the weekend
26. Who texted you last? I don't text...maybe the phone company
27. What movie did you watch last?Life after was weird
28.Who called you last? I think it was Joann
29.What is one thing you can't live without? oxygen
30.What do you hear right now? Katie's music
Spaghetti Salad
10 hours ago
Hi Sandy,
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by my blog and checking on me. I'm feeling much better.
I hope you are doing well.