~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Feb 4, 2009

Update on my daughter Anna

Today she went back to thedoctor and they had her pathology reports back and they confirmed that the miscarriage was NOT caused by any chromosonal abnormalities. They said she has very little if any chance of a repeat miscarriage. However, she does have the rh- factor, but she had the shot that should protect her next time around. They said she is doing really good!
Thank you for all the prayers that went up for my daughter and her husband.
Hugs, sandy


  1. Sorry to hear about your dd's miscarriage..but happy for the good news she recieved.

  2. Hugs and prayers to your daughter! What a sad time for you all.

  3. I enjoyed visiting your blog today! Glad to hear the report about your daughter. I really like the name of your blog...that's what it's all about isn't it? Just one day at a time! Looking forward to visiting again. Drop by and see me when you have a chance!

  4. Sorry to hear of her miscarriage. Sending hugs your way. I am glad to hear she got good news from the doctor.

  5. Sandy,

    I will be praying the Lord's peace over her during this time of loss.

    Blessings to you!

  6. Miscarriages are so painful. Especially to your soul when your really want to be a Mommy. If this is any help, tell your daughter I had a similar situation and it is true that as long as she has had the shot she should have no problem having munchkins in the future. I have 4 now to prove that the shot works. My prayers are with her and her husband. I am sure God will bless them with amazing children very soon.

    Huggs to you too!


Thanks for visiting my blog today! Stop by and visit again soon.((hugs)) ~Sandy

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