Friday is here! It's been a looooong rainy week. The rain just keeps coming and coming, but I'm not complaining. We really need it for our well and it has almost filled up our pool too...yay!!!
I had to take Bay for an appt this morning and we have just got back in. I usually take her and leave her , and then I go park somewhere ,and read until it's time to pick her back up. I would come home ,but time I drove home, I would have to turn around and go it works best this way. I hate the drive, I hate the cold mornings, but I enjoy the quiet time that I have to read. I've been reading the "Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren. It has been helping me to see areas of my own life that I need to work on. It is a very good book and it has helped me to better understand what my purpose is.
Now, I'm home and just trying to catch up on my house. I'm so thankful for the rain because I've been able to wash some clothes at home this week instead of at the laundry mat(which I can't stand). We've been taking our laundry to be washed to save on water in our well. I hate dragging laundry back and forth. We don't have a small amount ,because our family is so big. We go through hampers of clothes everyday. So as you can imagine, I usually have 15 or more loads to do weekly...grrr So washing at home has been really nice.
As for the weekend plans, I'd really love to take my kids clothes/shoe shopping(I know here I am fussing about to much laundry and now wanting to go buy more).
As for my diet...grrrr I am hungry. I hate diets. I like the good stuff...the fatty stuff(ranch dressing, hot wings, mexicanfood, butter, fried chicken, french fries...just to name a few). However, I know that I really need/want to loose 5-10 pounds before summer and I can't do that eating the good stuff. I usually diet once a year and it is usually around this time. It seems every year during winter,I put on a few extra pounds, but usually once it warms up, and I can get outside and work in my yard, the pounds come off. So this is my goal...5 pounds is fine ,but I'd really like to loose 10 before May. So between now and then I guess I'll live off of all the healthy (no taste) foods...grrrrr
Well, I guess that is all for now. I've got t o go get Austin and Kylee out of Anna's room. Have a good weekend!
Spaghetti Salad
13 hours ago
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