It's been a messy day here. We had a terrible storm that came through early this morning and it left behind a muddy mess to deal with. I left out early to take Bailey for her 6 month check-up at 8:45. I had to drive under a power pole that was bent over and hanging across the road. Men were working on it, because it had been damaged by the strong winds. It was scarey driving under it and knowing that it could fall any minute and crush us, but it didn't...Thank God! He is good!
After Bailey's visit, we stopped by for a few minutes to see Nanny. She was so happy to see us. She said she had, had a dream about Bailey and in the dream Bailey was giggling. She said she woke up with her on her mind:) So she was happy to get to see her. Nanny loves babies...just like I do.
Now, weare home and I'm a little tired. I think it is just this weather.
Jacob is doing so good now with his phonics. He actually read to me for the first time today. I have the newer version of hooked on phonics and it has some simple reading books that came with it, and I pulled them out today and he has been trying to read them. I'm so proud of you can tell. He has struggled so much with phonics and to be able to see him read just blessed my heart.
I also wanted to fill you in on Ashley. Her toe is just not getting any better. She has really had a time with her toe. I know that she is probably going to have to have her toe nail removed, so please keep her in your prayers.
Also, pray for little Bailey. I spoke to her doctor this morning and she said Bailey may have to have eye surgery on her left eye. Her tear duct is closed up and that is why her eye always waters and looks as if she is crying all the time.
Also, Bailey cut another tooth this past weekend! Now she has both her bottom front precious!
Well, I guess that is it for us. I've got to go get back busy working with Jacob.
Have a great day!
Spaghetti Salad
13 hours ago
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