~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Feb 25, 2008

Another question

As promised, I'm answering another one of the questions I get often. If you have a question you would like for me to answer, email me at mom2five@bellsouth.net

Question- How did you learn to build a website?

Sandy's answer- I love surfing the net and I would often stumble on someone's site and I would wonder how they created such a wonderful website. One day, I was out surfing the www and found a site that said, "create your own website for free". I thought that was great and free was best of all:) The link led me to www.geocities.com I went there and created a simple webpage (with step by step directions on their site). They offer free page builder,themes,graphics, fonts,and more. I just kept playing around with their graphics until I learned how to upload my own graphics and add my own things. Before I knew it, I was hooked. I enjoyed it so much. So I started adding more pages and connecting them to each other, until I had a large site which is my family site. I still don't know how to build a site from scratch. I still have so much that I don't know, but the more I play around with it, I keep finding out new things to do with my site. It has become a hobby now. I get lots of feedback and lots of questions about building sites, and I am always happy to help others to create their sites. However, I'm no where near as talented as some of those artists out there, but I still enjoy it just the same. There are plenty of people on the www that will build you a website but it can cost you $100's. So if you are like me, and just can't see paying all that $$$, then go to geocities and build a free site. They are always adding new stuff and it really is a great site.
I hope I answered your question.
PS geocities offers free backgrounds and graphics. However, I buy most of mine from graphic artists or I find them free on the web. Free graphics are called "linkware". You can choose your own decorations (graphics) that reflect your personality.
Best wishes, Sandy

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