It has been a good weekend. Other than having a yucky sore throat, all has went well. I spent most of the day Saturday in the bed because I felt yucky, but it was good, because I needed the rest. That evening Corey and Cori came over for a while. I always enjoy having them around.
Today, I felt some better. We got up and went to church and had an awesome service, as always.
When we got in from church, I laid down on the couch ,and tried to nap,but I kept hearing this loud noise. I asked Brent, what is that sound? He said he didn't know. I thought maybe it was the rain ,because we were having a huge thunder storm , but it just didn't sound like it should be the storm making that sound. So then I thought maybe Ashley was vacuuming, but then it really didn't sound like that neither. So I laid there, and tried to figure out what that sound sounded like. Finally, I couldn't stand it anymore. So I got up and tried to find where it was coming from. I opened my front door and went out on the porch. I said, "Brent come here, you are not going to believe this". Our neighbor was on a lawn mower cutting grass. The only problem is they don't have any grass, and it was raining and lightning bad. He was just going back and forth as if he was cutting grass on a sunny day, and if you think that is weird...he then got off the mower and started weed eating. I don't know these neighbors, they just moved in the subdivision that bumps into our property and their backyard is facing our front yard. Anyhow, once more I come to the conclusion that God does not intend me to understand people, because I just don't understand why people do the things they do. The longer I live the more I realize that we live in a strange world full of strange people, or maybe they are normal and I'm strange..who knows???
Anyway, tonight I feel so much better. I hope I've kicked whatever it is that I've had. I've got to get better ,because this will be a busy week for me ... all kids are out of school for winter break.
Also, I will be going to my friend's Dad's memorial service tomorrow. Please continue to keep this family in your prayers.
Well, I guess that is about it for me. I hope you all have a great night.
God bless you all, Sandy
Spaghetti Salad
16 hours ago
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