Today I made the trip to school #1 (non deaf special needs preK) to evaluate the classroom Blaze would be in. Our county keeps assuring me that they can meet all of Blaze's needs. So I thought that I should at least give them the opportunity to show me the classroom in action. Well needless to say, my child will NEVER go to that PreK. The teacher was VERY nice and VERY honest and pretty much said she even has concerns that she won't be able to meet Blaze's needs. From what I got from our conversation today was that if Blaze can go to a better school then I really should let him. The BOE has not been honest with me on many things and from the very start I've had an uneasy feeling about the things I've been told. This preK was very over crowded and the teacher was completely overwhelmed and really needed more help. I assured her as I walked away that I would be praying for her.
I never imagined it would be this hard to pick a preK. I know many people are surprised that I want to send Blaze to PreK at age 3, but because he doesn't talk and seldom signs he really needs to be around people who can sign all day and sign well. I'm still learning.
Next week, we start visiting deaf schools. I just hope with all my heart that I can find a school that just feels right. We meet with our county again at the end of the month. Maybe by then we will have made a decision. His home teacher, our Georgia Sensory Assistance lady, the babies can't wait deaf school special needs coordinator
Banana Cream Pie
3 days ago
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