I was worried how Blaze was going to handle Christmas this year and may I say he did very well. Much better than expected. He didn't really seem to understand what was going on, but I think he knew it was something wonderful and he did learn that behind wrapping paper you can find some pretty awesome things. He was most excited about his Marshall dog from Paw Patrol and would have been just as content if that was all he got. He has wanted one since August, when we gave his friend one for his birthday.
His therapists have been working hard to help Blaze deal with his super sized family and the chaos and joy that comes from being in our Family. We are a loud, crazy, active, but happy family. Blaze's therapists have been teaching me how to introduce new things to him...things that can/do trigger him and how to deal with him once he reaches a breaking point. I'm trying everything they say. The autism center also had me to start using communication cards with him (since he doesn't talk) to prepare him for things ahead of time and those are helping too. The goal of the OT is not to shelter and pull him away from all these things he dislikes(triggers)but instead just the opposite. She has me exposing him to things a little at a time (over and over) until he adjusts to it. I am so thankful to have the therapists we have. They are very experienced with autism and working with kids like our Blazer.
Spaghetti Salad
13 hours ago
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