Just wanted to stop in and update my blog. Everything is well here in Howellville. We have really been enjoying these April days. The weather has been beautiful here. Not to hot nor cold. Just blue skies and a few April showers.
Our daughter Katie went back to her high risk OB/Gyn and they released her. She and baby are doing great!!!! Baby Waylan's kidneys have caught up and Katie's placenta has moved up. So she is doing really well. Baby Waylan's weight was estimated to be around 5 lbs. He is also measuring long. So he will probably be tall like his sister and a big baby. Looking forward to meeting our new little grandson.
Our new foster baby girl is now 5 lbs, 3 ozs(Tiny), and 17 inches long(as of Friday). She turned 4 weeks old today. She is doing well. She should be leaving our home soon. She is going to be moved to the foster home that has her siblings. They asked me to consider taking all three kids, but that is just to much. My hands are so full with my boys and the grandbabies. Plus, I've ran out of room in my van, so we are about to have to purchase a bigger ride. I'm not to excited about that, because I love my mini van, but it's hard getting three carseats in and out of the back seat and when I have my grands I run out of seats.
Our chunky monkey foster JK (Justin)is doing great too. He is jabbering up a storm and he took his first steps last week. He loves to say "ma ma" and hear me say "what?". We go to court on him tomorrow. Crossing our fingers for finalization for him.
Our little man Blaze is doing well too. He is the busiest kid that I know. He is learning new signs every day. I think these last two weeks have been his biggest gain in sign language and overall development. He also got his first BIG BOY haircut. Not just a trim, but a little boy's cut. He looks so much older now. It was one of the hardest things we've done. He does not do well getting his hair cut at all. He hated it. So if you see him with his hair all the way down his back, this is why...lol He also got fitted for glasses. Hopefully they will be in soon. I can't imagine how hard it will be to keep them on him with all this sensory stuff we deal with. I imagine t will be like the hearing aids were. He would not wear them for nothing. Hopefully, glasses will help him to see better, so he will want to wear them. Unlike hearing aids that made no difference. Our little man is going to be admitted into Children's on Wednesday for more testing. They are planning to do a sedated MRI. They are wanting to look at his brain. They are looking for calcification which are common with CMV and also to look at what damage it has caused. I'm not looking forward to this test at all, but I am interested in what they may learn from this test.
Our little grand Kaylan is walking now!!!! She's the laid back and quiet one. She's sweet, so very sweet.
Our baby grand Aniston is growing like a little weed. She is just precious. She can be so serious looking (like her MeMe) and sometimes bashful (unless she knows you well). If she knows you, she will just coo and smile at you. So sweet.
Our Brookelyn Shae is 4 going on 16. She keeps her MeMe on her toes. She is always up to something and NEVER stops talking. Did I say never stops talking???? She has so much to say. I just love her to pieces.
All the rest are doing good too.
Well, it's getting late. I've gotta be up and at court at 8 in the morning. Morning comes quick when you are up and down with three babies all night. Sleep is a precious thing to me.
Have a great week everyone!
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6
Mint Chocolate Muddy Buddies
2 days ago
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