~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Apr 30, 2013

A week of first...

Blaze visited the Atlanta Speech School.
We met his audiologist there and had his hearing re-tested.
The results came back the same.
He is still profoundly deaf and that's ok.
We have excepted our little boy just the way
God made him. He is perfectly wonderful to us.

Blaze is pretty much like any other child.
He just does some things a little differently.
He doesn't seem to mind.
He only knows life the way it is.
His world is quiet and he is content with that.
He is just happy to be fed and played with.
This week has been very interesting.
I got to meet with a deaf couple who use only sign
language to communicate (like our baby).
I also got to meet with two interpreters for the deaf.
I really enjoyed talking with them
and learning more about what is out there for the
hearing impaired.
 They invited me to come up to Cave Springs
and visit the school for the deaf.
I plan to do that some time in the next few weeks.
Miss Brookelyn
Miss Prissy went with us.
She had a blast.
The school was AMAZING!!!!!
It's probably one of the nicest schools ever.
Many of the kids there are hearing impaired.
We haven't decided yet on what our plans are
for Blaze's education.
We haven't decided if we are going to homeschool
him, public school him, or if we are going to 
send him to a school
for the hearing impaired.
At least we've got a couple of years to decide.

This week he had other BIG FIRSTS too...

Our little guy got his first hair cut snip.
His hair was like a grandpaws. He had twigs
hanging over his ear, but hardily any on top.
So we snipped the twigs.
I know you can't really tell
but they were there and it drove me nuts.
Our little guy also learned
to drink from a straw.
It was so funny because
he kept chewing on his straw/ sippy cup
and then he sucked on the straw
and he thought it was so funny
when the cold water came out.
So he kept doing it over and over
and it took his breath every time.
It became a game.
He is just so precious.
I love how he is beginning to be more
aware of his world.
For so long he was just quiet
and laid back
but now he is a busy baby.
He still hasn't quite got the idea
of how to balance to set up
or how to stand and hold on
but it won't be much longer.
His first time behind the wheel.
He is all boy.
He's already trying to drive with his feet
while talking on his
pretend phone.
Well that's a lot of firsts for our BIG GUY
and it's only Tuesday.
Can't wait to see what the rest of this week holds.
This little boy is going to do
some amazing things in his life.
I just know it.

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6

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