~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Jun 7, 2012

Just a Hi and pictures...

Just stopping by to say hi! I'm in the middle of another busy week with no end in sight. I keep waiting for my break to come. A day of nothing to do, but set by the pool, with a good book in hand... That's a beautiful thought:) My hubby told me the other day and I quote, "We can rest when we are dead. Until then, we are  just going to keep on ticking along". Well, alrighty then. That sounds good to me!

So what's up with us???
My little man "Jacob" has strep throat and hasn't been feeling very good at all. I'm praying this sickness stuff ends VERY  soon. Last week it was a tummy bug with JJ & Z and this week strep with Jacob....grrrr

Our baby BB has had three very important appointments this week. Here is the update from them.
On Monday, I took BB to Atlanta to meet with a new  pediatric eye doctor. She said that BB is very farsighted but that his eyes seemed normal other then the shaking they do from time to time(which has gotten better). She said this may just be a developmental thing. BB's estimated gestational age was approx 36 weeks at birth, but he could be more or less than that. If so, then his adjusted age would be about  2 months old or less and most babies don't get clear vision until they are a little over 2 months. She wants to give it more time before she puts glasses on, just to see. We go back in 3 months.

On Tuesday, we met with Babies Can't Wait. They recommend us to put BB in occupational & physical therapy. Although, he seems strong and normal at this time, she said that it could change. She said most of the cmv babies that she has seen have just gotten progressively worse with time/age. She feels BB's best chance to have a healthy normal life is to start therapy now to keep him strong and mobile.

On Wednesday, we took him back to Atlanta to meet with his neurologist. She really didn't say much. She did go up with his seizure meds. She also showed me all kinds of exercises that she wants me to do with his arms,hands,feet,and legs. She said often babies with cmv will get stiff and loose their mobility (just like the BCW lady said). She said for me to do these exercises several times a day with him. We go back in three months.

Today, I called the doctor who preformed the liver labs ,because I still had not heard anything and it had been almost two weeks. The nurse said she mailed the results,but I didn't get them. She said, that BB's liver enzymes were only slightly elevated on this last round of labs so the doctor wants to hold off on the biopsy to give the liver more time to heal. This was WONDERFUL news. They will re-do these labs next month. I'm hoping this is a sign that things are going to start looking up for our baby.

Yes, I've been busy. I even drove BB to Atlanta all by myself. This was a huge accomplishment for me considering driving to Atlanta is one of my biggest fears. I don't think I'll ever get over the fear of driving, but I hope with each trip that it will get easier.

And now a few more pics. Ok. Maybe not a few...lol
Hubby & our Princess

The mighty Z-ster.

PawPaw caught a big one!

"Can I wear your boots?"

"MeMe, look at me!"
"Take my pish-sure."

Do you see that girl right there???
Yes, that one there
on her head.
That's my FAVORITE girl
in the whole wide world.
Have a great day everyone!

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6

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