~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Mar 6, 2012

Our Little Foster Baby...

All about Little BB...

We have the tiniest most precious foster baby ever. I mentioned him in my last post ,but I haven't really just posted about him. He is 2 weeks old now. He finally hit the big 6 pound mark. He has gained a whole pound since being here. He is 18 inches long now.
He had a tough start in life. He came to us drug addicted like most of our other foster babies. Besides the drugs, I knew from the start that something else wasn't just right with him... so the doctor visits started.
4 trips to the doc, numerous blood draws, and 1 sonogram later we still have no clue exactly what is wrong with out precious baby.
Everything the pediatricians has thought that it might be, a blood test would prove wrong. We have been thankful for every "It's not that" result. However, we are baffled.

When he was 5 days old I took him for a routine newborn well check. I noticed he was very yellow (like most newborns) and he was having constant poop diapers...like 4 or 5 every hour around the clock, which led to a horrible diaper rash from the constant changing & wiping. The doc felt the poop was just due to his system being early and immature and he was jaundiced but she felt it had peeked and would go down from there. So we set a new appointment for a 1 week re-check. On day 8, I noticed he had a few little red spots that popped up on his tummy. I thought they were probably baby acne ,but they grew. So then I thought they were probably birth marks and didn't think to much more about it.  By the time we took him back for the one week recheck he had over 15 red spots and he was more jaundiced. His doctor looked at him and said "this is not normal" we've got to run some tests. He either has this, this, or this. I asked her, "What if the tests come back and he doesn't have any of those?" (trying to think positive). She said, "I don't expect that to happen". I walked out of that office and broke down. Why do things like this have to happen to little innocent babies. It was a tough day. The first round of labs all came back clear except for the clotting one. He does clot a little slower than normal ,but she doesn't believe that's it.

Today, we took him back. He now has over 40 hemangiomas ( red spots) on him. They start on his feet and run to his neck. So far he has none on his face. His jaundice had went down ,but today they noticed that he had a really bloated tummy. I've mentioned it every visit but they haven't really said anything about it until today. The doc decided to send him for a sonogram and they done several more tests. We also saw a second doctor for a second opinion (at request of the 1st doc) and she believes he has a swollen liver.
Now we have to set and wait and pray that the tests come back and shed some light on what is wrong with our boy. The doc said if this round of tests come back normal then she is sending him to Children's in Atlanta. She said there they have all the tools and are able to diagnose odd conditions that some children have....hmmmmmm  So I guess she thinks my baby has some weird condition. Please pray for him. Pray for healing. Pray for a proper diagnoses. This is new to me. I've had other sick foster children but they came to me diagnosed and we knew what to expect, but with him we have no clue. Is it fixable? Is it life threatening? Should I just ditch my docs and take him on to Atlanta on my own? Our little guy needs lots of prayers.

(If you look real close you can see the first tiny spot on his tummy. Well that was his first spot and it is now the size of an eraser and bright red. Each spot started out as tiny little spot, but they grow and every day he has gotten more and more)

This little baby has kept me busy for the last two weeks, but I'm not complaining. God has given us another little miracle to work with and we will not give up until we have an answer for our precious foster boy.

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6

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