~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Nov 11, 2011

30 Days Of Thankful...(Catching up)

What I am Thankful for...

I've fallen behind on this so I'm going to try to catch up in one post:)
Day #8- I am thankful for my foster kids.
I'm not sure I can even put it in words. I don't even think there is enough time to tell you all I could share. These children have made a huge impact in my life. They have taught me so much that I never knew. I've learned so much about unconditional love. They've taught me it's not about blood. It really is all about LOVE. They've taught me compassion. Compassion for those who don't have it as good or as easy as me. They've taught me it really is possible to love someone's child as your own, because I have/do. These kids are special people. They've been through more than most adults ever will. They are tough. They are soft. They are strong ,but yet sensitive. They have so much to give and they long for someone to give it to. They have lived through all kinds of things and they are survivors. You hear me often refer to them as my nieces and nephews, well by blood they are not ,but they love me like their aunt ,and I love them like they are mine...with all my heart...all 25 of them. It's not about blood at all. It's about caring and showing it. It's about giving and taking. It's about putting others before yourself. It really is about Love...all about love. Fostering is a work of HEART. It's one of the hardest things I've ever done ,but one of the sweetest and most rewarding.

Day #9-I'm thankful for my friends.
I have lots of people that I know and I call many of them friends, but I have only a couple of very close friends. Friends that know me and know me well. The kind of friend that can finish your sentence off, because they know what you are going to say ,before you even say it. I thank God he placed them in my life. They are a blessing. Thank you Lord for blessing my life with friends.

Day #10-I am thankful for health.
I am so thankful for a healthy body & mind. Some are not so fortunate. In 2002, I was very sick. I had been diagnosed with meningitis, toxoplasmosis, and bell palsy.  It was one of the hardest things our family had to go through. I learned to never take life for granted. I had been healthy my whole life and in one day I went from healthy to very sick. I made a full recovery and I've been healthy ever since. Thank you Lord for healing me and restoring my health.

Day #11- I am thankful for our family dog.
She was a little stray that adopted us. She showed up in our yard one day( we think some one put her out here) and we decided to keep her. She has been here now for about 3 years, She is a shy dog,but very protective and she LOVES our family, especially the kids. She has been a best friend to my youngest son Jacob and follows him everywhere he goes when he is outside.  She is the most loving dog ever and will sometimes drive you nuts trying to love on you. She is a member of our family and we love her.

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6 We Are On The Fence!

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