~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Sep 7, 2011

Life happens...

Where have I been? B.U.S.Y...as always:)  Just going with the flow & trying to make the best of every day. We've been having some really yucky weather here in GA, this week. It's been raining every day. I'm not complaining, because we needed the rain, but I feel sorry for the ones that have been hit by all the tornadoes that have came through here.

This week has been much different from last weekend. Last weekend ,was absolutely beautiful. I had one of my best shoots ever ,in Rome. We spent most of the day there. I enjoyed being with my girls. I also enjoyed having dinner at the Olive Garden (one of my favorite places). It was just a great way to spend a day.

Well, we did have a good scare. I was shooting some pics of Katie down in a creek, when a copperhead decided to swim out from under the rock that Katie was standing on. It was a large snake and it was not happy with Katie at all. I never knew Katie could fly until that day...lol I can't tell you how she went from being in the center of a creek to standing on the bank in less than a second. She can fly...fast. It was funny after it was all over ,but it was scary at the time. I hate snakes. I was bitten by a copperhead when I was a child and I know what they can do. Thank God Katie didn't get bite.

On Friday, sweet lil Jelly Bean (Shelbi) came to spend the night. She is so adorable. She is running around everywhere now and talking up a storm. I love that kid. I'll admit it, she is one of my favorite kids in the world. I know, I'm not suppose to play favorites.  I really do love all my fosters (past & present) ,but some just have that little extra something about them and Shelbi is one of them. She melts my heart every time. Everytime I go to get her, she's always excited & read to go. I love that.  She hasn't grew much. Z and R are both bigger than her now. "K" (our 2 year old foster) wasn't so thrilled about sharing her weekend with Shelbi. She thought she could just boss Shelbi around, but Shelbi didn't put up with that. She let "K" know she is a big girl too (just in a smaller package).
Brookelyn was soooooo sooooo happy to see Shelbi. She LOVES Shelbi. Brookelyn is probably one of the most loving kids I've ever known. She loves everybody.  I took Shelbi to see her and Brookelyn just kept wanting to hug her and love on her and she wanted to hold her. She thinks Shelbi is a little baby...lol Believe it or not, Shelbi let Brookelyn hold her like a baby. It was so funny watching them and it was precious. It's funny,because they are only three weeks apart. Brookelyn's a tall girl and looks more like a 2 year old and Shelbi looks more like a 8 or 9 month old.

Our neighbor has a watermelon patch and he invited Brent over to help himself to it. He planted way more watermelons than he needed. Hubby came back with a truck full. Then he went door to door delivering them to all of our other neighbors.

Shelbi wanted to help Uncle Brent. She tried and tried to pick up a watermelon...lol I grabbed the camera and started clicking:)

My Little Z has been sick. He had another upper resp infection. He also has a double ear infection. This is his first ear infection. His balance has been off  from his ears, so he hasn't been walking much. However, he hasn't been fussy at all. I didn't even know his ears were infected. He had no fever or signs. I just took him in to has his pulse ox checked and they found his ears were infected. Z has astma and he has a really tough time with it,especially when the weather changes. He's on an inhaler pretty much all the time now.

Our little foster "K" is almost fully potty trained!!!! She is doing soooooo good! I am so proud of her. She was using the potty at her other foster home, but she went backwards when she came here. She started talking & acting like a baby. She wanted to be like "Z" and "R" and would copy what they did. She was jealous of the attention they got. But, I just kept working with her and bragging on her and she is coming around more and more every day:) She is doing sooooo much better. Way to go K!!!!!!!
Brookelyn is also doing amazing with potty training. She goes almost every time now. I believe she will be fully potty trained by age 2, just like her mom was.

Our HOMEschool started back this week. I'm really excited about this school year. I have so many new ideas to use with Jacob. We are still using AO and loving it!!! Jacob enjoys the lifepacs. They work well with his ADHD. Jacob likes that they are not huge books. Instead it's 10 small books for each subject. He's able to see his progress easier than he would with a giant book. He doesn't feel overwhelmed. It works for him,and it works for me:)

I have 11 appointments on my calendar for photo sessions. I am so surprised. Honestly, I can't believe it. I never knew my photography would take off like this. I'm humbled. I don't think of my self as some  awesome photographer. I don't even think I'm great. I'm better than I use to be,but I'm still learning every day. I'm just in awwww at the wonderful feedback I've received. I never dreamed I would get to this point in life and I'm just so thankful. I love taking pictures. I even love editing pictures. I could do it all day every day. It's a passion and I'm sure having a good time.

We've been working on swapping out summer clothes, for our fall ones. I hate doing that. I feel so cluttered. I don't have enough storage areas in my house. We only have two closets. I don't know why my father-in-law didn't build more closet space. Plus the weather is so unpredicatable here that I have to keep some summer clothes out up until winter. One day it's cold and the next day it's hot...grrrr Honestly, I'm not ready for summer to end. I love summer.

Well, I guess that's all I have time for tonight. I've gotta get the three babies ready for bed.

Sweet dreams to all my friends & family.

  Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6
We Are On The Fence!

1 comment:

  1. Thank God, Katie didn't get bit by the copperhead. That is so scary. Such beautiful pictures of the babies. Have a wonderful and Blessed week.


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