~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Jun 11, 2011

Update on Peanut...

We just got in from the hospital. Samantha is doing good. Her BP is doing so much better today.
Baby Carter is not really any better ,but they said he's not gotten any worse. He didn't do to well with the feeding tube ,because he is working so hard to breathe ,because of the floods in his lungs so they took out the feeding tube for now and stopped his feeds. The nourishment he gets will be through his IVs. He also is being treated for a possible infection. He will need to stay in the NICU for a few days or maybe weeks, just depending on him.
Please continue to keep them in your prayers. Samantha is sad that she will have to go home without him, but she wants him to be okay when he does come home.
Thanks for the prayers.

He is such a cute beautiful baby. He has the sweetest dimpled cheeks and dimpled chin. He also has the perfect shaped little face,noes, and ears. I couldn't find a single thing that wasn't just adorable about him. He is for sure a keeper and we are sooooo proud of him.

One more request...
Please pray for Carter's little roommate. She was born a wee tiny 1 pound 9 oz. She's is doing great. She just needs to grow so that she can go home and join her family.

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6


  1. I haven't been on blogger in a while, so I'm just now reading about your new addition. He is adorable! 'He is beautifully and wonderfully made!'
    I will be praying for this sweet baby. I have a great niece that was 1 lb 7 oz when she was born 3 mths ago and God has really taken good care of her. After a series of problems... she gets to go home in 3 weeks.

  2. Saying lots of prayers for everyone.

  3. May God Bless you all this beautiful Sunday morning. We will keep Carter and the baby girl in our prayers, as well as Samantha. Blessings, Trisha

  4. Praying, Sandy. Thanks so much for taking the time to tell us how they are doing!

    My brother is in ICU with a head injury. Please pray for him as you say your prayers! Thanks ~Kristi~


Thanks for visiting my blog today! Stop by and visit again soon.((hugs)) ~Sandy

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