~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Mar 14, 2011

Something about the weekend...

Our weekend kinda started on Thursday. Bay called and reminded us that it was her weekend to come and she was ready. So we picked her up on Thursday instead of Friday. She had two of her best buddies come over to play and she was one happy litle girl.
We had a wonderful weekend. It was a busy one for Hub's and me but I'm not going to lie...we loved every minute of it. We got brave and decided that we would let 7(it ended up being 6  )of our past fosters come for the weekend. On Friday, we went and rounded them all up. The Hub's decided that we should take them out to eat instead of me cooking. That's what we did. We took the crew out and they were all really good. Of course we took up our own little corner of the restaurant and got tons of looks (and smiles).

(It's official! The 6 month old has out grew the 13 month old. Jelly Bean weighs a little over 16 and Baby Z tipped the scale at 17 pounds today.)
After that, Hubby decided we should run to wally world (walmart) and pick up just enough groceries to last us for the weekend instead of buying all of of our groceries like normal...so we did. We  piled all the punkins in the buggy and ended up in the TOY SECTION.  Wasn't we suppose the be grocery shopping???? Hubby ended up with a buggy full of toys. By the time we were done, we ended up with a van full of punkins, toys, and junk food....thanks to my hubby, but we had fun.

On Saturday,Samantha came over and helped with the kids during the morning hours and Corey & Anna came and spent the whole rest of the day. So we ended up with Brookelyn here along with my friend's little boy Blake ( Ashley was babysitting). The 8 punkins ages 9,8,5,3,3,14 months,13 months,and 6 months played and played and played. 
The weather was beautiful and in the
 70's here all weekend ,so they got to play outside.
(If you look closely you can see the rash that Brookelyn broke out with when she handled the flowers from my Nanny's memorial service. She had an allergic reaction. She has had a tough time with it. Bless her heart. )
Sunday morning, I got up extra early and got them all ready and took them to church. Then on Sunday evening, we piled them all back in the van and took them home one by one ...full of junk food & smiles. It really was a fun weekend.

Don't you just love my pretty pictures? They always draw me pretty pictures to hang by my desk.
I said, "smile"...lol
They are at that age were they can
 fake smile...it cracks me up.

(Look who is starting to walk.
Way to go Jelly Bean!!!!!)
(As long as she doesn't see you looking she can walk...lol)

Did I ever tell you that I LOVE kids????
I told someone this morning that it's a good thing that we aren't rich people because I would have about 6 more kids of my own...lol. Oh but wait!!! I am rich. Jacob said ,"We are rich in love"...that we are my son...that we are.

 This weekend helped to cheer us all up. I bet if my Nanny was looking down from Heaven she was smiling from ear to ear,because she loved these babies, just like I do. She loved me keeping her updated about each and every one of them. I think I got my love for the little things from my Nanny. I was blessed with a good grandmother.

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6


  1. Looks like God has blessed you with plenty of children to love. And what a blessing that is. Have a great week.

  2. I love your family!!

    You all always make me smile!!


Thanks for visiting my blog today! Stop by and visit again soon.((hugs)) ~Sandy

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