~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Feb 15, 2011

A heart kind of day...

Yesterday was a sweet day. It was filled with the people I love the most=My Family. I was showered with cards, gifts, flowers ,and LOVE....lots of love.

However it was a trying day for me. I had a heavy heart all day and have had for several days now. My heart & thoughts have been on my Nanny. She's been really sick for the last few days. Actually we thought Sunday may be the day God had planned to call her home, but it wasn't. She improved a little and is still with us. She has grew so weak now. She is so fragile and pretty much like a baby. It's just so very hard watching her go down even further. She was doing so good at Christmas ,it seemed to me. However, we knew this was coming. Actually, we've been expecting it for a while now. Her doctors explained to us how she would be and that's how it has been. As her kidney and heart are loosing their functions, her lungs have been filling with fluid. They have her in the hospital now because of the pneumonia. I haven't given up on her yet ,because I know her and I know how she has bounced back so many times before. However, I do believe this is as bad as it has ever been. Hubby asked me, "Are you ready for this?". What kind of question is that? Do you ever get ready to say goodbye to someone you love so much? I don't like seeing her like this and would rather the Lord to take her home then to see her have to live life and suffer like this.

My Nanny has always been one of my favorite people. As a child, I thought she was the greatest person on earth. She was only second to God in my heart. She was the one person that I knew loved me no matter what. She loved me and she showed it. She has been the best Nanny that any kid could ever ask for. She has encouraged and inspired me in everything I've ever done in my life. She believed in me ,when I didn't even believe in myself. She has always treasured her grandkids... I'm just blessed to be one of hers.

As I've gotten older, I've come to appreciate my Nanny even more. I've realized the special closeness that a grandmother has with her grandchild from having Brookelyn. It's a unique special kind of bond and it's not like any other I've ever known before. I just hope I can be the kind of grandmother to our little grand-angel that my Nanny has ALWAYS been to me.

My nanny is like the threads that have held our family together through the years. Please keep my grandmother in your prayers and our family too.

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6

1 comment:

  1. I pray she will be without pain and that if she goes to the Lord soon that you will have peace as well.


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