~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Feb 24, 2011

All the random stuff...

This is just a random post of all the random "weekend" stuff you probably could care less to hear:) Like...

 My sweet little Jelly Bean came to spend the weekend.  She is such a sweet heart baby:)

More randomness????
Ashley baked cupcakes for us and she didn't forget the sprinkles...yay!!!  Brookelyn LOVES sprinkles. She always picks the sprinkles off and eats them one by one. I love watching her, that's why I always remind them not to forget the sprinkles. Sprinkles + Babies= fun!

And even more randomness...
Hubby was given several free tickets to take the kids to the circus. I can't wait:) I've been wanting to take Jacob for the last couple of years ,but something always came up.

Hubby has gone to pick up Bailey. She is coming to spend the weekend with us. I am happy because we haven't seen her in a couple of weeks. She called to remind us that this is her weekend...lol.

My Little Z had his "almost" 6 months check-up today. Can you believe it's been 6 months??? He came to live here at 6 weeks old and it has flew by. He is growing like a little weed and has been nicknamed "chunky monkey". He is just rolls and rolls of cuddly baby love. He is 16 pounds and 25 inches long now. They said today that I can start feeding him cereal and food...yay!!!! (shhh...he's already been eating cereal & bananas:) I guess tomorrow we are going to have to go on a baby food spree...yay!!!!! I'm excited!!! I can't wait to see his little face as he tries all the flavors. He is going to love food.

I haven't talked very much about my own kids lately(Anna,Katie, Ashley, Jon, and Jacob). They are all working or schooling every day ,but the weekends (except Anna & Jon they work some weekends). They are always busy and on the go. My kids are doing great!!!! I can't even begin to tell you how proud I am of them. They are all pretty much grown up(except Jacob) and they really are good kids with good hearts. I am so BLESSED to be their mom.

Little Z is teething like crazy. He is not fussy at all ,but he is like a little snapping turtle that snaps on anything that comes close to his mouth. We are still waiting for tooth #1 to arrive.

Today I went though Z's baby clothes. All those wee itty bitty teeny weeny little clothes don't fit anymore. No, our little man is a full size 6/9 months now. This weekend we've got to go big boy shopping. I love having excuses to go baby shopping. Baby shopping is the best.

Well, my Bailey just got here and we've got a lot of catching up to do. It's kisses & hugs swapping time:)

Have a goodnight everyone!

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6


  1. Nice to see pics of Jelly Bean!

    Glad to hear Z is doing so well!PTL!

  2. sounds like things are going good for you...except the sickness. Glad you are getting some JB and Bailey time. I'm sure that is medicine for the soul every day. Isn't baby shopping fun! I got little sister (no official name yet-possibly Ainslee) 2 outfits this week :) Have a blessed weekend!

  3. Elaine- awww...I love Ainslee. Lena Kate is going to be a great big sister to "Little Sister":)I'm excited for you. I have enjoyed watching little Lena Kate grow up and I can't wait until the new little arrives and we get to see her too:)((hugs))

  4. Hope you had fun with sweet Bailey!! Post some of "Z"'s new outfits!!


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