Just wanted to do an update on Lil Z. He is on day 10 of RSV and doing soooooo much better. I took him back this morning for another check up and his doctor was very pleased with how well he is doing. He is definitely feeling much better than he was this time last week. She ask me to keep him on breathing treatments until Friday and that should knock it the rest of the way out. Yay!!!!!! Z weighed 13 lbs & 2oz and is in the 25th % in weight. He is 25 inches long which is the 50th % for height. So he is growing like a little weed.
He is reaching for toys, trying to help hold his own bottle, trying to talk back, laughing out loud, and he rolled over for the first time last week.
Thank you for all your prayers for our sweet little foster boy. I'm so glad to have my happy sweet smiling little guy back.
Banana Cream Pie
3 days ago
Praise God for being better. A Big YAY & {{HUGS}}