~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Nov 27, 2010

Just passing time post...

I have nothing really exciting to share. Today we are painting our den,which has turned out to be a bigger job than first expected. We decided to stipple our ceiling instead of just painting it and that has been no fun. Ashley has been helping me, so at least I'm not doing it alone. It is just so time consuming and the den is just so big and has so much wood work that the we must paint very slow, so that it doesn't mess up the dark wood. I told the kids that we can't decorate for Christmas until the painting is done. I was going to go get Bailey and Shelbi today to take them to get pics made with Santa,but with the painting, I figured it would be easier to reschedule that for another day.
Yesterday, I had a great time shopping with my mom & my girls. I really didn't buy that much. I came home and actually got fussed at by my Hubby for not buying more....that was a first and a surprise. I just can't decide what I want to buy for the ones on my list. We have decided to keep it more simple this year and just buy for the kids. We usually buy for all of our relatives (the ones we see throughout the year) and for my DC kids, foster kids & their families. I just love to give. However, I just do toooooo much every year and we end up paying for it after the Holidays. So this year, we are paying cash for everything(except for what has to be ordered online) that way when Christmas is over we don't have a credit card to payoff....which will be nice.
It's just a cool 51 ,but sunny day here and actually quieter than normal. Little Z is sleeping away in his little pac-n-play and the music is on 98 playing Christmas music. Despite the mess from painting, it has been a great day so far. I hope you are having a great day too. I guess I should get off now and take Ashley's place for a while. I bet her arms are as tired as mine.

1 comment:

  1. That painting does not sound like fun. My sister and I once painted flowers as a border around a bedroom right were the wall meets the ceiling and that hurt my arms badly enough - just a little border!! - I can't imagine doing a whole roof like you are!
    I don't blame you for cutting down on Christmas. We don't give any gifts at Christmas - stopped many years ago; it's just way too commercial these days, it's ridiculous.


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