~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Oct 20, 2010

A few more fall pics...

I have a few more fall pics to share...
Last weekend we made a little
hay/pumpkin scene for fall.
I thought it would be cute for pictures
and you know, I LOVE PICTURES.
The first Pic is my beautiful daughter
Katie (My middle daughter)
In the second pic is my beautiful
baby girl Ashley.
She just got her drivers license last week!
Way to go Miss Ashley!!!!!!
In pic #3 is Ashley with her best friend Tiffany.
Tiffany grew up with Ashley and is like my daughter.
I babysat her for several years starting at age 3 weeks old...
So she is extra special too.
So what else do we have going on here in Howellville???? Well, Corey & Anna are moving in their new house this weekend. They found a house that is only about 4 minutes from us,which will be much easier on Anna dropping Brookelyn off before work. They are super excited and I'm happy for them.
Last week, Hubs & I had to take of CPR & first aid class for fostering. It's that dreaded time of year again...re-certification...grrrr So we figured we would knock as many hours off as possible from our required classes/hours. We will have our home study next month...yuck!!!!
Yesterday, we welcomed home our 18th foster child. A precious newborn baby boy that we will refer to as sweet baby Z or Lil Z. He is so tiny and so very adorable. We are LOVING having a little boy around. It's been a looooong time since we had a new baby boy and he is our very first infant boy foster child. We aren't sure how long he will be with us,but we sure are enjoying his cuddles and coos and little clothes of blue:) I can't wait to go shopping for him.
Our lil Bean had her 8 month check-up. She is now almost 13 pounds. She is doing great. She also got her flu shot...bless her heart,but she didn't even cry. She is such a tough tiny girl. She has two teeth now and trying to talk.
Brookelyn had her 9 month check-up and her doctor was very pleased. She says Brookelyn is very advanced for a nine month old. Brookelyn was in the 70th percentile in her weight & head measurements and 90th in height. She two has two teeth...on the bottom:)
My parents were in an accident on Sunday and totaled my dad's truck. They are both fine. They were really shook up ,but had no injuries...PRAISE BE TO GOD!!!!!! A man driving a truck wasn't looking and slammed them in the side. He too was okay.
Lil man had his football homecoming. He was so excited. I already posted a few pics if you look below. He escorted his little friend Abby Reed.
Well, I guess that's it because it's all that comes to mind. All three babies (Bookie, Lil Bean, and Baby Z) are sleeping so I think I'm going to try to lay down myself...I'm sooooo tired. Having a new baby to get up wih every two hours will wear you out.  I had just gotten Lil Bean good at sleeping through the night and now I've got to try to get Little Z on a schedule.
Anyhow, have a great rest of the week and keep us in your prayer.
Hugs & Blessings,


  1. Neat pics. I love the fall. Congratulations to your husband on his first deer. I don't hunt until late Nov, early Dec.

  2. And Ashley, congratulations on the license!


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