~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Aug 26, 2010

Update on Lil Bean

Yesterday,I took Jelly Bean (our lil foster) back to Children's to see one of her surgeons. Her doctor was very pleased with Bean's progress. She was so surprised to see her without the NG tube. Noone ever expected her to turn around so quickly,but she has. She is an amazing little girl and a miracle in every way. She is almost 7 months and getting better all the time.
Our next goal for little Bean is for her to master eating by spoon.
But here are a few things she has accomplished & amazed us with...
1.She came off the feeding tube sooner than expected.
2.She has learned to roll over.
3.She learned to drink a bottle.
4.She learned to swallow.
5.She has learned to pick up her toys.
6.She has learned to put her passy in & then take it out.
7.She has learned to tummy crawl.
8.She has found her voice. She was a quiet baby while the NG tube was in, but now she makes all kinds of noises...it's just precious.
9.She has gained 3 pounds!!!!!
(This is very important for babies born with her condition.)
They often have failure to thrive issues.
Lil Bean is pretty much like any other baby, just smaller sized.
We call her our mini baby:)
She has came a looooooong ways in three months she's been here.
Way to go Jelly Bean!!!!!
Uncle Brent & Aunt Sandy are sooooo proud of you!!!!


  1. Oh Sandy, Praise God for what He has allowed Jelly Bean to accomplish! Those sounds she makes now, must absolutely melt your heart! I'm tearing up just thinking about how far she has come. Praise God, and kudos to you for being there for her, and opening your heart and door to her. I can only imagine how hard it is to open your heart and put all you have into these precious little children that you know you won't be able to raise forever and will have to let go of. You are just an amazing woman and I pray all of God's blessings for you and your family! Thank you for the invitation to stay with your blog!

  2. Wow that is awesome. What a sweetie pie she is and a fighter.

  3. Glad everyone is doing ok! Great to 'see' you again! Amazing how far along Jelly Bean has come in your care! Great Job!

  4. She is so adorable. A great testimony to God's healing power. I can't help but think of your unsureness of taking her. But thank God for using ya'll to love on this sweet girl and to be able to see the hand of God in her life.

  5. Thank you for inviting me to read.... I will have to get caught up soon!! :)

  6. Oh Sandy... HOORAY!!!!!!!!! I know this has all happened because of your love and devotion....... Thank you for allowing me to be one of your followers... HUGS!!!!!!

  7. Praise the Lord! She is so adorable and sounds like she is doing so good!

    Thanks for letting me continue to keep up with you and your precious family!


Thanks for visiting my blog today! Stop by and visit again soon.((hugs)) ~Sandy

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