~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Aug 5, 2010

Real Moms...Real Jesus

**Book Review**
Real Moms...Real Jesus
Meet The Friend Who Understands
By Jill Savage
About The Book
Tired of feeling like no one understands?
Have you ever wondered how Jesus could know what it's like to be a mom?
Well guess what? He knows exactly how you feel.
 Jill Savage the founder of Hearts at Home introduces the "real" Jesus to real moms through this book. The chapters of this book share with you just how much your everyday life has in common with Jesus' life. From over-crowded schedules, the people who take up your time ,things that try your patience, to the laundry that never ends,along with the rest of the stuff being a mom brings. Jill breaks it down and helps you to see that Jesus went through pretty much what us moms go through every day. He understands where you are, why you're there, why you are the way you are ,etc But above all He loves you and He wants to be your friend.
This is a great book!!! I really enjoyed reading it and I saw things in my life that I needed to work on and things I needed to let go of. I give this book 5 stars. It really is worth it's money and the time it takes to read it.
I really like Jill. She is open & honest. She and I have very similar personalities and I guess that's why I clicked with her. As I read this book, I found many times that I said, "Wow! I never realized that ,but that is so me".
If you are a mom and you want to meet someone who knows how you feel...then look no further.
A few topics that are covered in this book...
You are not alone
How can God understand?
Discovering God's truth
Everyone wants a piece of me
Can I go to the bathroom alone?
I'm in high demand
Is there such a thing as uninterrupted sleep?
I'm dealing with disobedience
I'm so tired
I feel like I'm on display
Being confident
Feeling betrayed
Being disappointed
Never having enough money
I need a break
Now, can you relate to any of those above??????
I know I sure did. If you can relate then this is the book for you.


  1. Thanks for sharing. Sounds like she hit the REALITY of motherhood.
    Have a GREAT weekend!

  2. I think I will read this book as soon as I finish the one I have been reading. Sounds like a good one :)


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