Well, it's finally here!!!! After all the work and planning...it is here! To say I'm excited is speaking lightly. I am so excited! I can only imagine how many lives will be touched and changed forever this weekend.
So what is community makeover 2010? To put it simply...It is a group of 80 + churches and thousands of people ,coming together for one weekend to make a difference in our community and in the lives of others, through various projects & activities. It's a weekend of serving the Lord ,through serving others.
Last year, we had 4000 volunteers and 35 churches...so I can't even imagine what a difference 80 churches will make...wow...that's all I can say.
I've been asked to be one of the photographers for this event and that is such an honor. But, I will also get the opportunity to help out with the various projects which is very exciting to me.
You can help too! Yes,even you. How you ask? Through prayer. Pray that God's will be done and that the love of Jesus will show through each volunteer and pray that if any among us are lost ,that this will be the weekend that the seed will be planted ,and that they will come to accept Jesus as the Savior. Keep us in your prayers.
More Info- From Engage Atlanta
And even more info- Paul Richardson Online
Plus More-Times Georgian
Spaghetti Salad
2 days ago
How awesome!! I will pray for you all to have such a wonderful time while you are serving others. I love this idea! You are so blessed to be able to be part of something so special. Have fun and take lots of pictures to share.